Part Fifteen (last part)

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Lydia called Alice (rosa) many times but she didn't answer, she was very confused from her behaviour
On the other side, Rosa was with Jason at home; they were deciding what will they do next, they knew that Logan is going to be executed tomorrow
Rosa called the policeman Mr Noah Anthony, Jason didn't understand why Rosa called him but he didn't ask her

"I am going to Logan tomorrow" said Rosa

"What!" said Jason

"Yes, he must know the truth to destroy him, he is still strong"

"But he might hurt you!"

"No, he can't"

"That's your choice, do what you find it right Rosa!"

Hours were running and Rosa was waiting for that day with patience.
The next day morning, Rosa went alone to Logan to tell him the truth

"Alice!! I will be executed, why did you leave me yesterday! I needed you! (Rosa didn't speak) Why are you silent? please help me! I will be executed now!! Are you understanding Alice!!!"

"Not Alice, Rosa, Rosa Charles Samuel"


"Yes, you killed my husband and I wanted to take revenge for him, did you think that I'm weak and can't do this? You're wrong"

"You deceived me!! You made me love you!! How!!"

"You stabbed Daniel three times, so I had to deceive you with 3 times! First, I deceived you with my fake name "Alice". Second, I deceived you with my fake job " Journalist ". Third, I deceived you with my fake love, you're just an enemy to me I HATE YOU!"

"I couldn't expect more than this! Logan is being deceived! Logan who was threatening you all the time is being deceived! Logan who killed your husband is being deceived! I wish I was dead before I heard you!"

"Don't be impatient! You will die now! Don't worry!"

Logan was laughing and couldn't control himself then Rosa got out her gun and directed it towards Logan

"Oh!! You'll kill me! (Laughingly) We're not playing Rosa, put this gun down I will be executed!"

"And who said you won't be executed? I am a policewoman and I have the right to execute you! I'm just waiting 10:33 to kill you, do you remember this hour?"

Logan didn't answer but laughed loudly again and became completely insane!

"I'll remind you, it's the same hour when you killed my husband and made me a widow but unfortunately you killed him at night, I hoped to kill you at the same time, no problem" she shot 3 times towards his heart and he was finally dead

This scene reminded her of Daniel and began to cry, Jason came and calmed her "You're brave Rosa, don't cry you finally did what you want! You must be happy!"

"I wished if I told Daniel from the first moment Logan was threatening me, maybe Daniel wasn't killed! That's my fault"

"You did this because you loved him! You thought that if you didn't tell Daniel he would be safe, don't cry and let us go home, we must tell the family our good news!"

They went home and told mrs Isabella and called the family, they were all happy and crying. Rosa decided to go to America tomorrow. The next day before Rosa left she thanked Jason and mrs Isabella

"Jason, I'm very grateful to you! I really couldn't do all these things without your support and efforts! Really thank you and thanks to aunt Isabella for her support too! That's a small gift for you both and I know that this gift is not enough to thank you!"

"What are you saying Rosa! You're my sister! And mrs Isabella is your second mother! Thanks for your sweet feelings for us and your beautiful gift! See you soon, will miss you a lot!"

She left to the airport and after a long journey she came back to her family

"We are all proud of you Rosa! You did it!" said mrs Olivia

"Yes! She is very brave! From now we won't be sad for Daniel's death, we will be happy for your revenge for him!" said Emma

"God bless you all for me! Your supportive words are the reason of my braveness! But I have to do a little something" Rosa said

"Again??!" said Victoria

"Yes!" replied Rosa

"Rosa is always strenuous!" Mr Charles laughed

Rosa left and called Robert

"Hello Robert! Can I meet you now at the company?" asked Rosa

"Hi Rosa! Sure you can" Robert said

She went to the company

"Can I ask you a question?"

"I know it Rosa"

"If you know it, please answer my question, what did Daniel tell you before his death?"

"Now you can know it, take this paper and you will know everything"

"Thank you"

Rosa went home and started to read the paper alone

“To my dear Rosa, we lived with each other many years and we decided to not hide a secret from each other, but I have a secret that you will know after my death, mom told me that my father had a sister called Nora but not from the same mother, when my grandfather died, he gave all his legacy to my father, and didn't give anything to my aunt Nora, she was angry and wanted her right but my father didn't give her it, one day aunt Nora came to me and said: one day I'll take revenge, but not from you, from your wife, remember that well. aunt Nora had a son called Logan, and I know that he will search for me to take revenge for his mother, if Logan found me, I'll prefer to kill me rather than to hurt you. Please don't be sad from me, I hid this secret in order to live in a comfortable life, I'm very sorry Rosa. Your husband Daniel”

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