chaos is what killed the dinosaurs darling.

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~next day at school~

I waited outside my house for JD to pick me up so we could ride to school together. he showed up not tolong after. "hello darling" JD smirked jumping off his bike. "hello to you too" i laughed back at him. i jumped on the bike and hugged JD while we rode to school. once we arrived i saw heather mac running up to us. "[Y/N] I NEED TO SPEAK T-TO YOU!" she shoutedquiet enough to not get everyones attention. i jumped off the bike quickly kissing JD and folling mac into the school. "um heather whats u-" i asked before she cut me off "I cant anymore!" she started crying once we stepped into the bathroom. i hugged her "heather whats wrong?" "I JUST CANT!" heather yelled tears streaming down her face. "[Y/N] i-i loved duke... but she killed herself because of chandler and no one understands or cares and asumes ill get over it if i have sex with kurt and ram but i cant cus- im- im a lesbian!" she cried. "HAHAHAHAH i cant belive you heather! i cant belive ive been ruling this school with fags for the past years! just wait till what the school thinks about this." chandler laughed pushing mac on the floor standing over her. she walked off leaving us two again. "im so sorry heather i need to to ask heather why shes being like this-" i ran after heather grabbing her wrist. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DAMAGE HEATHER?!" I yelled slapping her. "HOW CAN YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT THIS IS SOMETHING THAT IS ACCEPTABLE? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS!?" i yelled again. "HAHAH" she laughed looking down at me. "cus i can" she walked off with kurt and ram folling behind her like lost puppies. i was so angry. i was so angry that-


wow [Y/N] is fucking beatiful when shes angry. i felt my heart start beating faster and faster. god i love this woman. the bitch- oh sorry i mean HEATHER, walked away. i could see [Y/N] was really angry at this point untill she started loosing balance untill- she fainted. she fell hard onto the concrete floor. i stood there frozen unsure what to do untill my train of though came back. "fuck" I ran over to her cradleing her body and carried her outside. fuck what should i do now. shes unconshius. um. i guess ill take her to my place and let her rest there she shouldnt be out for long.

~time skip brought to you by drain-o no rust build up~

she lay there on my bed unconsus. she was beautiful. i could kiss her but i think its much better when shes awake. i decided to to go downstairs and grab some paper to make a plan for how we could kill chandler. i walked past the TV and heard that apparently in the time that we had been gone heather macnamara, aka the nicer heather, had apparently comit suicide in the girls bathroom in the exact same way that duke did. she wrote a a suicide not saying

'Dear cold unforgiving world,

How could you take someone so beautiful away from me? i loved Duke but you decided that it was best for her to comit suicicide? so i decided that its best i do the same. so i canbe with the one i love. goodbye.

Heather Macnamara.'

huh. shame guess she and duke were both gay and probably loved eachother. guess kurt and ram arnt the only gay ones hahahaha. anyway i grabbed the paper and went upstairs to start planning.

~about 10 mins later.~

~[Y/N] POV~

i woke up to find myself in... JD's room? Huh cool. i sat up and saw JD at his desk writing or drawing. i couldnt tell since his back was to me. he turned around. "oh! [Y/N] your awake?!" he smiled at me. he walked over to me and hugged me. "um.. what happend how did i get here?" i asked. " fainted after shouting at chandler" he looked at me smiling softly "that bitch" i mutterd. "yeah so that why i planned for us to kill her! Unless you dont wan-" "OFCOURSE I WANT TO KILL THAT BITCH!" i yelled looking down angrilly. he stood up looking at me. "well then should we do it-" he started. "wait..." i stopped him. "huh?" "i had a better idea..." i smirked. "what if... we..." i hesitated... what if he thinks im insane what if he thinks im stuid i started hyperventilating WHAT WAS I SAYING WE COULD- "we could what? are you okay?" he asked worried, hugging me. i breathed slowly. "we could.. blow up the school..." JD stared at me. i expected him to start shouting angryilly but no he just leg of of me smiling widely but not a normal smile, it was crazy his smile was a smile of a true phsycopath. "[Y/N]... i fucking love you.. you know that right?" he looked at m lovingly almost lustfully. he suddenly smashed his lips against mine kissing me roughly.

{insert sexi tiems here cus idk how to write it so idk u can just pretend its here yes :D}

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