Thats Kinda Gay

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Pete looked down at the sharp object stuck into his thigh. He stared for a moment, vision clouded with colour. He yanked the object out of his skin and stumbled back.

He looked around at the place he once found terrifying, though now it looked like a pretty meadow. Pete let out a girlish giggle and skipped around.

He put his arms out and spun around until he hit the wall. He let out a soft 'oof' and shook his head. His hand met a soft curtain which he stared at for a good ten minutes.

It had been a murky brown and covered in holes the last time he had looked but now it was multicoloured, resembling a pride flag. Pete let out a soft gasp.

"I'm kinda gay too," he whispered to the curtain like it was a friend that had just come out to him. He flung himself at the curtain, hugging it tightly for a few minutes.

He looked over at Patrick with a dazed, lovesick look.

"Do you think I have a chance, Mr. Curtin? I think he likes girls.."

He glanced from Patrick to the curtain and back to Patrick.

"I am a man with a plan." He mumbled. He slowly draped the now pink, to him, curtain around him like a skirt and spun again.

"Pattycakes!" He cooed and stumbled through the colours to a very oblivious Patrick. Pete flung one arm around Patrick's neck, the other holding his make-shift skirt up. He smacked a sloppy kiss onto Patrick's cheek before speaking.

"Sit down," he slurred out, giggling like a school girl with a crush. He pushed Patrick onto the ratty sofa and straddled him. He leaned in to kiss him but was stopped by a hand on his chest.

"Pete, what the fuhk is wrong with you?"

Patrick tried to push the 2007 reject off of him. Pete stubbornly didn't budge.

"I just wanna please my boyfriend." Pete gave him a pout and puppy dog eyes. Patrick growled at his choice of words.

"I'm not your boyfriend. Fuhking desperate.." Patrick muttered the last part under his breath.

Pete moved impossibly closer to Patrick and nuzzled into his neck. Patrick groaned softly at the mouth full of hair he was receiving.

"Fuhk off, Pete!" He groaned.

Patrick quickly pushed the older boy away when he felt his neck become damp. He quickly moved to wipe the spit off before looking at Pete and realising it was tears.

"Why don't you love me?!" Pete wailed, his emotions having no censor in that moment.

Patrick sat stock still in front of him, just staring. Pete would usually back down. Patrick noticed the unicorn horn on the floor, black dripping off the end of the candy-cane color. His eyes comically widened.

"Oh fuhk, you're high.."

"I am not! It's called being in love!" Pete jumped off his lap and stomped his foot like a toddler.

"Youuuuuuuu probably don't even know what that is!" Pete accused, and poked Patrick's chest roughly, glaring at him venomously. His face quickly fell and he flung himself at Patrick again. "But I wish you did! Because then we could be in love!" He sobbed into Patrick's shirt.

"Jesus fuhking Christ.." Patrick mumbled and pat Petes back awkwardly.

"You're gonna hate yourself for acting like this."

"No I won't because it's true!"

"Yeah right. Can I do what I came here to do now?"

"Did you come here to love me?"

The question was answered with an exasperated sigh.

"Then no." He sniffled and wiped his eyes, lined by an unhealthy ring of black.

He slowly raised his head from his safe burrow of Patrick's shirt.

"I don't feel well.." he mumbled like a little kid trying to get out of school.

"What? Have you never been high before?" Patrick let out a small chuckle despite himself.

"I-I have-" Pete seemed to suddenly choke on air. He took deep breaths though none of them fully entered him. He turned away from Patrick and coughed up a single purple petal.

The one petal was followed by many more multicoloured flowers. Pete let sobs rack his body and he choked up the bloody flowers.

Patrick stared in shock, knowing there was nothing he could do. There was no way Pete had been serious about loving him.

"What's going on?!" Pete screamed, the words followed by an orange flower.

Patrick debate whether to lie or remain silent. He decided on the latter.

Pete took deep breaths and stared at the mess he had made.

"What is that?! How is that possible?! Am I a plant..?" He whispered the last question to Patrick dramatically.

Patrick couldn't help doubling over and laughing at Pete in that moment. He had managed to accidentally get high, cross dress and reveal he had Hanahaki disease in less than an hour.

Patrick froze at his own thoughts. Pete had Hanahaki Disease. Pete was in love with him. A one-sided love.

Pete looked up at him, sad and defeated. "Why're you laughing? Are you really that sick?"

Patrick quickly shook his head "no! No just.. you have no clue what just happened?"

Pete miserably looked at the bloody bouquets in front of him and shook his head. He wiped his black blood from around his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "Can't you look it up in one of your spooky books?"

Patrick choose to lie this time. "I've never read anything like this, trust me, I'd remember."

"So I'm original... do you love me now?"


"How about now?"



"No." Patrick said, continuing on, feeling the walls with one hand, holding his torch in the other. He found a button on the wall, which turned bright red as he pressed it. Pete chuckled.

"You pressed the red button!" He cheered, as though Patrick had just beaten a level in a ridiculously easy videogame.

"Yeah. I did." Patrick said, brushing away the cobwebs that looked like sparkly ribbons to Pete. Spiders made of jelly scuttled around his feet.

Patrick looked at him.

"Do not touch anything. Do not say anything. You might die if you do."

They walked in slowly, Pete ever curious, looking at everything with an air of wonder. Patrick walked into the darkness.

"Stay here." He commanded, disappearing down another corridor. Pete looked around, obeying for half a second, before spluttering up a rainbow of petals. He missed Patrick so... he followed into the dark.

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