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~10 years later~

after the events at highschool and we left for canada we realised that... i was pregnant. luckily we were able to get a house before i gave birth. i gave birth to a pefect little boy that we named Jensen. 4 years later we had another baby girl who we named michelle. and they are now both now in elementary school but one concern i have is that.. our genes have definetly passed down. the llegacy of our lives will pass down and possible continue forever. but i guess thats the pice you pay. its not asif i regret anything. its just. i dont want my kids to put themselfes in danger but im sure theyll be fine. its just... last week jensen took a butter kife to school and attemted to use it to cut off a kids pinky. its funny but. i know hes not gonna stop there. i smile to myself now but i guess killing is part of our family haha.

lmao what.

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