chapter 6

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History was boring as heck but interesting at the same time.

Apparently, I got moved to the middle of the classroom where everybody could see me and judge. I got seated next to this annoying dude that wouldn't stop talking to me(he eventually got sent out of the classroom).

His whole conversation with me- basically himself, was just him talking about his favorite Marvel characters. He says that Batman dies in Endgame. Which is funny because Batman isn't even a Marvel character. He even brought out his limited edition action figures to show me and flex. Mrs. Monroe took them away though, that was a fun sight to see.

When Abby and I walked into class, immediately her friend group pulled her away from me. Literally. We were in the middle of a conversation, then they just came in and said:

"Hey, new kid, we'll be taking her from you now. Thanks for taking care of her for us!" They wiggled their fingers at me as if saying goodbye. It was disturbing.

But the thing that bothered me most was Abby's reaction, she seemed sad like she didn't want to be with them. Maybe that's the reason..?

I found myself organizing my locker after class, stupid me messed up my book order. I planned on decorating my locker during lunchtime, but I had trouble putting up the fairy lights since I'm so short and plus, my locker was on the top row.

"Hey, Lystria!" Somebody called out to me, I turned around recognizing that voice.

"Wow, look who's here," I said while glaring at a person running down the hallway at full speed. He's still wearing the same light blue sweater from yesterday.

He halted right in front of me, "Here I am!" A grin appeared on his face,

"Deti, that was really unnecessary." I facepalmed, "You could've just walked over here, but you just had to run."

"Uh... sorry?" He apologized, he looked inside my locker. It was empty and ugly. "You need some help?"

"Yes, please," I wanted to get this done as soon as possible, so why not let him help? Like he's not gonna do anything wrong.

A few minutes passed by and we just finished with the fairy lights. Deti picked up a picture of me and this other girl in my backpack. He examined it for a few minutes, "What are you staring at..?" I asked him,

"Who's the girl in the photo?" He flipped the photo around, I took a quick glance at it.

"She's a close friend of mine," I said, "She still is today, we've known each other since diapers."

"Where is she now..?" Deti questioned curiously,

I sighed, "Back in England stupid."

"You know, we use the word 'stupid' too much in this book,"

I tilted my head at him, "Wait, what book?"

He shook his head, "Nevermind, here. Let me hang this up," He attached the picture to the fairy lights, right in the middle. "Is that good?"

I nodded, "Yup, perfect."

We ook 15 minutes to finish my locker. It was full of the color of lavender and white with stars on the top.

"That looks pretty," Deti said, "It somehow reminds me of you,"

I sighed once more, "Wow, what a surprise," my whole outfit that day was basically all lavender and white.

I grabbed my lunchpail from my new and fresh locker, "You wanna head to lunch now?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda hungry from all that 'hard work'."

We sat at the same spot where we sat yesterday. We were isolated and alone. But this time, Deti actually brought a lunch.

"Woah! What a surprise!" I pointed at him, "Look! He brought lunch!"

"Yeah, I did. I kinda copied your idea..." He took out the same lunch as yesterday: Nutella sandwiches.

"That's okay, but don't bring that every single day, or else you're basic," I said. I took out my chopsticks and started eating my sushi.

"You brought sushi,"

"Syah, sho?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full... it's disgusting," He said while I swallowed my rice, "Did you make those?" He pointed at my food,

"Nope, these were leftovers," I responded,

"Oh... I was like-"

"Mind if I join you?" A female voice interrupted our 'conversation', I glanced over to where the voice was coming from.

"Hey, Abby! Glad to see you're doing okay!" Deti held his hand high, expecting a high five.

"Oh, hi Deti..." She walked right past the hand, he would frown.


"Hi, Abby, how are you?" I ask, she would find her way to an empty seat right next to me.

"Fine, I guess," She responded,

"What do you mean 'I guess'?" He replied,

"It's nothing," she said,

"Uh... Abby..." I turned towards her, "Why are you here anyway?" It's unusual for people to hang out with a new kid when they just first met them- unlike Deti,

"Why can't I? Am I not allowed to?" She questioned,

"Yeah, you are... but it's just unusual since you have a lot of friends,"

"I wouldn't say, friends," she looked down at her hands, "More like-" She shook her head, "actually nevermind."

Deti and I looked at each other in confusion, I then shrugged my shoulders.

"Babe, there you are!" A voice appeared behind us, we all glanced at the boy. It was stupid Zachy Boy. He parted the waters(Abby and I), now I wasn't even on the table. I stumbled back, almost falling in the process. Ugh, I just wanna kill him already. "Darling... Don't go running off like that okay?" He wrapped his arm around Abby,

"Where are your manners?" Deti snapped,

Zach glanced at Deti giving him the 'shut up' face. Deti scoffed and crossed his arms, "Stupid little b*tch," He mumbled under his breath,

He roughly got up, "What the f*ck did you just call me?"

"Nothing," Deti replied, he was leaning on his hand, looking away to avoid conversation.

"S-Sweetheart, settle down..." Abby smiled at Zach... uncomfortably.

He grinned at Abby, sitting down gently, "Of course honey, anything for you~" He winked- what I realized that he actually just blinked at her. I don't think he knows how to wink.

"Don't you got some business to attend to?" Abby said as she tried to avoid eye contact with him, it was pretty noticeable.

Zach sighed, "Yeah, I have to finish this f*cking calculus quiz," He brushed his hand through his curly hair, "Guess I'll see you later cupcake~" He 'winked' at her and completely ignored us. He walked off having this walk that he thinks he's cool but he's actually not. Zach has tons of cringy nicknames for girls.

"Hey, Abby," Deti leaned in, since Zach was gone, why not ask this question: "Why to  yes to a guy like him?"

"Well..." Abby hesitated for a moment, "W-Well because he's so... sweet and all!" She smiled a fake smile,

Deti didn't give up, "Abby, I know you would never want him. I know how he treats you, just tell us what he's doing."

"H-He's not doing anything! I did this out of my own-" she choked on her words, "on my own will..." She shook her head, "It's not like any of you would understand..." She got up, "I'll see you guys around." She ran off towards the back of the lunch tables.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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