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Coach wanted us to go to the rink but without our gear. We slid on our skates and met him on the ice, he was holding a beach ball.

"Shouldn't we have our hockey gear on?" Luis asked.

"This is our last practice. Which means...." Coach trailed off.

"The return of Captain Blood," I asked.

"No, it means.....let's have some fun," Coach smirked.

"All right!" We yelled. Someone throws a beach ball we and we start to play with it until Averman hits it to the other side of the rink.

I look up and see the beach ball get crushed by Stansson.

I looked over to see he has his whole team out here

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I looked over to see he has his whole team out here. Coach and Iceland Coach got into it and decided to play their own little game.

"Three bar. One to hit both and the crossbar," Coach explained.

Us and the Iceland team sat on the side and watched. I have a feeling this will end badly.

Just like I predicted I hear Coach yell in pain. I see him laying on the ground in pain, we all skated over to him.

"Coach! Are you okay?" I kneeled down.

"Get your coach off the ice. We have to practice now," Stansson spat. Everyone was holding Fulton, Dean and I back from causing a fight.

When we get back to the dorm, Adam and I go to the beach to watch the sunset. We do this sometimes after practice, it's kinda our thing.


Here it is, the last game day and the best part is that it's against Iceland. We were all in the locker room getting ready. 

"We're gonna be great today, guys," Charlie encouraged us. 

"He's right. Let's kick some ass," I say smiling, having some confidence.

Adam walked in looking happy, I smiled because it must be good news. 

"I woke up and the pain was gone," He beamed rotating the hockey stick. We all cheered for him.

"Adam, I'm sorry, we already have a full roster,"  Coach sighed.

Russ looked down and went to take off his jersey. but Charlie put a hand on his chest to stop him. 

"He can have my spot," Charlie said walking up to Coach,"it's what I can do for the team. Let me do it." 

"Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with me," Bombay smiled. We all cheered again, I put on my skates and stared at the laces.

I'm so nervous that I forgot how to tie my fucking skates.

"Need help?" Adam asked looking down at me and smiling, I laughed lightly.  "Kinda," I said causing him to laugh. He kneeled down and started to tie my skates. 

"Does this happen with you get nervous?" He asked. 

"I don't get nervous," I say.  

He sighed and stood up,"All done."

I stood up and smiled,"Thanks babe." 

"No problem babe. Let's go," he says, we walk out together.

"Solano! Front and center," Coach instructed. I nodded and got Fulton on my left and Dean on my right, they are going to be my bodyguards.

As soon as the puck dropped, Averman hit the ground. I got the puck and skated as fast as I could, there was no one in my way so I kept going. I neared the goal and slapped the puck hard into the net, I did my signature celebration.

All of a sudden, someone ran into me, hard, knocking the wind out of me

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All of a sudden, someone ran into me, hard, knocking the wind out of me. Shoving me into the wall, I slide down to the floor. I slowly got up and continued to play.

"Are you okay?" Charlie and Adam asked.

"I'm fine, I promise," I say to them, it seemed like they believed me.  When they skated away I held my arm in pain but shrugged it off, it will probably go away.

After a while, I got tired and I guess Coach noticed because he let me rest and put Dwayne in.

I watched as Kenny got flipped over someone's back, Russ was shoved into the boards, Guy was tackled to the ground, and Dwayne was tripped.  They knocked us down anyway they could. Cheap shots. Even Dean was seeing stars. 

"Solano, you're back on. Take Guy's spot," Coach said. I nodded and slipped on my helmet.

I hit the ice, took the puck, and started to play a little game with the Icelanders. Every time they came near me, I just started ducking in between their legs or siking them out. It was funny to see them getting pissed off.

Russ tried to do his knuckle puck but Iceland knew what he was going to do so they got the puck.

The announcer says,"Iceland with a one-nothing lead. Throwing everything they have at U.S.A.
Team U.S.A. has to find a way to get back in this game..."

We kept getting so many penalties, from Ken doing the thing Mike taught him to Dwayne for ropping? Who knew that was a thing. We head back to the locker rooms.

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