fate [uraraka]

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Time to wake up!

Beep! Beep!

Come on!

You can do it!

Get up bitch!


"That's enough of that." I found myself half asleep with one hand on my alarm clock, the other sprawled over my pillow. "I just wanna sleeep." I whined, tumbling out of my sleeping quarters and onto the floor. Sleep was my favorite thing to doonly school days ruined my precious beauty rest. It was worth it though, to become a hero. A person to help others and give joy to the world. Something very few accomplish.

With being accepted into UA, I felt my self esteem boost. I even met a few new friends, much to my surprise. I always supposed I came off as annoying or too full of energy. I wish I was more likable.

I used to always tell herself this; automatically straddling myself into the bunch who were considered insignificant. But I always told myself it was worth being lower if I could help people who were low from birth. I slid down the stairs and grabbed my bento, stuffing it into my bag and taking off for the large academy full of the strongest.

It was a thrill few got to experience. And I got to be taught in a classroom by elites; elites like All Might. I skidded to a stop through the gates, scanning the flock of students migrating the yard.

"Deku!!" I called. My green haired companion was hanging near the main doors. "Did you sleep well?" I questioned. He nodded, his smile soft and pure. "Yes, I think so. How about you?" I groaned in turn, and when Izuku's face contorted to a frown, I grinned toothily. "It was okay, I guess. There's not much I could do about wanting to sleep in though."

Midoriya chuckled. "I can say the same." He rasped. "Sometimes it's better to just chill indoors on cool days like these." We began to head up to the classroom side to side, as they always did. I liked to call it tradition. They'd stick together through the morning to motivate each other. That didn't last long though.

"Deku." Bakugou's rough voice called from the back of the classroom. His red eyes were malicious, scanning over the duo as he approached. I instinctively moved in front of Izuku. "What's the big idea, Bakugou?" Bakugou snorted at my attempts to pull off a false facade.

"'None of yer business, short stack. How about you take those thick thighs and roll somewhere else? I need to talk to broccoli head." Bakugou's remarks hit me hard; I've always been sensitive, but not to the point where I was hung over it. It was more like a slight ant bite than a bee sting. "Sorry boy, but I'm not moving. Anything you can say to Deku, you can say to me."

Although I wasn't self confident, I was confident in her capabilities. Bakugou closed in to where his nose touched mine, but I remained unbothered, glaring into his red gaze. I refuse to falter. His hand gripped the collar of my white shirt, cold against my neck skin and alarming. I never liked touching others; bad memories surfaced from such things. "Move." He commanded me.

"Uraraka-san, it's okay, really." Midoriya sounded behind my back. He was probably making calm gestures so that an altercation would not happen. "I'll talk to Bakugou."

Bakugou smirked and let me go, strolling after the small boy somewhat with triumph and dominance. It angered me to no end that I would lose to such filth; how could he call himself a hero when he treats his classmates like test rabbits?


Later that day, at lunch more specifically, I found Izuku crouched beneath a tree nibbling on a sandwich. My hands shriveled at the position on my hips. What was he doing? "Deku?" I ventured, approaching him warily. He gave me a warm smile. "Uraraka!" "What did Bakugou say to you?" I murmured softly. People knew me for  being direct when angered, but asking Deku such a sensitive subject when calm was harder than it seemed.

"Ah... he was telling me to stop trying was all." "Was all?!" I repeated. My hands clenched into fists as Izuku continued. "He said I didn't have what it takes to be a hero. But that's okay-"
I had no patience to listen to him. I would confront Bakugou myself.

And I found him dead in the center of the front yard, lounging on a bench, seemingly lost in thought. Without hesitation, I approached him, eyebrows furrowed in fury. "What's your problem?" I exclaimed.

Bakugou lifted his head to face me, eyes slightly weary but energy still strong. He stood to face me head on, our intervals closing in. "Huh?" He answered after a pit of silence. "You're always picking on Izuku and making him sad! You're not any better than the rest of us so stop acting like it!"

"What did you say?" Bakugou glared me right in the eyes, anger flickering between his words. "I'm the best in the whole class. Some tiny squirt and his girlfriend isn't going to tell me otherwise." "Shut up, you dunce!" I was jumping up and down now, patience thinning by the second. Bakugou grabbed my shirt by the collar and lifted me to his height, teeth gritting slowly. "Shut up, squirrel. Go chirp somewhere else."

"At least Izuku's a real hero." I squeaked as I was dropped on the ground full force. "That hurt, asshole." "Liars aren't real heroes." Bakugou mumbles. My head tilted as he stalked away. What did he mean by liar?


I strolled down the sidewalk downtown, idly lost in thought. Liar? What? Did Izuku lie to him? So many questions arose in my mind. I was so deep that I didn't even notice the vehicle approaching me. I yelped as a hand pulled me back, out of the way. I turned, grateful for my savior. "Thanks so much-" I paused midsentence, realizing who had come to my aid.

"Bakugou?!" The sturdy male was glaring at me, but it wasn't as harsh as before. Was he looking with sincere kindness? "Why'd you do that?!"

"Do what?"

"Save me! I don't want your filthy hands on my uniform anymore!"

"What?!! I just saved your life!"

"I don't want your help!"

I felt my blood boiling as we looked at each other. I wouldn't say I hated him; but his spiky hair and his warm face bothered me. I didn't quite know why yet.

"Let me walk you home."

"Huh?" I felt as I spoke to him things got weirder and weirder. "Why?" "It's getting dark, roach. I'm not letting you go alone." Even with my protests, Bakugou stood beside me as we walked down pathways toward my suburb area, the walk entirely silent. And even as I disliked him, I felt safe next to him, his presence dominant over mine. Maybe even comforting.

I shook the thought away. This was the guy who always brought my friend's spirits down.

I wouldn't dare befriend him and make him even more sad. "This is it." Bakugou remained silent as he turned and walked away. "Wait!" I called. He turned to her, face nonchalant.

I smiled. "Thank you."

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