Chapter 6- Spiders and Daniel

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You know those times when someone tells you not to do something, but you do it anyways? Whether it's to test them or annoy them, you do it. Well, let me tell you something, never test an Alpha.

"No! Please, I'm sorry. Daniel!" I yelled from the other side of the door as I slammed my hands on it in full panic mode. Being locked in a room full with crawling spiders of all shapes and sizes is horrifying. Especially if you have arachnophobia, like I do.

My body started shaking and I started breathing heavily. I was about to have a panic attack.

I tried to steady my breathing by counting as I took in each breath. I felt a tear of desperation slide down my cheek. Something hairy started crawling up my leg and my little process of breathing broke as I let out a piercing scream.

"Daniel, please! I- I can't breathe!" No response. That was just hurtful and downright cruel. My own mate is putting me in danger and all because of a stupid nickname. My breathing was shallow and my chest felt like it was being pressed on. Everything looked blurry and the tickling sensation was all over my skin. The last thing I saw was a blurry figure rush in and pick me up before everything went black.


"-anick attack. Seems like she has a phobia of spiders and that was enough to trigger it," I heard a muffled male voice speak.

"When is she waking up?" What I guessed was Daniel spoke. Daniel. Anger flared through me by just the mention of his name.

"In a few minutes," the other person spoke.


"Yes, Alpha."

I opened my eyes, but shut them again when the bright light hit me full force. I tried again and this time slower.

"How are you feeling?" Daniel asked from beside me. I'll give him the silent treatment for now, or I'll give him no more than five- word- answers since he'll probably command me to answer him. I turned my head the other way.

"I asked you a question and I want an answer, Chloe," he ordered.

"Well, Alpha. I'm feeling well," I answered in monotone. I heard him sigh beside me.

"Don't call me that. I want you to call me Daniel," he replied with small frustration.

"Okay," I whispered.

"I didn't know you had a phobia of spiders, Chloe."

I gave him no answer.

"Stop ignoring me!"

"Just like you ignored me?" I snapped at him while whipping my head to face him.

"I thought you were lying to get out of your punishment, okay?"

"Punishment? What am I five? We're mates, not father and daughter, Daniel. If you treat me like I'm just another pack member, then I'll treat you as what you are. Is that what you want, Alpha?" I exclaimed. He looked at me with shock which slowly turned to anger.

"No one talks to me like that," he hissed through his teeth.

"Obviously someone should! And if you're going to treat me like whatever, then I don't want to be here anymore. I want to leave."

Daniel was face to face with me in no time.

"You're mine, Chloe. You won't leave me, you can't. I won't allow it and believe it or not, you can't change that," he spoke- each word carrying determination and possessiveness.

"Daniel, why haven't you introduced me to the pack? Do you not want them to see me as your mate, as their Luna? Am I not good enough for it?" I spoke in a small voice, just above a whisper. That took Daniel by surprise.

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