chapter 3

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I put the key in the lock of the cafe, since they have loaded me up again with the earliest service. I turn on the light in the kitchen and take my apron off the hook. While I tie it behind my back, the first customer walks in. Without looking at the customer first, I take the order and turn on the coffee machine. The customers are coming in and I can now hear my first customer patting his foot impatiently. "Can't you get along?" This rude comment leaves me surprised. Staring with a surprised face, I see the face that matches the back of my mind. I am disappointed that such a great face can have such an ugly attitude. He sees me staring and looks at me as if he has no idea why I am looking at him. This only makes me more angry. I give him his coffee and he leaves.the rest of my service it stays in my head. Only when I am on my way to school, I no longer constantly think about it, it was just a stupid crush. I see Tessa waiting in front of the school door. I walk over to her and just as I am standing with her she looks at me. she has an apologetic look in her eyes. Of course I forgive her immediately, after all it was only a small argument. After a long hug, we walk in just in time for the bell. The first hour is unexpectedly free, so we spend that hour in the lunch room. we chat about boring things such as school, series and boys. She always has a lot to say about the latter subject, but this time I also want to say something about it. 'Hey about yesterday, I wanted to tell you. I was just a little nervous. " She responded immediately with a 'Of course, no problem! so, spill the tea, who was he? " A smile finds its way to the corners of my mouth and I start to tell. I start yesterday with how handsome he is and about this morning when he was a huge jerk. When I'm done I can barely breathe or she will start talking. "He sounds sexy! What did he order? So you're going to date again? " I do not want to answer the last question. Didn't I just say he's a jerk? And then again, I am not over Nathan yet. I think back to Nathan. He blonde short hair with blue eyes. He was in the car with my parents during the accident. I will never forgive myself for that. Tessa sees my reaction and my emotions about her last question. 'It is and remains not your fault Ana. You called, but your father should never have picked up the phone whilst driving. " "Yes, but if I hadn't called, nothing would have happened!" Tears fill my eyes and Tessa hugs me tightly. Looking over Tessa's shoulder, I see a familiar face coming. No, not him again! I release myself from Tessa's embrace and make it clear that the person who is now arriving is the boy this morning. She looks at me with wide eyes and says "hot" with her mouth. Before I know it, Tessa is gone and I am face to face with the rude customer. He is standing in front of me and needs to look down a little to see me in my eyes. It seems as if he is trying to read my thoughts. He finally starts talking. "Hey, I am Oliver." I do my best to look as seriously as possible and not show any emotions. He sees this as a sign to keep talking. "I just wanted to say sorry about this morning. I am normally a calm person, but I was in a hurry". It sounded genuine. I am sometimes late for something too. I don't want to make a bigger deal than he already makes it. "It's all right." He suddenly looks at me cheerfully. I hear the bell ring and want to leave quickly. "Bye Oliver." And I am gone. At least, I am 2 meters further until he starts talking again. "I want to make it up to you, I can treat you to a cup of coffee this afternoon." There are already many people in the corridor and many have their eyes on me and Oliver. He is indeed a tall handsome boy. I would also stare, but why is he doing his best to make it right? It would be embarrassing to say no now. Fine. "Yeah, sure." I feel my heart beating faster when saying those words. I watch him walk around the school in his black pants and denim jacket. He walks with confidence, an attitude that does not at all fit the conversation we just had. I check my schedule and see that my next subject is P.E. I walk towards the exit of the school and walk towards the park. I haven't been to the P.E. for the past 1.5 years. I don't even know if my P.E. teacher knows that I exist. The park looks sunny today and I choose a bench to sit on. I grab my laptop and start typing. The words flow out and they form a story. Before I know it, the story is no longer about two romantic characters, but I start using the names Olivier and Anastasia. As soon as I notice this, I delete half a page. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice next to my ear. "Why did you delete that, I thought it was ... Poetic".

IT HAS BEEN A WHILE!!!!! Im so sorry for that. I honestle dont have an excuse. Just trust me when im saying im gonna make a schedule this time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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