Chapter 1: Louis Tomlinson

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Louis: This is a story about a stubborn boy and an angel child...

Harry: Wait a minute, I am not stubborn and you are anything but an angel.

Louis: Shush! One day the stubborn boy came to my flat mad.

Harry: We need to talk!

Louis: Have I done something wrong? I made cookies.

Harry: One, why the hell are you starting there? Two, that is not how that happened. Three, when have you ever been in a kitchen?

Louis: Never mind that, where would you start the story?

Harry: Where else, the beginning.

Louis: Ugh! Boring!

Harry: Well it's better than starting in the fucking middle!

Louis: Fine, I'll start at the beginning. It all started with the birth of Louis William Tomlinson.

Harry: Not that far!

Louis: What? You wanted me to start at the beginning; I started at the beginning.

Harry: I meant the beginning of our lives together, not our lives period you dipshit! Can you tell a story without it being all about you?

Louis: It's not all about me. It just starts with me...and has me in it...and ends with me...but that's besides the point. Can you tell a story without everyone dying of boredom?

Harry: I am not boring! You're just self-centered. If it's not about you, you're not interested.

Louis: I am not self-centered.

Zayn: ENOUGH!!! Harry, you're boring. Louis, you're self-centered. God, you're like an old married couple. Now, I'm going to tell this story.


Zayn's POV

I walked up to Harry and Niall in the hallway on the first day of school, "Hey guys."

"Well," Harry started, "Sophomore year, and Junior year for you guys. Who's excited?"

Niall rolled his eyes, "Oh I'm just thrilled."

"Well someone's bright and cheery this morning," I moved on to Harry disregarding Niall's Sarcastic mood, "So Harry, who do you have your eye on this year?"

Niall looked over at us, "Are boys all you ever think about?"

"No, not at all," I said as I nodded.

Niall simply rolled his eyes and went back to sorting his new locker.

Harry answered the question going back to the main conversation, "Okay, this might be crazy, but I've always kind of liked Louis Tomlinson."

Niall's head snapped towards us, "Bad boy Louis Tomlinson?"

Harry nodded and I approved of a bad boy being one myself.

"Dated every girl in school, manwhore, Louis Tomlinson?" Niall questioned again.

Once again Harry nodded slightly ashamed this time.

I hissed, "Ooh, see there you might have a problem. Eh, I still say go for it."

"Really?" Harry asked apprehensively.

"Really!" Niall snapped clearly disapproving.

I shrugged, "Sure, why not? I mean this is what high school is for. Nothing counts anyways."

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