Chapter 7 (Damian's POV)

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I really wanted to tell Lydia I loved her but I was too afraid to say anything in case she didn't feel the same way. I felt a little bad because she looked so nervous and a little scared. When we had first walked in, I could tell she was nervous and I squeezed her hand and gave her a smile. She smiled back and I dove into the pool. She walked herself into the pool, I hid in the corner, and when she got close to the area where I dove in I went under water and yanked her under with me. As soon as she opened her eyes I kissed her, it was a little awkward because neither of us could breathe. But no matter where I kiss her it is still amazing and still make my heart skip a beat. After she swam around a little but she knew I was watching her and she kept giggling and looking embarrassed so I went over to her and hugged her. We just sat there hugging for the longest time. 

"Why are you so nervous around me?" I asked her.

"Because of the way, you are looking at me. "She replied. 

"What way am I looking at you? "

"Like you want me, but not just that you want me—you need me." Damn did that girl know how to read me, I sat there a little stunned that she had guessed me so easily but I quickly snapped out of it when Lyd turned red again. 

"What?" I asked again as I laughed at her. 

"That look gives me butterflies!! I can't help it!"

"I give you butterflies. "

"Of course you give, me butterflies..." she laid her face into my neck and I kissed her head, and I felt her breath on my neck as she talked again. I loved her. I knew it for a fact. Then I didn't want to let her go... So I wasn't going to. We dried off and walked hand in hand back up to the room. Mason and Noah were sharing the pull out bed on the couch; Tanner and Lela were on one of the bed but had pillows between them and were facing opposite directions. That meant that that Lydia and I got the other bed. 

"I call dibbs on first shower!" she whispered to me as she ran into the bathroom. You could hear her laughing as she shut and locked the door. I lay on the bed waiting for her and accidentally fell asleep. She woke me up to push me over and fell asleep next to me. 

When I got up the next morning it was around 7:30, I had only slept for like 4 hours. I decided to get up and take a shower. I was deep in thought washing all of the chlorine off me when I looked up just in time to see a big pitcher of ice water being dumped on me. It was so cold when it hit my skin, I inhaled quickly and loudly trying to register what just happened. All heard was someone laugh and shut the door. I quickly shut the shower off, put a towel around me and ran after them. When I got out into the room no one no was there. I put a pair of shorts, turned the shower back on and hid behind the door. After a few minutes, Lydia came sneaking into the bathroom with another pitcher of water. Before she could saw me, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into the shower. She started screaming that she still had her clothes. 

"Then take them off!" I told her. She looked at me, trying to figure out if I was serious or not. Then she slowly reached down and pulled her shirt up and over her head. I was so busy looking into her eyes I hardly noticed she still had a tank top on. I just could not believe she would actually get undressed in front of me and in the shower. Then she started laughing, "Hahaha ya right, no way am I taking a shower with you, it's way too soon no matter how much I like you!" I think I proved to her and myself there was no way I was going to take advantage of her—ever! I pulled her close and kissed her, water still running on us and our cloths getting soaked.

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