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We were in class. English class to be exact. I was a little annoyed, I was raised to respect those higher than me. It was horrible to remember why I am this way... especially that day.


I am 3 years old, I am in a cell, I made mother and father angry, I broke mothers glass and spilt fathers coffee all in front of their guests, they were beyond pissed.

I sit silently in my cell, I softly pet my wings, I needed to clean them, the grime is evident. After a short while I heard the cell door open, I looked up and though I appeared emotionless inside I was sneering at my father and mother.

Mother had a upset look on her face and father had a disappointed expression on his. Mother then said "You're in big trouble cyla." I internally scoffed and said "Whatever you old hag." My mother looked pissed, my father whispered something in mothers ear that i was too lazy to listen to.

Father smirked and mother left. I watched as father went to the metal bench in the cell that had his toys locked away in it.

He opened the locked draw and revealed his many toys, he picked up one of his favorite toys, a strong leather whip with metal at the tip and was sharp, he went to the fire and headed the end and then said "How do you treat those higher than you?" I once again internally scoffed and said "Like shit because I'm above all." My father wasn't pleased with my answer and ripped the back of my shirt and started to whip me, the wounds healed and my wings were left unscathed but... it still hurt... a lot.

3 hours later: in flashback:

My father asked me once again "How do you treat those higher than you?" My face remains passive as I have no internal thoughts and I reply "With the utmost and utter respect, those higher than us are better than us and without respect we will be punished, if they say to do something you do so without argue and if they ask you to die we die without retort or refusal." My father seems pleased with my answer and left, I wasn't let out till 4 days later.

Flashback over:

I internally shivered at the thought and my dull eyes held a broken look for a moment before disappearing and I focused on what was going on.

I heard Irina-san say "Besides, I heard that class E, is the last stop for rejects and losers. What good will it do you to study anyways?" Everyone was filled with anger except Nagisa and karma, karma had a smile on his face and Nagisa looked passive and alert at the same time.

Irina-san then continues "I know.. how 'bout this? I'll give you 5 million each if I succeed in assassinating him!! That's more than you'll ever see in your whole entire life." I clenched my fists, my parents are rich, I've seen billions in the flesh and in cash, so I felt like she was insulting my family, but as I was raised to I didn't even voice my opinion to someone higher than me.

Karma noticed me clench my desk which under the pressure started to crumble and he was intrigued. Irina-san continued "It's better than pretending you'll actually be somebody someday. So why don't you just do as I say and-" she was cut off by a eraser that was thrown at her, by non other than karma who for some reason seemed annoyed at the anger I was keeping pent up.

Irina-san seemed shocked and stared at all our glaring faces, I wasn't glaring even if I wanted to, my body refused to go against my lessons I was raised by.

Someone then said "get out." Then everyone began to throw things and shout things, I say at my desk silently and watched, my hand twitched with anticipation but unless someone higher than me told me I could, I wouldn't last out, my body refuses to otherwise.

Irina-san left the classroom and everyone calmed down, karma then asked me as everyone was chatting "Why didn't you vent your anger?" I turned my head to him and he stared into my dull eyes and I replied "My body wouldn't let me, I am only permitted to say, I had a rough childhood, unless someone higher than me says I can, my body refuses to give out info and continue with my actions, I apologize if this upsets you." Karma frowned and then appeared to have an idea an then said "My goal for this year is not to kill Korosensei but to get you to act true to yourself.

I nod and said "I will try my hardest to help you reach your goal." He nodded and smiled at me and I nodded in return.

Time skip:

Everyone is playing Assassination badminton. I am sitting out and am consumed into my thoughts. On the outside I appear to be watching them intently but inside I'm in a cell, my wrists, my ankles, my neck, their all chained, the chains seemed endless.

I say in the center of the seemingly endless and empty cell, I am hugging my knees to my chest. My wings are chained as well, I look at the cell bars, I stand up and walk to them, I look out of the cell and feel tears fill my eyes as I am met with a beautiful scene.

It's class E, I wasn't there, but everyone else was, the class was playing around, Korosensei was sitting there with his usual smiling eating his probably other country candy and watching the rest of the class.

Karasuma was watching with a small almost unnoticeable smile and Irina-san was fawning over him, honestly it was a beautiful scene, I tried to reach out and I even called out, I felt tears fall down my face as I realize I'm not needed, I'm unwanted, I'm... extra.

I feel my face once again return to emotionless, I go back to the presumed center of the cell and hug my knees once again to my chest and silently cry.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a voice saying my name over and over again.

I blink a few times and see karma with a worried expression, I tilt my head while I notice the soft blush creep up his face and he said "Cy-Chan. It's time for class." I nod and stand up and we both walk to class together.

Phew, that was a long one, not, it would have been longer but my mother decided to be annoying and say "bed." And I frowned and just moved out of her view, smart right? No, because I have to keep my door open and arghhhhhhhhh, anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, a little warning, a few more flashbacks will happen and some sad stuff too! Anyway, I'm done, also the word count includes all written words including this and the 'word count' words themselves.

Word count: 1200

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