Chapter 8 (Lydia POV)

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I couldn’t believe he pulled me into the shower when I still had my pajamas on but at the same time it was kind of romantic kissing under the running water. After a while, we climbed out and I took off all the wet cloths except my bra and underwear. Damian stood there staring, I know I was teasing him but it was too much fun. So while he stood there staring I went over and kissed him on the cheek.

“See something you like?” I asked. That snapped him out of it quickly; he now made a point of not looking at me at all. I grabbed his face in my hands and made him look me.

“Whats wrong, don’t like what you see?” I asked again.

“Damn no!” He replied.

“Then what’s the problem? Why did you look away so quickly, I was only teasing you!” while I talked I jumped up on to the counter at sat there staring at him.

“I don’t want to screw things up Lyd, I don’t want to lose you—I cant lose you.”

“I don’t want to lose you either.” With that he came over and put his hands on either side of me on the counter and leaned really close, just staring into my eyes. Then he moved his hands to the outside of my thighs and slowly tickled up and down them till he made it up to my upper back and pulled me close. He kissed me so sweetly it gave me shivers from my head all the way down to my toes. There was one thing I knew for sure, when we got to the reunion we were sneaking off and I was going to tell him I loved him whether he says it back or not.

We had eaten breakfast together and got on the road at 8:30 as usual. it was only a four hour drive and we only had 45 minutes left. we all were sitting in out usual spots talking about how we dont want to go to the reunion now it had been such an amazing trip with just the six of us. we didnt want it to end. When we got close i was told to call someone to get directions to get to the cabins. we had to follow this little one lane snowy road. when we finally got ther evertone came running out to greet us, grabbed our bags and we all went inside.

It was so ridiculously loud. It was almost 9pm and the day had gone by so quickly. We had played board games and had snowball fights with the younger cousins and now all the adults were getting a little tipsy – which was more than entertaining to watch. It was only the six of us older kids and we were watching the older men play poker.

“How about we go take a walk or something?” Tanner suggested. It was supposed to be a full moon tonight anyway, and the stars were out and it would be beautiful with the snow shining… I could tell Damian I loved him. But i would have to get us away from the others which was going to be suspicious looking. We didn’t even bother asking the adults, just left a note on the counter saying we were going on a walk and would be back before 11. We didn’t dress very warm, but all of us grabbed scarves, gloves, and hats.

We ended up walking into the woods and finding this huge area. It was so pretty, when you walked in there was untouched snow and it was as if the trees were protecting you and they made a circle around you. The boys found a bunch of logs and wood under a couple trees where the snow could not reach. They cleared away the snow in the middle of the circle of trees, built us a fire, and brought us other logs to sit on. We sat around the fire talking, we ended up telling stories about when we were kids. Almost all of the had Tanner and I in them and here and there everyone else was in them. No one had a clock or phone on them so we had no way to keep track of time but if there had been a problem we weren’t that far away from the cabin and could of heard them calling for us. Soon everyone was getting tired so the boys covered the fire in snow to put it out and we walked back.

When we got there, it ended up being two am and everyone was asleep. There was a note on the counter saying that there were two rooms in the attic type area and the boys were to sleep in one room and the girls in the other. We all said good night and headed off to bed.

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