chapter 7

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Jae and I were walking out of the school when I suddenly got pushed against the wall. 'Younghyun... I gotta talk with you for a sec.' He said treatening as his gaze on me was intense. My breathing got harder because the grip he had me in was very tight. I looked passed Taecyeon too the frightened Jae. He mumbled a sorry and he stood there when Taecyeon landed the first fist on my face.

After a while I Taecyeon let me go and I fell on the ground 'Wimp' he said and gave me one last kick from which I held my stomache. Jae ran towards me and lifted me up bridal style. Anyone who'd pass would think we're gay. But neither one of us didn't care my attention went from the pain to Jae's facial expression. Jae was obviously struggeling with carrying me.

Luckily Jae's house is not that far away from school. Jae laid me on his bed and started to run around. He came back with ice and bandages. Taecyeon really focused on my face.

'I can't believe he hit your handsome face like that.' Jae whispered but I could clearly hear him. OKAY YOUNGK DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU HEARD IT. I realized what Jae said and my pain felt like it was gone for a short moment. 'Just one second' Jae told me and leaned over to me to put the ice against my cheekbone. Jae was so focused on my face that he must not yet have realized that our faces are like inches appart. I saw that Jae sneakily looked at my lips and I smirked.

I lifted up my hand and pulled his face to mine. His lips on mine, kissing. At first Jae didn't reply but slowely he allowed himself to move along. Our lips move in a rithm of a melody. Jae's quiet moans you'd hear here or there were like the lyrics. I really don't want this moment to end... I sat up straight having Jae on my lap, we're still kissing and we were certainly not out of breath. I put one hand on his tigh slowely making circular movements with my thumb on his inner-thigh.

Then suddenly The door slammed open and we quickly broke the kiss 'Hyung, I guess you're okay.' Wonpil laughed and Dowoon and Sungjin stood there with wide eyes. Sungjin's expression changed into a frown and Dowoon smiled 'I am so happy for you!'
Dowoon exclaimed 'Dowoon we're not dating we're just friends.' I said.

Little did Youngk know that this hurt Jae more than it Should've.

'Youngk weren't you dating Jihyo?' Sungjin asked. 'No, Why would I?' I eyed Sungjin suspiciously. 'You fucked her. Or was she just a joke to you?' Sungjin raised his voice a bit. 'No, I was drunk Sungjin. She was most likely too. Why are you even mad?' I got annoyed with his shouting.

'Wait, Sungjin how do you even know they fucked?'
Jae asked.

Oof, guys you have any conspiracy theories yet?

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