Part Thirteen

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When Rosa went home, Jason was waiting for her

"There are great news Jason!!"


"Today, I went with Logan to the garden, and when I told him that I was writing an essay about Daniel's death he was shocked!!"

"So we have an evidence that he is the real killer!"

"Yes!! And when I asked him he became angry and told me not to write about that case!"


"So, now he will take my number from Lydia and call me and will offer to have a lunch with him so he will apologize to me and perhaps he will say something about what I told you!"

"Good news!!"

"The second step is done! Let me prepare myself for the big representative!"

"And what about yesterday! Wasn't it a big representative too?!"


While they were talking Rosa's phone rang from unknown number

"Answer, it must be Logan" said Jason

"I won't open the speaker, he will suspect in me" Rosa replied

"Who are you?" asked Rosa

"Alice I want to see you" said Logan


"Meet me at the same place now"

"I'm busy and I can't come now"

"So give me your address and I will come to you"

"No, I will come now bye" (the call ended)

"He wants to see you?" asked Jason

"Yes, he wanted my address but I did not give him it" she answered

"Can I ask you a question Rosa, how didn't Logan know you from your voice?"

"I have a way to change it, don't you worry 😂, I am going now bye!"

Rosa went to the same garden and waited for Logan until he came

"Please tell me what you want because I'm very busy and I have to go home" said Rosa

"Listen to me at first and then leave" he replied

"Okay, I'm listening"

"First, I'm sorry for what I told you in the morning, I didn't mean to be angry with you but I couldn't control myself"

"No problem, I understand you"

"Second, please don't write about that crime"

"Why??? Tell me the reason and I won't write about it!! I don't have a convincing reason to stop writing about it! I'm a journalist and I have to do my work!"

"I can't tell you"

"So I can't stop writing about it!"

"If you knew the reason, you will hate me forever! And I don't want to lose you Alice!"

"I don't understand how will you lose me!! Is there a secret you don't want me to know?"

"Yes, something like that"

"Okay, can I go home?"

"No, I have a very important something to tell you"

"What else?"

"Alice I..."

"You what?"

"I love you!"

Rosa was about to slap him but she controlled herself because that was a part of her plan, she pretended to be shy and didn't talk

"Why are you silent?" he continued

because you surprised me!

"It's not a surprising thing! Every detail about is beautiful and...why are you smiling?"

"Your sweet words are making me happy! Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you trust me?"

"Of course!"

"So why don't you want to tell me the secret behind the crime?"

"This secret will make you hate me forever"

"So you don't trust me, I won't hate you, maybe I can help you!"

"Don't be silly Alice! You know that I trust you!"

"This secret will be between us, ONLY, so trust me!!"

"You will be in danger if you knew this secret, I'm doing this for your own good! I have never trusted someone like you! So please be beside me Alice!"

"I'm beside you and I will never leave you alone, I just want to help you but you're not giving me the chance to help!"

"‘I understand you and I know that you want to help me, you don't have to do something to prove that you're supporting me, thanks Alice!"

Rosa looked at him without saying any word, she smiled and left, when she went back home she told Jason everything has happened and they were thinking how to make Logan admit that he killed Daniel.

"The third step is also done! We must think for the next step" Rosa said

"So are you ready with a plan or you will think about a new one?" Jason asked

"I'm ready with a plan since I was in America!" she answered

"Good!" he replied

~Many thanks 💝

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