Part Three

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That was the first time for Rosa to be frightened and scared, she was always a brave strong policewoman! Her fear of losing her husband frightened her. She started to cry and didn't stop! This fear began from her mistake, if she told Daniel from the beginning all these things wouldn't happen or they could solve this problem together. From a little mistake Rosa will have a horrible life forever! Daniel came while Rosa was crying, she tried to hide her tears from him but she failed.

"Why are you crying Rosa? What's the matter?" Daniel asked

"Nothing, just because you came late so I was frightened" she said

"Are you sure that's the reason? (Laughingly) don't be afraid, nothing will hurt me if you're beside me" he said

These words comforted Rosa a little bit but she didn't forget that call

"What happened? Did you ask Robert about that strange man?" she asked

"Just calm down and I'll tell you everything when you become alright" he said

Rosa wasn't patient and wanted to know more about that man.

"No I'm fine don't worry, tell me what happened" she asked

"Okay, I'll tell you because I know that you're a stubborn woman! I asked Robert about that man and he told me that he didn't know a man with that name, he searched about the person who I ignored his project and he found that he had the same name "Logan" so he must be the same man who was the reason behind the charity's robbery! What do you think?" Daniel wanted to know Rosa's opinion

"I think the same way you think too! Logan must be that strange man who sent me those letters" she said in a quick voice

"Which letters?" he was confused

Rosa stopped talking for a while, she was surprised of what she said then she replied in a quick voice

"Letters! What letters! I must be imagining!"

"You are not hiding something from me, right?" he asked

"Never! Why would I hide something from you!" she answered

"I believe that you'll never cheat on me or hide a something" he told her

"And I'll never do something like that with you!" she comforted him

Rosa was angry from what she said, she shouldn't have told him about the letters, she didn't mean to tell him but that was a spontaneous moment!
Now, she knew the first thing *the name of the strange man (Logan)*
She hoped to know more about him before he hurt her husband or do something bad to him!
The unknown number called Rosa one more time! Rosa was afraid of what he will say but she didn't want to show that to him

"Are you happy now? You knew my name, congrats! What will you do next?" that person told Rosa

"Yes, I'm happy! And I'll do my best to find you Logan" she was confident

"Oh you're brave enough to say my name and to threaten me too! What all that braveness?" Logan laughed

"You have to know that Rosa is brave enough to show you who she is!" she threatened him

"I didn't call you to tell me all these trifles! I have a proof that your husband is cheating on you and he does not go to that economic company he has another work, the money that was stolen from the charity wasn't his money from company's work, if you want to know the truth; tomorrow night your husband will go to a place you don't know" Logan closed the line

Rosa was speaking to herself ‘what is Logan telling me? What if he is right? What if he is telling the truth? Shall I believe that strange man and don't trust Daniel? How? I know Daniel more than anyone else! He will never hide something from me!

Rosa went to Daniel and asked him if they can go to the garden to breathe fresh air and change their bad mood (she wanted to be sure that Logan's words are right)

"Sorry Rosa, but I have a meeting tomorrow" Daniel answered

"You did not tell me that you have a meeting tomorrow!" she replied in a sad voice

"I knew it today, don't be sad we will go another day, I promise!" he said

Rosa got out of the room and asked herself many questions; could Logan's words be right? It's an evidence that Daniel will go to a place that I don't know! But Daniel may go to a meeting at the company! why should Logan be right? Why I'm suspecting in my husband? He will totally hate me if he knew that Logan is sending me letters and calling me! What should I do? I don't have another choice, I know that's wrong but I will monitor him again!
The next day morning Daniel didn't go to the company, but he went to the meeting at night as he told Rosa, Daniel drove his car and went to the meeting but while he was driving his car, he saw Rosa's car behind him, he didn't understand why she went behind him! He wanted to be sure that this car was Rosa's car! He stopped at a gasoline to check, Rosa knew that if she stopped he will realize that that's her car so she continued driving, Daniel didn't see her but he was sure that this was Rosa's car.

~Many thanks 💝

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