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Pete trailed behind the two of them as they chatted, seething. How could he? He told Mikey to stay away. Mikey was meant to be smart, know the boundaries.

Pete awkward sat on the old worn couch and huffed out a sigh. Mikey walked into the room with two glasses of water and set them on the wooden coffee table. Pete noted how they were on coasters. Mikey had always been a neat freak.

Pete felt the couch dip beside him but couldn't bring himself to lift his head. He knew Mikey was smiling, something he melted at. He knew if he saw that smile he wouldn't carry through.

Mikey frowned and took Petes warm hand in his cold one. "Babe?" He asked quietly, smile slipping off his face. A look of concern took over.

"Mikes.. baby.. I think we should-" Pete scratched the back of his neck. "I think we should break up." He squeezed his eyes shut and winced as the words passed his teeth. He already regretted them.

He felt Mikey go stiff. His hand slowly retreated. "It's her, isn't it..?"

Pete was forced to look at him. Mikey had always looked happy. Always a cute innocent look about him. It's what had drawn Pete in two years ago. Pete was a manwhore, he was dirty. Mikey was the opposite, he was an angel. But now, Mikey was stoic. No emotion on the face that was usually an open book.

Pete forced himself to nod. "I really do love you, Mikey-"

"Save it." Mikey willed away the tears gathering in his eyes.

"But Mikey-"

"Have you slept with her?" Mikey sounded venomous. Pete stayed silent, staring at the musty carpet. It was the only answer Mikey needed.

Mikey stood up quickly "get out." He said calmly and walked to the door, opening it for Pete. Pete knew he couldn't argue. He didn't have an argument anyway. He got up and sulked to the door. He stopped on the threshold and looked at Mikey.

For a split second, Pete thought Mikey was going to kiss him. Mikey had glanced at his lips and started leaning in. As though a flip had been switched, he stopped.

"I hope you're happy with her."

The words broke Petes heart. Mikey was showing emotion again. It was slight but it was there and it was sad. Pete bowed his head and walked out the door and down the driveway.

"I love you, Pete.." Mikey whispered brokenly and closed the door slowly, like he was trying to hang on to every moment with Pete. It made Pete angry. It was like Mikey was trying to guilt trip him.

How dare he. Pete could feel himself involuntarily fang, something that always happened when he was extremely angry.

He looked at Patrick and Mikey, chatting as though old friends. Mikeys face was stoic, like on that day. No emotion shined through. It made Pete ache in the worst way. He forced his face neutral. Mikey was in the past. He'd show him.

Pete stepped up beside Patrick, opposite side to Mikey. He slipped his hand into Patrick's and interlocked their fingers. Patrick was his boyfriend. Mikey was his ex.

Patrick stopped talking mid-sentence and looked down at their hands. He glared, and shook Pete off quickly. "I'm not your boyfriend, Pete. I've told you that already."

If Pete had've eaten he would've blushed. He had never been so embarrassed. The feeling didn't last long. He was cut off from any come back with a spluttering cough. He hacked out a few petals and black inky blood.

He looked at his hands that had been covering his mouth in panic. A quiet but audible whimper escaped his mouth. He stepped back out of line with the two younger boys and trailed behind them sadly.

"He isn't your boyfriend, is he?" Mikey asked.

A look of disgust overtook Patrick's face. "Oh god no." Tears welled in Petes eyes.

"But he's in love with you." It wasn't a question. "It better stay one sided or killing him will be a lot more difficult."

Petes head shot up at the words. He didn't think he had pushed Patrick that far. Maybe Patrick really couldn't take a joke.

Patrick sighed. "I know, I know." His eyes hadn't left Mikeys face. The way Patrick was staring made Pete jealous. Pete wanted Patrick to look at him like that. He spat a daisy onto the footpath bitterly.

Pete walked a bit faster now, hoping to hear more of the conversation. He heard names of obscure weapons that only made him more fearful. He also heard a name that struck a chord. Gerard Way.

"So you're dating my brother?" Gerard towered over Pete, eyes poisonous red. Pete nodded.

Gerard backed him into the wall roughly and grabbed him by the collar. "I swear to god, Wentz. You hurt him I'll make every waking moment of your miserable life hell."

Pete glared at the ground, angry tears pouring down his face. He felt over the bite marks on his neck that seemed to crumble away to ash whenever he touched them. Patrick was working with Gerard to kill him. Now he was fuhked.

They stopped at a parting of the road. Pete could vaguely make out Patrick's car down the left turn. He started walking towards it as the others said their goodbyes.

Patrick was scuffing his feet. "You've gotta kill him.." Mikey whispered. "Listen, Pete.. he's.." it was the first time Patrick had seen the statue of a man choked up. "He's Pete.." Mikey lamely finished.

"But you know what has to happen."

"Do you even know why it has to happen?" Patrick snapped back. Mikey raised his hands in mock surrender. "Don't shoot the messenger. Just.. get it done."

Mikey sent Pete a look that Patrick could only describe as longing before he turned on his heel and stalked away into the night.

Patrick took the hat off his head and ruffled his hair. He sniffled and raised his hand to his face. He was crying. He was crying over killing the bane of his existence.

The bane of his existence was sitting in his run down car, crying his eyes out over the man he loves, wanting nothing in the whole world but his own death.

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