Chapter 4

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 Over the span of a week, Drew, Ash, Gary, May, Dawn, and Zoey worked together on the plan to sneak into Lysander labs and leak the report of the virus. They worked together like a team during practices and planning. When they separated at night, Drew went with May, Ash went with Dawn, and Gary went with Zoey. They basically lived together in that time.

However, the more time they spent together, the more they bonded. The bonding lead to deeper, more romantic feelings. Even with the denial, this lead the guys to continue with their own back up plan. They didn't want to risk the girls life's, because they knew it would be dangerous. The guys wouldn't risk seeing someone they are falling in love with get hurt.

Barry, Trip, and Kenny are also working successfully in their new assignments. In more ways than one. Their hearts were being mended by the one they were asked to watch.

At Zoey's house, Ash and Dawn were making new and improved full body suits. Gary and Zoey were working one programs and codes to get in and our undetected, on the tech side. May and Drew were working on the plan, pointing out the best ways to get in and get out.

"Hey, I just thought of something." Zoey announced. "If you guys have known about his plan for so long, and he wanted you out of the way when he did...How long do we have before he releases the virus?"

The room went silent, all of them stopped what they were doing. That question really hit home for the guys. This needed to be done. The guys exchanged a look, checking to see if the others side of their own plan was taken care of. Each one gave a nod.

"I have an idea." May announced. "Based on what we know about Lysander, he is all about showing a good face to the public. So, he would either do it at a particular date, and spread it unnoticed or...label someone a traitor... and... spread it through...them."

The girls looked to the guys, worried for their life's.

"I'll...check something." Dawn stated, slowly. She grabbed her burner phone and called Shauna. "Hey Shauna, can I ask a favor?"

"Oh, anything for you Dawn." Shauna chirped grateful for pointing Barry in her direction.

"Can you check Lysander's schedule? I want to know if anything big is happening soon." Dawn asked.

"Ok, I'll check. Just give me a minute." There was a short pause. "On Friday Lysander throwing a party for the release of a new product that he will be bring to market. Everyone will be there." Shauna answered.

"Where?" Dawn questioned.

"Looks will be held here at the labs." Shauna remarked.

"Ok, thanks. Bye." Dawn replied.

"Bye, and thanks again." Shauna hung up the phone.

"Ok. We have two days maximum. Their is a huge party this Friday at Lysander labs. That has to be when he plans to infect people." Dawn informed.

May leaned against the wall, her mind running on over drive.

"What are you thinking?" Drew asked. By now he knew her facial expressions pretty well.

"This might be reckless and very risky, but I think we should do this the day of the party. If we can get those files to enough people, then we can bust him before anyone is infected. We can take him down and keep people safe." May replied.

"Ok, so change of plans." Zoey stated. "Let's get to work."

So, over the next two days they changed and perfected the plan to take down Lysander. The guys also finalized their plan and mentally prepared for what they had to do.

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