Chapter 9

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  The moon was high in the sky

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The moon was high in the sky. Tohru was serving dinner on the table. Staring at the food, Emi felt her mouth watering. "I can't wait to put this all in my stomach!"

Tohru giggled. "Sometimes it's like your eyes are bigger than your stomach."

"I can't argue with that fact. So... I heard from Sumire that your school is doing an endurance run tomorrow?"

Tohru looked confused. "How did she know that?"

"Don't you remember? Her brother is a 3rd year there."

"Oh right! I remember now! I haven't seen her brother around at school at all."

"I heard that he just goes straight home when the day is done." Yuki started coughing, looking red in the face. "Are you alright? You're not getting sick, are you?"

"I'm fine, Emi." Yuki answered. Emi knew that wasn't the truth.

"Oh no!" Tohru went over to Yuki, feeling his forehead. "You don't have a fever, do you?"

"If that's the case." Emi continued. "Then he should stay home than run in the endurance run."

"Did you say endurance run?!" Kyo asked, appearing out of the blue.

Emi knew where this was going, letting out a sigh. "If you're planning to 'defeat' Yuki in this race, then I'm sorry to say this, but he will most likely stay home due to a fever."

"Then you better give him some medicine and put him to bed. Even if he has a fever, he's not getting out of this."

Emi inhaled deeply. "Boy, if you don't-" She noticed that he disappeared. "...And he's gone."

Looking towards Tohru, Emi knew that she was thinking the same thing. Wanting Yuki to rest to get better rather than running in this endurance run. His fever would only get worse if he pushes himself.


The next day, Emi was sitting at her desk, listening to the teacher. They weren't giving a lecture, but more of talking about them picking a high school to attend in a couple months.

Emi already knew which high school she was going to. Kaibara High School. The same school where Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo attends. It was a no-brainer.

After the teacher dismissed the class, Sumire walked over to Emi's desk. "Let me guess. You put down Kaibara High School?"

Emi nodded. "I sure did. It's been a while since I attended the same school as sis."

"I put down the same school too! It looks like we're going to continue making more memories together!"

At the same time, Emi and Sumire fist pounded. "To many more great memories together."

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