Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
Douleur et chagrin d'amour
Marlowe Castille
Healy, Alaska
December 1950

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
-William Shakespeare

By the time the year 1950 was coming to a close, Alice and Jasper were in every way part of the Cullen family.

Alice was an easy fit right from the start as she, Rosalie, and I all bonded immediately. Alice was also a big confident for Edward and I as our gifts were very similar.

Surprisingly, Jasper was taken in by the boys very quickly. Carlisle, Emmett, and even Edward loved his stories of a life so different from their peaceful existences and they all worked to include Jasper in everything they did. The boys would take him hunting and get him involved in their games while Carlisle was always quick to pull him into the study for some guidance filled talks.

Alice suddenly let out a delightful scream of surprise, effectively pulling me out of my daydreaming. I had been cleaning up the kitchen as Rosalie and Alice did their nails at the island, and so I put down the cleaner and turned towards her.

"What did you see?" I asked her, laughing as she looked like she was bursting at the seams to tell someone.

"I can't tell you!" She squealed, jumping up and down in her seat.

"What?" Rosalie laughed at her. "Since when did we start keeping secrets?"

Alice quickly ran over and scribbled down something on the notepad Esme keeps in the kitchen for a grocery list before rushing back to Rosalie. She handed the note to Rosalie, who read it, smiled widely, and then tore the note to shreds.

"Sorry, we're keeping secrets now." Rosalie giggled and Alice shook her shoulders in her excitement.

"What on earth has gotten into you two?" I laughed loudly at their behavior.

"Marlowe." Edward spoke my name as he appeared in the doorway. "Would you like to accompany me on a hunt?" He smirked and the girls lost it giggling when I nodded. "Of course, you two are welcome to come along." He nodded and they shot up from their seats and out of the kitchen door.

"I have never seen them so wound up." I giggled nervously as he took my hand in his and led me outside.

"Leave them be." He laughed, looking calm on the outside but I could tell he was bubbling with nerves on the inside. "I know a good spot today, follow me." He ran off and I followed.

Edward being Edward, he ran up ahead of me too far to see. But, I could still track his scent and followed his mysterious path. The dark path suddenly opened up to a small icy clearing...

Where the entire family was waiting under a canopy of lights hung from the trees surrounding us.

"Edward?" I questioned him, hoping this wasn't what I though it was.

"Marlowe, stay calm, here take my hand." He laughed shakily as he pulled me with him under the lights.

"Edward, I-"

"I know it's not a real canopy, but I thought a canopy of light would be a good preface." He chuckled.

"Preface?!" I panicked.

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