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"I think this one is good honey." I glanced away from my book and saw my mother and father looking at a website with a school image on it.

My father nodded and said "Yes, this is a good school, expensive, but good." I returned to my book, my parents were leaving to America for their work, we are in Japan at the moment, I was taught to speak many languages so I don't really have an opinion.

I finished my book and grabbed another, as soon as I finished that book I heard my mother say "Cyla we've found you a good school." I turn around and ask "May I know the name of the school mother?" She smiles warmly and says "You will be going to Kunugiaoka Junior High School." I nod and watch as my mother's smile fades and returns to her usual strict and hard expression.

My father returns I saw the phone in his hands, he must've called the school to get me in. Father looks at me with his usual cold expression and says "Cyla you will go to that school, you will be in class 4-C, your uniform will be here tomorrow and you will be going on Monday." I nod and say "Yes father." He nods and mom comes over with a bunch of books and says "Now, you've been homeschooled so you will need to read these books to be able to be at above average in the school."

I nod and say "Yes mother." They then go upstairs, they needed to pack since tomorrow they were leaving to America.

I grabbed the books and went to my room on the second floor, I had a big room but I liked it. I put my books on my desk and opened the first one, it was mathematics.

I learned at a young age I have very good memory, actually the doctors say I might have photographic memory, which made mother and father proud... for a moment.

I went through the books and sighed, I had already taught myself all this, I decided to focus on my weak point, working.

You see my parents are rich so, we have maids and chefs and so on. I went downstairs and saw mother looking at her phone, she saw me and asked me "Have you read all the books." I nod and say "Yes mother, I am now going to improve my cooking capabilities and then do some training." She nods and says "That's fine, you can cook your own meal then, me and your father are going to a restaurant tonight." I nod and said "Yes mother."

I head to the kitchen and saw our chef, he bows to me and asks me "What do you need M'lady?" I simply say "I will be cooking to improve my abilities, I would like for you to get the ingredients and utensils, I will be making Miso steak, for one person." He nods and says "Right away M'lady."

I grabbed the recipe book and memorized the recipe. Jack, our chef, returned and placed all the ingredients down, I went through them.

2 tbsp brown miso paste Check
1 tbsp dry sherry or sake. Check
1 tbsp caster sugar. Check
2 crushed garlic cloves. Check
300g/11oz lean steak. Check
baby spinach, sliced cucumber, celery, radish and toasted sesame seeds, to serve. Check

I started cooking, jack said he would be taking his break, and I dismissed him.

Ok, let's cook.

First step, Tip the miso paste, Sherry or sake, sugar and garlic into a sealable food bag. Season with a generous grinding of black pepper, then squash it all together until completely mixed. Add the steak, gently massage the marinade into the steak until completely coated, then seal the bag. Pop the bag into the fridge and leave for at least 1 hr, but up to 2 days is fine.

I returned from the fridge and washed my hands, I decided to get anything else I might need while I wait, and I will read at the same time.

I finally moved onto the second step.

Second step, To cook, heat a heavy-based frying pan, griddle pan or barbecue until very hot. Wipe the excess marinade off the steak, then sear for 3 mins on each side for medium-rare or a few mins longer if you prefer the meat more cooked. Set aside for 1 min to rest. Carve the beef into thick slices and serve with a crunchy salad made with the spinach, cucumber, celery, radish and sesame seeds.

I made my steak medium-rare, once I was done, I pleaded the steak slices onto the plate I prepared and put the salad in a bowl I prepared.

I sat down and ate my food quietly and decently as I was taught, once I was done I washed the dishes and put everything away.

I then walked to our large backyard that was on father's orders, turned into a training ground so I didn't disgrace the family by being weak.

I decided to do a more leisure training session today, I did 10 laps of the large backyard, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 20 star jumps, 50 crunches, 20 planks, 5 lunges, 20 minutes of weight lifting, swordsmanship, training with a scythe, knife training, gun training, then lastly martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.

Once I was done, I had broken a small sweat, I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower, I have many scars, I wonder if I should still hide them...

I led the shower and stared at my naked body, I was beautiful.. or so I'm told, fair skin, strange white hair, and then lastly, my black beauties, my wings.

I pet my wings, I had to use one of the 2 Magic's I can use to conceal my wings, my first magic is called edit, it lets me change the appearance of something, of course I don't actually erase it, it just appears different, like an illusion but you can use the changes but they will return after 8 hours.

My second magic is element magic, I can control, fire, water, plants and the air.

I don't really like using my magic since when I use magic I use a lot of energy but because of my training I can use my magic non-stop for about a week if I have to.

My parents are humans, but I am not, I was for some reason born with black angel wings, of course I can turn them white, but prefer not to.

I went to my bed and read till I finally felt tired, it was 11:39pm, I sighed and closed my book, I already finished it, I put my book in my book case and laid down on my bed, I happily let the sleep consume me.

Word count: 1160

The angel child(ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now