chapter 2

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      Lunchtime came, and I didn't know where to go. I just followed the flow of the crowd to the lunch tables. At least I had my lunch pail and I didn't have to go line up for some ugly trash.

I was walking casually until a familiar voice called out to me, "Lystria!"

I looked around, a boy was running up to me, "Deti?"

He ran up to me panting, "There you are!" He placed both of his hands on my shoulders. "I was looking all over for you!" He sighed, "Like seriously, why do you have to be so short?"

"I didn't choose to be this short." I frowned.

He chuckled, "I'm just kidding." He suddenly grabbed my hand,

I immediately pulled away, "What do you think you're doing young man?"

He tilted his head, "Uh... Leading you to a lunch table?"

"Do you want me to sit with you?" I asked,

He nodded, "Well, that's one of the reasons why I looked for you."

"Why do I have to sit with you?" I argued, "Don't you have other friends that you want to sit with?"

He gave me a blank stare, "Yeah, you."

"I-" I blushed and looked down, "Oh."

"And besides, you're new here. So I'm gonna assume you don't have any friends, so I'll be your first one!" He smiled at me.

I returned a smile, "Thanks."

      He frantically looked behind us, there were girls running around- no, wait, actually, they were running towards us and screaming at the same time.

"Lystria, we gotta blast."


"No time to explain." He grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

Long story short, we escaped the fangirls.

      We all the way behind the multipurpose room, there was a lonely picnic table. We were surrounded by bushes and we were shaded by a huge tree, this is was basically isolated from the rest of the school.

I was panting, "What was that all about anyway?" I wondered,

He scratched the back of his head, "It's nothing..."

"It doesn't look like nothing to me."

Deti would sigh, "Some girls just want me for my looks."

"Um... can you explain what looks?" I responded,

He rolled his eyes, "Haha. Very funny."

I giggled, I would then notice he wouldn't have a lunch, "Where's your lunch?"

"I already ate it-" I heard a stomach growl.

"So you're telling me you ate air for lunch?"

"I guess so?"

I sighed, I then unpacked two Nutella sandwiches out of my lunch pail. I would hand one to Deti.

"Are you sure you want to give it to me?" He asked,

"Yes, now accept my offering. And just saying, it's not injected with poison or anything."

"Haha." He would sarcastically laugh.

      There were a few minutes of the silence of us eating our sandwiches. Then Deti would break the quietness.

"Have you decided what club you're going to join yet?" He asked me,

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