Chapter Three

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Chapter Three
Pardonne et oublie
Marlowe Castille
August 1927


A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
-William Shakespeare


Before I knew it, I was in New York dancing and loving the parties and city lights. Then I found myself in Washington, learning as much as possible about the history of the nation. After that, I went on to New Orleans where I fell in love with Mardi Gras and jazz music. If I thought New York knew how to dance, then New Orleans had mastered the art.

I had a wonderful time, but I was more than excited to return home to my parents. I could hardly keep myself still as the taxi pulled up outside of the home I knew and loved so well. Carlisle and Esme were waiting for me of course, so as soon as the car was in park I jumped out and let them wrap me up in their arms.

"Oh, Marlowe! We've missed you so much!" Esme cried and began cooing over me.

"We're so glad you're home, Chérie." Carlisle smiled, squeezing Esme and I tight before helping the taxi driver with my few bags.

After the chaos of telling my parents of my travels and unpacking, I finally took a moment to relax in the living room in the soothing presence of Carlisle and Esme.

"I'm so 'appy to be 'ome. I 'ad a wonderful time but I missed you both too much to bear being away from you so long." I giggled.

"You don't know how happy we are to hear that, Marlowe." Carlisle smiled warmly.

"I wasn't leaving forever." I laughed off his concern.

"To be truthful with you. We both feared you wouldn't want to return home." Esme sighed, remembering her previous fears.

"Why would you zink zat?" I cried, saddened they would think that of me.

"We all know how excitable you get. You open up to new experiences unlike anyone I've ever met and we were afraid that you experiencing such exciting things was going to lead you to other new experiences." Carlisle explained.

I quickly got up and crossed the room, sitting on my knees in front of both of them and placing my hands on theirs.

"I love you both so much and I love being 'ere. I've searched for zis life for far too long to give up on et so easily. Yes, I had a wonderful time. You both were right, traveling did me a lot of good as I now know myself more, but you're wrong ef you zink I'll ever leave you. You gifted me with your crest, a crest of loyalty, and zat es something I don't take lightly. I will never forsake zis family for as long as I am en existence." I declared soundly and in their glee they pulled me up onto the couch and into their arms to hug me tightly.

I turned to tell Esme about a gift I had gotten for her when my eyesight blurred and my vision thrusted me into a different place.

Trees were flying past at a head spinning rate.

I knew I was immediately seeing Edwards point of view, he was the only vampire I knew who could run that fast, and I hoped that this vision would result in good news for our parents.

He suddenly stopped running near a stream and began to quickly wash the blood from his arms. I could see the desperation and hopelessness in his eyes as he watched the blood fade away, knowing he could never really wash it off of his hands.

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