I want to help you

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On the first break, he was walking down the hall after his classes, unsure what to do, to be honest. Talk to Keebo? But he was surely still upset. Rantaro? He might try and ask about a proper explanation for the blood. Ugh, what was he going to do? He hated being bored. It was the worst.

"Hey, Ouma?" Kokichi's train of thoughts was abruptly interrupted by the one and only, Shuichi. "Can we go somewhere quiet? I have things to say." He saw this one coming. He figured it out, didn't he? What could he do though? Shuichi can't force himself to love him.

The two sat down on a bench near the school's big fountain. The bench they sat near was near a tree, hiding under its shade. Other talented juveniles were talking to each other, some speaking loudly while others kept to themselves.

"So! Have you now actually came to confess your undying love for me?" Kokichi laughed, causing Shuichi to facepalm. More like he was trying to remain serious but failed because of the warmth in his cheeks.
"Ugh- Ouma, no."
"Nee-Hee-Hee!" Kokichi did his signature laugh, looking at him slyly.
"Anyway, I've come to talk to you about your disease." Kokichi rolled his eyes. This again. Shuichi furrowed his eyes when he saw Kokichi roll his eyes, but decided not to bring anything up. Their conversations always get off topic fast. "And I, want to help you with it." Kokichi had a look of shock in his face. In which, he raised his eyebrows higher than usual and his eyes had a spark of curiosity.

"I want to help you. I've learnt all of this and now I want to do something to help. Even pay for the surgery-" The only way to help is to fall In Love with me. Pssh, like that, can happen. Kokichi thought, grinning. He glanced off at the side, looking at the fountain from the bench.

Kokichi chuckled, catching Shuichi's attention. Did he say something wrong? "Oh, my sweet naive, Saihara-Chan. I wouldn't want to get the surgery, even before I die! Nishishishi~!"
Why is he always like this? Shuichi thought, one of his eyebrows furrowing, while the other stayed up. Then he remembered about the research he did about this illness. "Do you want to keep the memories and feelings with you?" The navy-haired boy asked in a calm expression and tone. Shuichi studied Kokichi's expression for that moment, knowing that he was going to lie about it and brush it off. For those few seconds, his eyebrows were raised higher than usual, and he seemed almost nervous. Almost.

His expression changed, knowing that he was going to need to hide it. He wanted to make this harder to find out for Shuichi. A good 'detective case' is never fun without some obstacles! He did his signature laugh and shook his head. "Money's the problem!"
"But, I just--" Kokichi pressed a finger upon the other male's lips. His cheeks did get warmer at the action.
"I know. I'm not an old man, I remember what you said a few minutes ago." Kokichi giggled, looking off to the top corner of his eye. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, you don't need to come waltzing in and trying to improve my life and using your own shit, to get my shit together! Got that?" He grinned, doing finger guns. At this point in the conversation, Kokichi was sitting in a criss-cross position, while Shuichi was trying to remain serious, trying to properly sit on a bench.

"I- Why?" Kokichi furrowed his eyebrows and sighed. I mean, no one could read his mind. He tried to sneakily look at the school clock. The end of the break was nearing. Perfect.
"You know, I'll leave your detective talent to figure it out! Nee-hee-hee!~ In the meantime," Kokichi hopped back onto his feet. He turned around to face Shuichi. "See you later, Shaihara-chan!" He waved, as he quickly skipped away.
"Right... He doesn't give me straight answers." Shuichi sighed, getting up from the bench. He will figure Kokichi out.

[AN: Hey y'all. Sorry, this is short. You don't have to read this bit but I just want to rant about something that happened today.

Apparently, the parents in my class think that I'm LGBT because I show no romantic or physical attraction to guys. And it's fucking gossip. Literally, what the fuck??? My sexuality is none of their god damn fucking business. It didn't affect me as much as it would have, but of course, I was still hurt. I'm still a fucking fetus and these grown ass adults talk about this shit about a fucking kid. I thought they would know better???? They have fucking kids! they should have more fucking empathy! I'm sorry. I'm just really fuckin pissed.]

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