chapter || 38

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I walked into our tarnished school building and headed straight for my locker. I leaned my head on the cold metal before opening it, I just wish today was any other day if I'm being honest.

I saw from the corner of my eye someone approaching me, to my surprise it was Jordyn. "Good morning." I smiled at him, taking my head off of my locker. 

"Here." He smiled, holding his hands out with what looked like a journal. "Whatever it is, I don't want it. How do you even remember today?" I laughed at the last part, you would think with everything going on my birthday would be the last thing on his to-do list. 

"I think you will change your mind once you read it. As for the birthday thing, it's a permanent mark on my calendar allie bear." He joked, and I swatted at his arm for calling me that God-awful nickname. 

I gently took the book from his hands and set it in my locker. He held his arms out, and I stepped into his hug. "Happy birthday." He whispered, and I put my head deeper into his chest. 


Grayson and I were standing by my locker, he was acting like it was any other day, while I was trying to contain knowing what Alex doesn't want me to. 

I just don't understand why she wouldn't tell me. I get that she doesn't like her big day, but I thought we were over this whole secrets bull. I glanced over at her but felt instant anger when I saw her with Jordyn. 

I let a breath out and took a stride in her direction before a hand connected to my chest. "Don't," Grayson warned.  

"She can't know that we know. And I'm not letting your petty chest poking match screw up her big day." He spoke to me sternly. 

"We need to keep Alex busy after school, Landon and Jackson will be setting everything up at her house. I don't know how long it will take," Grayson added in a more calm voice this time. 

I backed away slowly and leaned back on my locker, while I waited for him to unwrap his arms from around her. It made my blood boil seeing any guy around her. I know that sounds bad, but I'm territorial and I will admit it. 


I let go of Jordyn after a minute and stepped back. "Thank you, seriously." I smiled. He nodded in response before turning to walk away.

I let out a deep breath and saw Ethan and Grayson standing by their lockers. I felt my stomach unknot itself a little when I saw Ethan.

I just feel safe when I see him. I put a fake smile on my face and walked in his direction, his face lit up when he saw my upcoming approach. 

"Hi." I smiled, and he returned the same bright gesture. "Good morning." He responded. "So I was thinking about after school, do you want to come over and watch a movie at my place? It's Friday and we have nothing better to do." Ethan offered, and I thought of an excuse to make up.

"Actually, I was just going to go home and rest. I just kind of want to be alone today." I admitted, and he frowned. "Come on, Alexandra. I have every rom-com in existence." Grayson chimed in, making me giggle. 

"Fine, I'll drive over later." I half groaned. If I say yes now I can make an excuse when I get home later. 

 "Actually, I was thinking I would drive us back to my house." He offered again, and before I got a chance to object he kissed me cheek quickly. "Gotta get to class," He spoke quickly as he leaned up. 

"Why is he acting so weird?" I asked Grayson, who looked at me and shrugged. "He's Ethan." He laughed, and for some reason, that was reason enough. 


We got back to Ethan's house and I plopped my tired body on the couch. Any day I would love to watch a movie with my favorite people on a Friday night, but I'm just not in the mood. In silence, I'm left alone with my thoughts and that's dangerous nowadays. 

"What movie?" Ethan asked, flipping through movies on Netflix. Grayson plopped down beside me dramatically, making me look over at him. He gave me a 'what are you looking at?' look, so I looked away giggling.

"Um, I don't really care. You choose." I shrugged, and he let out a breath. I saw Ethan flipping through movies until he landed on one and clicked play. 

"The Spiderman cartoon, really?" I questioned. "You said I could pick!" He raised his voice defensively, clearly offended by my comment.

"No, I love it." I lied as he sat next to me. "Liar," Grayson spoke, trying to cover the word in a fake cough. I glared at him and he sent me a wink in response.

The movie started and I already felt my eyes becoming heavy. I laid my head on Ethan's lap and stole some of Grayson's blanket since he was already half asleep.

I felt Ethan start running his hands through my hair, making me turn slightly to look up at him. His eyes were glued to the tv, and he had a small smile covering his lips. He laughed quietly a few times as he watched the movie. 

I turned back around and felt my eyes becoming heavy. I drifted off to sleep with Ethan's fingers tracing strands of my hair. 


My phone began ringing, I reached inside my pocket and hit the decline button quickly so the noise wouldn't wake Alex up.  

Her head was still laying in my lap, she had fallen asleep about two hours ago. I put my hand under her head and slid out from under her. I replaced myself with a pillow and walked into the other room to see who had called me, it was Ryan.

I dialed his number, and he answered on the second ring. "Everythings ready," He told me loudly over the music. 

"Okay, I'll wake her up and bring her over." I responded. "When she gets here Elena is going to get her party-ready, see you guys when you get here." He spoke before hanging up the phone. 

I jogged upstairs and got changed into something a little more party-worthy and woke Grayson up so he could do the same.

I walked over to Alex and rubbed her arm slightly. Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched a little. 

"You ready to head to your house?" I asked, earning a groan from her. She stood up reluctantly and slipped on her shoes. 

"First you drug me here and didn't want me to leave, now you're urging me to go home?" She groaned walking towards the door.

"And why do you look so good?" She asked, pointing at my outfit. "When don't I?" I asked back and it caused her to roll her eyes.

Grayson made his way down the stairs and we all walked out of the door. Hopefully, this goes well, but I have a strange feeling it won't. 

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