chapter 1

94 0 1

January 7, 2019

School is a torture chamber. Making poor young ones like me wake up at 6:00 each morning, expected to get ready for more useless information. Sitting down for 6 hours and only getting 45 minutes of break, and we all know every public school serves trash.

I'm still surprised school even exists, the subjects the teachers are teaching don't even make any sense. Why is Social Studies and Science even a thing? We're just learning about dead people and investigating smelly, dead animals.

I'm sure school has its pros and cons, but I just mostly don't care. All I care about is getting good grades and to get a decently paying job.

It's my junior year and I just want the school year to end already. I need to graduate and get a good university and a job. Then my life will be complete, no boys or anything. But that's easier said than done.

7:00 in the morning, I find the gates open at the front of the school. I would hear the chatters of everyone around me with their friends. I would hear the words like: Isn't that the new girl? She's kinda cute. Go talk to her, she's totally your type. I reacted by sighing. I fixed my eyes on a specific friend group right next to the entrance gate. It was a group which contained 3, all girls, a sassy aura came out of them. They giggled and pointed at me. I could already tell they were the try-hard popular group who somehow got all the guys over them.

They slowly slid over to me, making these strange giggling noises until they were right up in my face, I looked up at them. They were about 5'6 while I was down at 5'0. "So? You new around here shorty?" One of the girls said as they flipped their hair to one side.

I rolled my eyes and pushed them aside, I had no time to deal with those punks. I just needed to get to class quickly. But then I felt a hand on my right shoulder, it forcefully pulled me back to where I was standing, except I was on the floor. One of the girls stepped forward, "Giving us the silent treatment?" She frowned down at me. She did the laid back pose every popular girl does.

"I don't recall having any business with you." I snapped at her.

"Oooo, the kitty's got some claws." She said, I rolled my eyes once again. They snickered,
"Come on girls," another girl stepped up, "we don't have time for another worthless piece of trash. We're gonna be late for class again."

"Aw darn, well. We'll see you around, loser." They giggled(again) and did their little girly walk exit.

I slowly got up and dusted myself off. I fixed my hair and my clothes. What a great way to start off in a new school, being a transfer student is hard around this era. "You okay?" I heard a voice in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I responded.

It was a boy, wearing a dark blue sweater with dark brown messy hair. According to the way he looks, I can tell he was on the basketball team, I then notice he's pretty tall, he was around 5'11 or 6 feet. "Here," he handed me my phone. "It fell and glided along the floor. Sadly the screen is slightly cracked. Sorry about that..." He scratched the back of his head. I scanned my phone, on the top right corner, there would be a crack running along the side.

"That's okay, I could live with a little crack. Thank you." I gave him a smile while I grabbed my backpack on the floor.

"Here, where's your schedule?" He asked, I unfolded a paper in my right pocket and handed it to him. "I'll take you to your class, follow me." We started to head into the main school building.

It's been a few minutes of silence, our footsteps echoed in the hallway.

"Hey, I've been wondering..." he suddenly said while we were walking.

"Hm?" I looked up at him.

"Where are you from anyways?"

"I'm from a faraway place called England," I answered. "I bet you never heard of that place." He gave me a weird look, "What?

"And you don't have the accent?"

I sighed, "Not everybody gets the accent."

"Oh-" He looked away, there was a moment of silence. "I never even bothered to ask, what is your name anyways?" He asked(finally).

"Name's Lystria, yours?" I said,

"Deti Mersin." He smiled,

"I'm supposed to say my full name?"

"If you want to, I guess?"

"Lystria Rori Ayers." I held my hand out, Deti awkwardly shook it. His hands were soft, but kind of moist at the same time. We suddenly stopped in front of a maroon colored door. It hung some calligraphy of shades of color, like "sarcoline" and "conquelicot".

"Annnddd... Here's your class. Mrs. Monroe's classroom, she teaches art and history." He patted me on the back,

"Is she a good teacher..?"

"Yeah, you're actually really lucky to have her, she actually has a daughter in the same grade as you." His eyes lit up, "Hey! I have an idea, you should become friends with her daughter. Mrs. Monroe is gonna like you more if you do." I glanced at him, he looked proud of his idea.

"I'll try to, what's her name?" I asked,

"Her name is Abby Bree Monroe, pretty name eh?"

I nodded my head, "Sure."

"She's always nice to everybody, so she'll be a good friend to hang around with if you're new-" The bell would cut Deti off. "Well, that's the bell. Hope you like it here at this school. Have fun Lystria!"

"You too..?" I said. He smiled at me and gave me a 2 fingered salute as he slowly walked off.

(Republished because I had to fix some problems, sorry for the confusion.)

Thanks for reading! It's not my best work, but I'm trying to improve

hehe, i tried ;)

i got brain fart

Shoutout to @Lavendermilktx her books are amAZInG. check her out ;))

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