Greetings and Salutations

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A/N so to start off I'm gonna say here I apologise for any spelling mistakes cus I'm kinda dislexic oof and this is also my first ever fanfiction I'm sorry lol anyway let's get into the news- I mean fanfiction.


*beep beep*
It was my first day of my new school... kinda scary but oh well. I rubbed my eyes as i sat up. I looked at the clock it was 7:03. Guess i took a while to actually hear my alarm. I got out of my bed and walked downstairs to see my dad reading the paper with his cereal waiting to be eaten. "Morning Dad" i greeted. "Morning [Y/N] sweetheart" he replied looking up from the paper. I cringed at the name. I reached to get a bowl from the cupboard and placed it on the side. "So are you exited for your new school?" He asked. "i guess" i replied while bringing the milk and cereal over to my bowl. "Well just make sure you don't get yourself into the wrong crowd, dont want your grades to fall" "yeah i know mom said the same thing last year" i said while pouring the milk in to the barely filled bowl of cereal. You see my life over the past few years had been rough, i moved from my hometown away from all my friends to another school because my parents got divorced so my mom decided to move me in with her new boyfriend who was, to say it nicely as possible, a dick. And that was ontop of the fact that i got bullied at the new school  i was at. So eventually i'd had enough and moved with my dad instead. I walked over to the table and picked at my cereal eating slowly. I looked at the time again. It was 7:10 which meant it was time for me to get ready for school. I ran back upstairs and brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly then ran to my closet and stood wondering what to wear. Of course this part was very important so i had to choose wisely. I would usually wear my leather jacked that my dad passed down to me from when he was a teen but i could on my fist day that would make me a direct target for bullying. I decided to go with my black knee high socks, a grey skirt, white shirt and black blazer. I decided not to bother styling my hair and just brushed it. I checked the time again and it was 7:35 so it was time to be on my way to school. I walked downstairs and unlocked the door "see you when i get back dad!" I shouted at him "see you when your back!" I head out the door and in the direction if the school. I knew where the school was cus my dad and i had walked there so i could get to know it cus we knew that id be walking.

~time skip~

I arrived at school.  And got out my paper and searched for my locker.  I found it and stood by it since thats what everyone else was doing. i decided to look around a bit. Wow everyone had really casual looks. Not what i expected. Until... they walked in... four girls walked through the doors and everyone stopped and stared i decided it was best to try and blend in.  There was a tall girl with blonde hair who wore a yellow outfit, another girl in green who was holding a copy of moby dick , a girl in blue who seemed to be carrying a pen and paper and the girl in red who was infront of them all. I asumed she must be the leader of this group-thing.  A kid walked past and the girl in red stoped and glared at him. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" she was loud and clear "i-im sorry heather i didnt mean t-to i was just-"  "DID I ASK" she shouted.They seemed like they were the only people who wore blazers amd like people who i shouldnt mess with. I decided it would probably be best to not wear a blazer until i know how they would feel about it i don't wanna be called out on anything. The bell rang and i just went to class and hoped that nothing would go wrong.


"Okay so today class we have two new students Jason dean and [Y/N] [L/N] i want you all make them feel welcome if any of you two want to say anything say it now" mrs Fleming announced to the class as we stood at the front. "Yeah you can all call me JD for short but thats all" the boy i knew as JD said in his really nice voice. "I dont have anything to say so i guess thats done?" I said looking up at the teacher. "Well then i guess you two can go sit at the seats next to eachother at the back" she said to us quietly. JD lead infront of me leaving the seat in the very corner for me. He was really hot but i barely knew him so i wasnt gonna say anything. "Greetings and salutations [Y/N] are you gonna keep staring at me or pay attention" he smirked turing to look at me. I jumped back snd blushed. I didnt realise i had been staring. "U-um sorry haha" "don't be. So your new,  im new. you wanna be buddies" he said using air quotes when saying buddies. "Um y-yeah" i said hiding my blush with my hands.

Me and JD stuck together all day so far and we got to know eachother.  Well really i just got to know him cus i was too embarrased cus DAMN he was hot. Everything about him was hot. His face, his voice, his laugh i was developing a crush for sure.

Oof that took me about an hour welp. Hope you enjoyed.

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