Chapter 10: We're in This Together

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Eight Months Later

Zayn's POV

I was laying on my stomach on Liam's bed and kicking my feet while watching a movie. Liam was laying on his back with his head in the small of my back. He put down the book he was reading and started kissing up my back to my neck.

"Hi," Liam said smiling at me.

"Hi," I giggled and turned to give Liam a passionate kiss.

Liam kissed me just as passionately.

When he pulled away, he looked into my eyes and whispered, "Beautiful."

I smiled and blushed.

Liam got up and walked over to his sock drawer, "What would your answer be to this question?"

"What question?" I said sitting on the edge of his bed.

Liam walked towards me hiding something behind his back.

"There's a moment when the person you've been looking for your entire life presents themselves and you say 'oh there you are'. I had that moment looking into your eyes for the first time." Liam got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box.

I gasped putting my hands over my mouth.

"Zayn Malik," Liam opened the box, "Will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?"

I nodded and kissed him, "Yes!"

Liam smiled and put the ring on my finger.


Harry's POV

I was sitting on the couch with my hands on my very big belly. Both Niall and Louis walked over to me and I groaned because when both of them are together, that is never good. All they have been doing for the past few months is arguing with each other. Each one is trying to be the better parent or the bigger help. That all sounds like it would be good but in reality I'm debating which one is the bigger headache. They are the epitome of my stress and none of it is good for the baby.

"Can I get you anything?" Louis asked.

"No thanks," I simply replied.

"Do you need anything babe?" Niall asked while staring at Louis.

"No, I'm good," I reiterated.

Louis turned to Niall, "Why do you always have to do that? Why do you have to do what I do? Why are you trying to one up me?"

Niall took a step closer, "Because you make it seem like I have too. You make it seem like I have something to prove."

Louis got right in his face, "You do."

"Look, just because I'm not the father doesn't mean I'm any less capable of caring for this baby," Niall defended.

"You're only seventeen Niall," Louis pointed out.

"And?" Niall asked, "We're all young."

Louis lifted his head in arrogance, "Yes, but I'm older and more mature."

Niall flipped his shit, "Excuse me? You turned eighteen last month and you're the least mature out of all of us!"

"No I'm not!" Louis exclaimed with a weak kindergarten retort.

"Oh I'm sorry," Niall started, "Who knocked up my boyfriend in high school again? Oh yeah, it was you!"

At this point I had had it, "Alright enough! I can't take much more of this. You both have caused me so much stress with your constant arguing. I think I just need a break. I've already texted Zayn to have him come get me. I'm just gonna spend a few nights there." I looked down at my phone, "and he's here."

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