Danganronpa Fanatics

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Trigger warning?: mentions divorce in the first paragraph

Kokichi heard the television switch on and his mother working away in the kitchen downstairs, preparing for breakfast. His mother didn't have work on Saturdays, but she did on Sundays. It was a pity he wasn't able to spend more quality family time with his mother more. Ever since his father left, his mother got more busy with work. Sure, they're a bit poor, but they somehow manage to have a decent life.

Kokichi got up from the bed and stretched until he heard a satisfying pop. He opened the curtains, which he instantly regretted doing so. He hissed like some kind of vampire once the sunlight shone down upon him. Once his eyes adjusted to the sudden light, he grabbed his phone and headed out of his room.

He groggily made his way down the stairs and walked into the living room. "Good morning, Kokichi." His mother spoke with a smile.
Kokichi made his way into the small kitchen they had and grabbed a panta bottle from the fridge. "You really should stop drinking panta all the time. It's unhealthy." His mother said, making four slices of toast.
"Eh, I know," Kokichi said, as he sat down onto the chair. His mother placed two plates of two slices of toast on each plate with some butter in front of him.

"I know you haven't eaten in the mornings lately, so please, eat your toast." His mother sat in front of him, her eye brows knitted into a worried expression. He probably won't throw his food up today, so it would probably be fine. "Is something going on?" Kokichi shook his head compulsively. "Hm," His mother hummed. "If you say so,"

The two had some small talk as they ate their breakfast. Once the two finished, his mother sat down on the couch and watched the News. Kokichi just scrolled through the deep, dark parts of Tumblr until he received a text from Keebo.

"I've talked to Shuichi and Kaede about going to the mall or somewhere."
"oh shit what" "They said we could go next Sunday."
"mk" "keeboy" "what if this doesnt work"
"We'll figure out something else then. I'll pick you up at 12 PM if that's alright with you."

Next week went by quickly. Same shit as always. Spitting flowers and blood, not eating a whole lot, and sometimes getting into fights. Eventually, it was Sunday.

Kokichi just wore his usual clothing, it really was nothing special. It was 11:55, so Keebo will arrive in the next five minutes. Kokichi sat on the doorstep, watching a video on his phone. A 'Let's Play' of a game called Danganronpa.

[AN: I will not mention the characters since all the DR characters exist in real life and aren't dead.]

It was about 16 students dropped into a killing game. Kokichi wasn't as fond of the executions and deaths, though, he did find some of them unique. He loved the characters themselves and the interactions between them. So far, he hasn't met anyone who actually was obsessed over the game like he is.

"Kokichi! Let's go!" The purple haired boy heard a familiar voice calling out for him. Kokichi shut off his phone and shoved it into his pocket.
"Ayy! Key-boy!" Kokichi smiled as he stood up.
"I've already told you countless times to not call me that."
Kokichi shrugged. "Nee-hee-hee!"

The two arrived at the mall entrance. It was made about seven months ago. It had shops and small cafés and restaurants around the place. It was pretty neat.

"Oh hey! There you are!" A feminine, up-beat voice called out from behind. Keebo And Kokichi turned around to face the couple.
"Hello, Kaede, And Shuichi." Keebo greeted the two politely. Kokichi felt his body tense up at the sight of Shuichi.
"Oh, I think I've seen you around the school," Kaede looked towards Kokichi. "You're Kokichi, right?" Kaede said with a smile.
"Nope! They call me Aito Sugahara!-" Keebo (lightly) punched him on the side of his arm, still facing Kaede and Shuichi.
"Agh jeez! Okay okay, yeah, you got that right. I'm the great Kokichi Ouma!"
"...Okay?" Kaede responded, quizzically.

The group made their way inside the mall. It was pretty big with shops that didn't look so expensive. As they passed along shops, Kaede came to a halt. "Ooh!" She stopped by a shop which sold a bunch of clothes. "It's an aesthetic shop!" Kaede squealed, her eyes lit up.
"Seriously? You say stuff like that?" Kokichi commented.
"Well, I wouldn't know how else to describe it." Kaede looked back at Kokichi, then back at the shop, and entered it.

"I might as well look at them. The colours are pretty appealing to the eye.." Keebo said as he walked in. Shuichi had his mind set on something else. It was across the place they were at.
"Hm? Whatcha lookin' at?" Kokichi said suddenly, startling Shuichi quite a bit.
"Oh uh.." Shuichi seemed embarrassed for no apparent reason. Maybe it was the thing he was looking at?
"Oh, are you being a pervert or something?" Kokichi said with a devious smirk. "I didn't know you were like that, Shuichi!"
"What?! No!" Shuichi exclaimed bashfully.
"Well? What are you looking at?" Shuichi walked forward, as he motioned Kokichi to follow.

"A Danganronpa Gacha Gacha?! Yes please!" Kokichi exclaimed excitedly.
"You like Danganronpa.. too?" Shuichi said in a quiet voice, but there was a tint of excitement and happiness in his tone.
"Are you kidding me? I just watched a playthrough before coming here!" Kokichi saw a small smile creep up Shuichi's features.

"Really? You aren't lying?" Shuichi said hopefully.
"No, that was a lie," Kokichi said, all of his excitement and happiness going away, yet he was still smiling. "Actually, I was lying about lying!"
Shuichi raised a brow at the purple haired teen. "Are you actually telling the truth this time?" Shuichi asked. "Yep!" Shuichi hoped he wasn't lying. "Well?"
Shuichi cocked his head. "Well?" Shuichi repeated Kokichi in confusion to clarify what he meant.
"Let's get two for us!" The price for one was only 100 yen. It was quite cheap. Kokichi took out his wallet and pulled out 200 yen coins.
"Oh, uh- you don't need to-"
"Nah. It's fine!" Kokichi cut him off. Kokichi inserted one coin and twisted the small machine's plastic 'handle'. A few seconds of ruffles later, a plastic sphere came out.

Kokichi did the same for Shuichi's Gacha toy. "Here's yours and here's mine!" Kokichi handed Shuichi's gacha. The two twisted open them open, to find a small keychain of one Danganronpa character. "Ooh~ Akemi Ito!" Kokichi looked over at Shuichi's keychain character.
"This is one of my favourite characters, actually," Shuichi said with a smile. "He had a sense of humour, but serious when it came to class trials." Kokichi listened intently. While also admiring Shuichi's.. well, everything.
"God, I loved this game so much. I was really obsessed with it. I idolized it." Shuichi chuckled.
"Man, so was I. I wished others in my old school actually liked Danganronpa the same way as me." Kokichi looked at his keychain before putting it into his pocket.

"Well hey, you found someone who likes Danganronpa as much as you." Shuichi turned to Kokichi with a smile.
"Obsessive nerd." Kokichi looked away with a smile. A blush crept up his pale face because of Shuichi's genuine smile. It felt so incredibly heartwarming and real. Only if this feeling could last a lifetime.

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