promise [bakugou]

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The sensation of Uraraka's smooth touch daunted my memory as I strolled down the street, hands in pockets and a slouched demeanor. I checked the house and she was not there. It was almost 9pm. Where could she have run off to? She didn't commit ━━ if she did, there would be traces of it. But there were none. I only found a few knives she had disposed of in the sink, hinted with the faint tinge of blood. She was cutting again. I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't have left her by herself. Her mental health was too fragile. But the problem remained that she was out and about in the city, by herself. Not good.

I picked up the pace, frantically searching every corner. As my search progressed, I found myself encountering the half-breed. "Todoroki." I grumbled, watching as his gaze scanned me, and then met mine. "Looking for something?" He huffed, not even bothering to acknowledge what bit of a greeting I had. "Maybe." I answered. Todoroki heaved a sigh, and I wasn't able to decipher if it was due to exasperation or disappointment. "Uraraka's heading downtown probably." He said. "She had a poster of a villain. I think it's best you catch up to her before she does something stupid.

"A poster?" I ventured. "Here's a copy." Todoroki responded, handing me a flyer. The reward was hefty, but the danger was just as significant. "Mind..Break?" I muttered.

"He's a villain that has slipped capture many times. Ultimately has murdered many, and has been seen targeting certain people and abducting them."

"Do we know his motive?"

Todoroki shook his head, shoving his hand through his white tufts. "Not at all."

"His power?"

"He has a 2-in-1. Meaning, his quirk has another quirk inside of it. He's able to manipulate the mind, or moreso, the chemicals in it. And he also has the ability to use those chemicals as he wishes."

"That's what that was..." My memory ventured back to Deku's abduction. The bubble that enveloped him, and the energy with it. It matches the description. "So, where is Uraraka?"

"Probably grabbing information." Todoroki shrugged. "Honestly, I didn't like the idea of leaving her by herself. But..." He trailed off with the last word, averting his eyes as if troubled. I narrowed my gaze and nodded. "Just point me in the direction."


As the night fell, my anxiety only seemed to rise. I finally arrived in downtown, hopping off the train and shoving my hands in my pockets for a sense of security. The bustling area made me uneasy; the chances that there was a villain in each corner was over 90%. As I separated from the crowd and stepped across the sidewalk, my eyes remained peeled and my senses alert. Ochaco had to be nearby. She didn't have the money or connections to be able to stay in a place like this. But it would take hours, maybe even more than that to search the whole city. I stopped, sighing somberly. Where could you have gone, Ochaco? As I had nearly given up, my eyes averted forward, and caught sight of Uraraka. She was still holding that poster, and her eyes were filled with mixed emotions, possibly trying to convey surprise. Anger surged through my veins immediately, and I dashed to her, watching her panic and flail her arms in turn. My hand planted itself on the wall behind her and my eyes glared into hers.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Running off all the way up here?!" I barked.

"I-I'm s-"


"I'm sorry!!" She puffed despairingly. "But this is my responsibility!"

I clicked my tongue, taking my hand away from her side and shoving it in my left pocket. "Responsibility?"


"How?" My tone was domineering, and Uraraka noticed immediately. She pursed her lips together in contempt, but I had no pity. I was enraged that she even came to such a place for such a reason, let alone by herself.

"He was taken. And I just let-"

"You sound stupid." My reply was laced with menace. 


"How could you blame yourself for that?!" I snarled. "In the end, he was taken when both of us couldn't move a thing!"

"I'm still to blame! I didn't do anything then, and I continue to just sit and wait!" She wailed, tears setting at the base of her eyes. "I was sitting here... enjoying myself with you! While Izuku.. Izuku could be in pain! He could be dying!"

Our eyes locked and I flinched at the searing determination she showed. "...That so?" I sighed, raising an eyebrow and examining her. She still had on her U.A. uniform, and she looked damn good in it too. The poster was in a death grip in the palm of her right hand, and her frown only seemed to deepen as tears began to fall. "Bakugou... why do you always only seem to want to hurt us? All you've done is harass Izuku... and me too! Now you're giving me mixed feelings. Are you a good person? Are you biased? Or are you just out to get close to us and then put us down?"

Her response made my mouth gape open, a shocked noise escaping my lips. "Put you down, huh?" Uraraka looked up at me, the remains of her tears glittering on her cheeks and sleeves. "Is that all you really think of me?" I grimaced. Her eyes widened.

"Bakugou... I-"

"No, that's alright."

The emotion I felt all at once seemed to collapse on me. At most, I was disappointed. I had thought that I would be able to give her the world. But she was so bent on protecting and nurturing Izuku that maybe I hadn't a chance at all. My scowl deepened. "I didn't intend to befriend the likes of you anyways." I spun on my heel, and ventured toward the dark alleys back to the subway. That wasn't a lie. I wasn't supposed to have gotten close to her. Now she's like my drug. Having me suffer with just the look of an eye. Oh, how I wanted to tear her apart and sink my teeth in and claim her as mine. I wanted to console her, cherish her, and eventually be one with her. But, unfortunately, that outcome is unlikely. "Ten percent." I breathed. What was this pain and why did I feel it?

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! It's been a good few months since I've updated. I have a lot going on, mentally and academically. So I'm not always going to have time to update. As for the majority of my works, they've been inactive, and I've received a lot of hate due to it. Honestly, I have my own reasons and needn't prove myself to anyone. But for those who continue to support me, thank you! I'm still working on that original piece, and also take a look and read "drawstring." if you're interested in my other works! Toodles ;w; )

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