Chapter 9 (Damian's POV)

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It sucked that we were made to sleep in our own rooms but I guess when we got home we could be staying in separate houses. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep but eventually I did. The next morning I was woke up by someone shaking me, I couldn’t of been sleeping very long, it was still a little dark outside. When I rolled over to see who it was they started pulling me off the bed and handing me my cloths. I couldn’t tell who it was until they grabbed my hand, I knew it was Lydia. She quietly and gently pulled me out of the room and down stairs. You could hear some people up but no one had come out of their rooms. She led me to the back door and we put on our warm cloths.

We walked back to the circle of trees we had found last night. Lydia went over and sat down on one of the logs, so I followed her. When I sat down she turned toward me and smiled.

“What?” I asked her. She giggled a little bit.

“Nothan!” she said still smiling. The way she was acting made me laugh.

“If nothings up then why did you drag me outside this early?”

“Because I wanted to be with you… alone!” she said smiling a little bit wider. Just looking at her I knew something was up, she looked nervous but you could tell there was something she wanted to say.

“What’s up?” I asked her.

“Why would you ask that?” she asked me.

“Because you look like you have something you want to say to me but are nervous to say it.”

“Damn you know how to read me! You know, before this trip started I was so excited to hang out with my cousin and my best friend. Then I found out you were coming and I was pissed because I didn’t want to see or talk to you. But down in that hole, everything changed. I am so happy you came on this trip with us!” as she was speaking she came over and sat on my lap, which was a little difficult seeing as it was a small wobbly log.

“The first time you kissed me I could tell how much you cared. And the fight with tanner, if I hadn’t meant anything to you, you would have fought back. And everything in between and since has been amazing!”

“And you say I know how to read you! It has been pretty amazing!” I said and kissed her forehead. She just leaned into me and we cuddled for a minute. She was very quiet.

“Is there something else you want to say?”

“Maybe….. well yes…. Im just…”



“What does it have to do with?”


“Just me?”

“and me.”

“What about you and me?”

“Our relationship.”

“what about our relationship?”

“My feelings!” I honestly had no idea where she was going with this, she had this huge grin on her face but I had no idea what she was thinking.

“What about it?” she looked down, but soon after she seemed to build up her confidence and quickly looked up at me.

“Damian McDearson, I Love You!!” she smiled wide and looked so amazingly happy. I couldn’t believe she said it. I was stunned into silence. This whole time I had been trying to find out a way to tell her I loved her and thinking maybe she didn’t feel the same way. But this entire time she has been doing the same but she just had the nerve to say it first. What a chicken ass I am! After a while her smile kinda started to fade, it was probably because I just sat there stunned and never said anything back.

“You don’t feel the same way do you? Oh god, what did I just do? I totally just ruined our relationship. You don’t feel the same way do you? Oh god!!”


We both tried to stand up at the same time and ened up falling over backwards and she landed on top of me. I rolled her over so I was on top of her and looked her straight in the eyes.

“Lydia Carson, I Love You Too!!” She grinned really wide and we kissed! It felt so good to say I love you to her, I had been waiting to say it to her. I just can’t believe it too me so long to say it back to her!

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