Jacob vs. Emerson

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When I returned after completing my most recent job, most of the guild was outside in a mob. It was clear that something big was going on.

“What’s going on?” I asked of no one in particular.

“Emerson challenged Jacob to a fight. Man, he’s asking to get crushed,” Sylvia answered, laughing.

“I know right! It’s time someone took him down a notch!” Azer agreed, “he’s had such a big head since he became S-Class. I thought he would get over it within a month.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Basically, S-Class means that you’ve proved that you’re strong enough to handle stuff most wizards can’t,” Sylvia explained.

“And when did he become S-Class?” I asked.

“Last year!” Sylvia answered.

“Dumb cat,” Azer muttered under his breath. I was about to give him a paw to the face, but Ebon called everyone’s attention to the center. You have no idea how much you lucked out, Azer…

“All right, everyone, this fight will be between Jacob Sloane, the Heaven Dragon Slayer, and Emerson Bludra, the Aura Angel wizard. There will be no outside assistance for either side, and if your opponent is down, you may not attack until they get up. Spells must not affect any area except the battleground or the guild. You will cover any damages if this rule is broken. The battle is over when one side either surrenders or is unable to continue. Wizards ready?”

Both Emerson and Jacob nodded.

“Good. Then begin!”

Jacob moved first.

“HEAVEN DRAGON’S JAW!” Emerson put up his hands and made a clear purple forcefield.

“AURA ANGEL PULSE!” The forcefield suddenly expanded and pushed Jacob back - but just a little bit.

“You’re open,” Jacob smirked, “HEAVEN DRAGON IRON FIST!” He punched Emerson right in the gut, sending him flying until he hit the guild wall.

“I’m not done yet,” Emerson gasped, getting to his feet. Jacob just stood still with a confident smirk on his face.

“AURA ANGEL MYSTIC VAPOR!” A thick lavender smog blocked everyone’s vision.   

“HEAVEN DRAGON RADIANCE!” Jacob’s body glowed, and I could just make out Emerson’s silhouette coming at him from the side.

“AURA ANGEL STAFF!” A staff of energy materialized in his hands and he landed the attack! But Jacob took the opportunity to grab his arm. Emerson’s eyes widened.

“HEAVEN DRAGON… ROAR!” It hit Emerson - point-blank range.

“Ooooo,” I winced.

“He’s going feel that in the morning,” Sylvia agreed.

“Ray doesn’t seem too bothered though,” Azer added. I could see her standing at the other side of the circle, but she was just sitting back and enjoying the show: her little brother getting beat up. Emerson struggled to his feet.

“Just admit it; you’re toast,” Ray advised.

“Not yet I’m not,” he said back.

“Ok. Your funeral,” Ray shrugged.

“Just you watch. I got this! AURA MUSE’S… ” A purple aura surrounded Emerson as he took an odd stance. He posed with his arms reaching up to the sky, a massive purple sphere of energy gathering just above his hands.

“Someone’s desperate,” Sylvia smirked.

“He’s going for his ultimate attack!” Azer added.

“...JUDGEMENT!” He launched the energy at Jacob. Everyone watch, wide-eyed, as the energy began to explode.

“Did he win?” someone whispered in shock.

Suddenly, the energy swirled together in front of Jacob.

“REQUIP: REVERSAL SWORD!” The avalanche of energy shot at Emerson instead, along with several swords. It seemed to go right through him.

Everyone went silent.

I was stunned. I thought Jacob was a Dragon Slayer… is it even possible to wield two magics?

Emerson laid outstretched on the ground, covered from head to toe in wounds. Jacob walked up so that he was towering over him, then looked down at his face.

Emerson slowly looked up through his shattered glasses to meet Jacob’s gaze.

“I… yield,” he whispered hoarsely.

“And Jacob wins!” Ebon announced, and everyone went wild, cheering and applauding. Ray put one of her brother’s arms around her shoulders and helped him up.

“You’re not half bad, Emerson,” Jacob said, “but you got a long way to go before you have a prayer against me. However, you certainly deserve your title of S-Class.”

“Thank you,” he replied.

“I guess his ultimate attack was a bit too ultimate,” I said teasingly.

“You got that right, cat. Gotta save those for special occasions,” Azer agreed.

“Don’t call me that!”

“What, did I make the kitty angry?” Again, I almost turned to beat the snot out of him, but this time it was Ray who distracted me.

“Hey, Lynx! Mind giving me a hand dragging the loser to the infirmary?”


“I can walk on my own,” Emerson protested, but eventually submitted and accepted our help. He was fine after our guild medic, snow leopardess Yuri, tended to him, but it was obvious that he wouldn’t be fighting that battle again anytime soon.

For the first time in my life, I felt a fighting spirit flare up inside me. Up to this point, my only goal has been to stay alive. Now, I had a new one: get strong enough to defeat Jacob! If I could do that, then no one else has a chance of beating me.

Then again, I do have an unfinished battle to wrap up before that. Just you wait Azer. One of these days, I’m taking you down…

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