Chapter 3 😃

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                      Aphmaus POV
        When we reached the bottom of the stairs a man with red hair and a suit held out his hand to dance.I took it and we began to dance I then walked away and went to the buffet. I tried calamari and it was delicious. After I stuffed my face with expensive 5 course meals. Then another man came over and asked me to dance but I refused I found Garroth and we danced. "Hows your night going" he asked I smiled " Great I tried calamari and it was amazing but its time" I said he knew what 'Its time' ment (It means she is about to steal the Dimond Rose) he nodded and let me go. I stood by the door to the hallway and waited for everyone to look away. There was a girl with purple hair and mefiwa (I hope that how you spell it) ears and tail that would not look away. So Garroth grabbed her hand and started to dance to distract her he looked to me and nodded I mouthed 'Thank you'. And slipped through the door I started walking through the hallway. There was red carpet on the floor and white walls with a black ceiling. I was in awe at all the gold wepons hung on the walls. I turned a corner and heard someone clear there throat. I thought it was a guard but it was a man. He was not in a suit he was in a opened jacket with no shirt underneath it revealing abbs. With blue jeans and he had black hair shifted to the side. " Are you lost ma'am" he said in a low voice 'Oh crap' I thought.

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