[chapter fourteen]

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The word rung in my ears. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. It was the sort of word if, read too many times over and over, it would look like foreign language. But the message was loud a clear. I was a monster. I didn’t belong anywhere I stepped foot into.  A waste of space.

pathetic /cehl-este/ adjective

arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness

miserably inadequate

“celeste looked so pathetic, but nothing could be done. it was just the way she was.”

My vision pulled into focus after being held in an icy, dark void. I gasped, forcing oxygen into my lungs and felt tears brim in the corners of my eyes. I shot up, sitting upright and staring at the blank wall before me. I peered down to see that I was tucked into a hospital bed with wires suctioning to my neck, scalp and heart. I was lost.

“Wow Sparky, you really put on quite a show,” a familiar voice teased. I looked to my left to see Tony standing behind two computer screens and systems that seemed to be throwing up cables.

I looked down at the wires glued to my skin and returned my gaze to Tony, “C-Can I take these off?” It reminded me too much of my experimental days.

Tony nodded without another word, and I tore them off of me. I was shaking slightly, cold and scared, so I shot a slight electric current through my body and tried warming myself up. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and rubbed my temples, “What happened to me?”

Tony smirked, “Well, after the whole hullaballoo of a test, you were put into a kind of coma to record your results. You basically in a deep sleep,” Tony focused back on the screens and frowned, “Its strange although. Through-out your testing, something seemed to…. Affect with your results. “

My mouth went dry at those very words, and the first word that popped into my head was Loki. Our alliance was dangerous, and the telepathy was a factor that could lead to our downfall, “Affect my results?” I repeated blankly, raising an eyebrow. I had to act fast. Tony waved me over and I slipped out from underneath the blankets and over to the screen where he pointed. I watched as symbols, what I assumed to be brainwaves, stayed at a consistent, fast-paced rate. That was until they went haywire for a few moments, and returned to normal. I shook my head, “I don’t understand, what would have caused that?”

“I wish I had an answer for that question, but I don’t,” Tony responded with a shrug, “My biggest presumption is that it had something to do with your powers.”

I pursed my lips, swallowing slightly, “You could still get a result with my brainwaves, right? I don’t have to take the frightening test again, do I?”

“No, we can work around them. I just haven’t seen anything like it,” Tony murmured, pressing several keys before turning to me with a smile.

“Can I ask a question?” I questioned, and Tony nodded, “That girl, the one with the purple eyes… did I kill her?"

Tony shook his head, “Oh no, she’s fine. She just been resting like you have for a few hours. You gave her quite the, well, shock…” he sniggered at his own joke and bowed towards the door, “We can go and see her, if you would like.”

“I would love that,” I hushed, and Tony led me outside into the hallway. We walked several doors down before we stopped at one. Tony knocked and a voice behind it asked whom it was, and he replied with both of our identities. The door creaked open and we pushed through, revealing a room similar to what I was in, except for the fact that it was decorated into a bedroom. A chest full of drawers sat in the corner as well as a desk and bookshelf. Lanterns and dangling charms hung from the ceiling, more so over the bed. The girl sat on it and looked at me with her glowing purple eyes, and I felt the sudden urge to move forward, “Hello.” I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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