End- Homeless But Not Hatless

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It was all Pete could do.

As he and Patrick embraced for the first time, Pete smiled. As Patrick confessed his love, Pete smiled. And when Patrick held Petes chin and slowly leaned in, Pete smiled.

"I love you too..."

Pete threw his arms around Patricks neck in pure delight. Patrick chuckled and rubbed Pete's back. "Don't cry, baby bat," He cooed softly. He held the sniffling boy in his tight grasp.

Pete rubbed at his eyes like a stubborn child. "I can't not cry!" Pete laughed.

Patrick notes how Petes smile could light up a room. He used to find the show of teeth annoying and uncalled for but times were different now. Patrick was no longer bringing Pete to the slaughter. Patrick could finally place that odd nagging feeling he'd felt since day one.

Patrick loved Pete. Maybe that's why he hadn't gone for the pretty girl on the dance floor. Something had drawn him to the brown eyed boy. A higher power.

Pete and Patrick stayed in an embrace until Patrick finally took the time to look around. All of his memories came back. He watched the school protectors put Frank Iero in handcuffs. Patrick sighed. "How did you even find this place?"

"I found the door when I was running from you."

"I'm kind of glad you did... maybe." Patrick mumbles the last part.

"Pete...?" A soft girly voice spoke up. It was raspy but held an air of innocence. Pete turned around, his eyes locking with ones of his old lover.

"Ashlee..." He whispered.

Pete felt the tears building behind his eyes as he looked at the blonde girl. He could feel all the guilt and longing hit him like a freight train. "I'm so sorry.. I tried to warn you but I couldn't.."

Ashlee smiled kindly. "It's okay... it wasn't really you, I know that."

Pete felt a wave of relief crash against his heart. He pulled away from Patrick and hugged her tightly. He took advantage of the moment. Ashlee was his past. He had to move on. He hugged tighter. She laughed softy and hugged him back. "Good luck Pete." She whispered in his ear and kissed his dirty hair.

Pete watched her walk away. He wondered if she knew where she was or where she was going. He couldn't place the feeling in the pit of his stomach. Loss? He'd go with that.

Patrick gently took Pete's hand and squeezed. "Are you okay..?"

Pete mulled that question over in his head. Was he? He turned back to Patrick. He took in the pale skin and baby blue eyes. He let the smile take over his face again. He nodded.

"Yeah... yeah I am."

Pete looked to William and the others. He smiled and lead Patrick to them. He flung himself around William and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, so much, for everything."

William hugged back just as tight. "My pleasure. Stay in touch?"

Pete nodded. "Definitely."

Pete hugged the rest of his newfound 'friends' goodbye and took Patrick's hand again.

"Take care of him, Patrick."

Patrick nodded to Gabe and gave Pete's hand a reassuring squeeze.

Patrick and Pete walked out of the academy in blissful silence, their hands clasped together, fingers intertwined. Pete still couldn't fully believe that everything had happened. He glanced back at the old doorway stood proudly in the middle of the field and smiled. They walked the miles back to Patrick's house without the exchange of one word. Content with silence.

Pete huffed softly after they'd jumped through about five fields. "It didn't seem this long on the way there."

Patrick rolled his eyes fondly. "Speed and fear."

Pete scoffed. "I wasn't scared of you. I'd never be scared of you."

Patrick raised his eyebrow. "Whatever you say, Princess Pete."

Pete jumped up and let out a yell when he saw Patrick's old beat up car. "Finally!"

Patrick shook his head at his... boyfriend? Were they boyfriends? He'd ponder that later.

He helped Pete over the last ditch before following. He looked at his old run down house and froze.

The building had fallen. It was black and burnt, walls barely standing. The surrounding garden was all black and covered in ashes. Patrick choked back the sob threatening to rip through his throat. He walked over slowly and looked through the rubble for anything slightly salvageable.

Patrick fell to his knees and decided he couldn't hold it back much longer. He tugged at his hair and let the tears flow down his glowing skin.

Pete slowly made his way over and knelt beside Patrick. He wrapped his arms around the younger boy and pulled him close. He rubbed his back and let him have his moment.

Patrick cried and cried until he wore himself out. He slumped against Pete and rubbed his eyes.

"It was all I had.." Patrick informed him. Pete stayed silent, letting Patrick say what needed to be said.

"My dad... this was all I had of him and I ruined it.."

Pete unwrapped his arms from Patrick. Patrick looked up at him sadly but confused. Pete rummaged around in the deep pocket of Patrick's hoodie.

"Im not sure if this will help but..." Pete pulled out the hat he'd found, like a magician producing a rabbit. He gently passed it to Patrick. Patrick let out a sharp breath and looked at the words sewed into the inside seems.

'David & Patrick Stumph'

Patrick covered his mouth. He would have cried if he had any tears left. He traced the words with one finger and smiled weakly. Patrick gently placed the hat on his head and sniffled. He hugged Pete tightly.

"Thank you."


Patrick looked at the rubble around himself and sighed. He slowly stood up. He took Pete's hand and pulled him up beside him.

Pete smiled at him, eyes crinkling. Patrick pecked his lips and grinned. He lead him away from the ruins. They both had to let go of their pasts.

They had nowhere to be, nowhere to
go. They had no plan for anything more.

Pete and Patrick walked down the road towards the city that had captivated them. The lights lit up the path they walked, aimless but in love.


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