chapter 2

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The rest of the day was normal. I stared at the people I always stare at and the people I never stare at. Newcomers have arrived. The typical bullies at our school have started again. Of course it is not nice to start your school year while being bullied, but having detention on the first day is also annoying. The day went well and I didn't get in trouble. Normally I am not someone who get in trouble at school, but with Mrs. Crawlsworthy it is sometimes funny to get something out of her. It's hilarious to see her face turn red and hear her teeth grinding in the back of the class. It is pathetic sometimes. Some children go too far, but I think I've never done that.detention is, as you would expect, very boring. You walk into the classroom, you sit down and you have to watch a history documentary. Normally I find those things interesting, but I just can't keep my attention there. Every time I try to pay attention my eyes fall on him again. There is a boy diagonally in front of me. I don't know who it is because I can't see his face. I also cannot recognize him by his other characteristics. He looks too old to be a freshman, maybe he is even older than I am. I try to tell myself that I just haven't noticed him in the halls, but there is something about his black short curls and his leather jacket that attracts me. I can see it happening. This is just like a romantic film where the good girl falls in love with a bad boy. I really have to stop doing that. I think about it a lot. It just seems like everything in my life has been tragic so far. All I can see is his hair and nose that looks like it was made by the gods. I don't normally stare. My parents taught me that staring is rude. But the way I am staring now is not offensive, it is rather flattering. The minutes are passing fast and before I know it, the last bell rings. Our  teacher has fallen asleep what has prompted the class to run wild and throw paperballs at him. Tessa ,sitting next to me, wakes up from her nap by a boy running into her. she sees that I am still staring at the boy who has now fallen asleep. she pulls me by the hand and drags me into the girlsroom. "So who is that hottie you were staring at?" It was the very first thing she said when we assured we were alone. "I don't know." It was the simplest answer. which is therefore not good enough for her. "Then why did you stare at him?" I usually like her curiosity. It makes me feel like someone really cares about me, but this time it starts to annoy me a bit. all day she was just bickering about her crush (which changes every week). I pick at my messy orange nail polish. "I wasn't staring at him, I was just looking somewhere." This answer doesn't seem to be enough, but Tessa notices my irritated tone and lets it go. she was apparently very dissatisfied with how this conversation went because she shifts her weight from one hip to the other and looks disappointed to the floor. afraid of her next comment I walk out of the toilets and walk towards my locker at an accelerated pace. By the time I am there she seems to have changed her mind because she too is now coming out of the bathroom and calling my name. Normally she comes to say sorry for her intrusiveness and I forgive her, but this time I don't need it. I throw my tablet into the locker and, almost running, walk towards the exit. It seems that Tessa cannot contain this action and stops walking in my direction. I walk around the corner to the front door of school and without looking at who I bump into, I bump into him. I mutter a quick "sorry" and walk on, now a little slower. I quickly turn around to know who I actually bumped into. I feel my cheeks turn red when I see the same back of the head as the one I watched the entire hour. So hoping no one has seen that, I walk on. "That was a coincidence." I think to myself. 

I stare intensely at the screen. In this episode we find out who killed the count. Watching tv is one of my favorite things to do. The doorbell rings and I wakeup from my trans. I walk past the full bin on the way to the front door. The little white robot standing in front of my door says the same sentence as every evening. "Hello and enjoy your meal!" While I see the package with lasagna approach in the rest of the street everyone opens their doors and takes their food. I put the $ 5 into the robot's hand and close the door. I walk back to my seat on the couch and hear the robot drive away with a buzzing sound. On the way, I still press the recycle button on the bin so that I can see all my waste going down. I plop down on my soft blue couch and start my lasagna. Honey comes to see if there is anything to eat for her, but just like always, she gets nothing from my plate. I send her to her place and, as usual, she does not seem to understand that command. so she starts snooping around the still noisy trash can. After I have finished the lasagna I give up my order for tomorrow morning on my counter-tablet. This time waffles with orange juice seem like a suitable choice. And once in bed I quickly relax and fall asleep. A morning shift for which I have to get up at 5 am is sufficient motivation for me.

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