Chapter 6: Questions and Answers

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Harry's POV

What is happening right now? Is any of this even real? Niall just kissed me. He fucking kissed me! My best friend that I've known since I was five has had a crush on me for god know how long, and my boyfriend may not want to be with me. 

Niall did make some good points. Yeah we sit together everyday but he never has conversations with me unless we're alone. No one knows if he's gay, pan, bi, or whatever else he may be. All I know is that he told me he loves me. Why would he lie about that? Maybe others believe that he would but I don't. I have faith that he was telling me the truth. Despite that, I decided to find out for myself.

I walked up to Louis's front door. My hand was shaking as I rang the doorbell. I had no idea what I was going to say or how he would react. I just hoped that Niall wasn't right. My fears became worse as I stood there realizing that I really didn't know anything about Louis at all.

Louis opened the door seeing me all flustered, "Hey babe."

He said that with such a charming smile and I couldn't stand it.

"Don't 'hey babe' me," I snapped walking inside.

"Sure, come on in," Louis said sassily closing the door behind me.

I decided to be perfectly blunt, "Do you love me?"

Louis cocked his head to the side and squinted, "Of course I do Harry. Why would you ask that?"

"We've been dating for five months and you're not openly gay, you won't talk to me at school," I think I started believing Niall subconsciously because I started accusing him. "Why are you doing this to me? What do you want? What's your angle here?"

"I don't want anything love," Louis took a step closer and held my hands, "I just want you."

"What?" I pulled my hands away, "No! This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. I'm done with this. When it's only you and me, you treat me like I'm your world. I'm not gonna lie, I love that feeling but when we go back in public...I'm almost invisible. On the rare occasion that you do talk to me, you treat me like glorified garbage."

Louis shrugged, "Well at least you're glorified. I mean let's face the facts, you are talking to the one and only me. You're lucky just to breathe the same air that I do."

I grew with rage, "You arrogant swine! Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? You're the most self-contained person I've ever met and yet I've never been so drawn to someone in my life. Never mind,  I'm done so either you are with me and only me, are committed to me and treat me well, or you continue being an asshole and I live my life without you. So what's it gonna be?"

I looked at Louis' face for any sort of sign.

Louis started to speak, "Well then, the choice is easy..."

My eyes lit up I knew he loved me. 

"...I'm sorry Harry," He finished.

My face fell, "What?"

"I'm sorry but I guess I'll see you around yeah?" Louis said nonchalantly.

I scoffed, "You are a dick and you always will be." with that, I ran out of his house.

Louis hummed, "Hmm, apparently not."


I started running down the road and my head was spinning. I started walking while spinning in a circle looking at everyone around me. I had no idea what to do. I was lost. I saw couples holding hands and I looked down. This was all my fault. I was to stupid to see what was right in front of me. Niall, Zayn, they were right. They were both right.I replayed everything that everyone said in my mind. How could i have not made the connection? 

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