chapter 1

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Tik, tok, tik, tok. The ticking of the alarm clock on my wooden nightstand is all I hear. A dash of sunlight shines through my blackout curtains and is the only thing I see. Today is the first day of school. This will be junior year. Only 1 year until graduation. I've always dreamed of this, finishing school! I know it will take a long time, but the end is in sight.
My alarm clock rings. I jump out of bed and walk to my closet. It's not a big cupboard, but I can't afford a larger apartment. In the beginning I had a hard time. I suddenly had to do everything myself since my parents passed away. But that is already a year and a half ago. I take my school uniform and put it on, it's a little too big because I've lost weight the last couple of weeks. The stress of a new job costs me my pounds. I inspect my outfit, a skirt above my knees, a jacket and a blouse with a tie. I have read many old books and seen photos from the past, when many children wore these outfits to school. I like to read and so I have read a lot about our history. How we have declined in some things compared to 2020 and how we have developed enormously in some things. The school uniforms for example versus our "cars". they are much better compared to the cars of 2020. They don't really drive, but hover and emit water vapor. I don't know how they managed to do that, but in 2020 air pollution was a big deal. I make sure that my hair is properly positioned and makeup is done. Brushing my hair always takes a very long time. I have thick, long brown hair.
After I finally succeed, I walk to my kitchen and grab an apple and a banana. Only after I called my dog, Honey realised that I'm downstairs. Honey is becoming more deaf every day. I never have that much time in the morning, so my hello to Honey soon turns into a goodbye. I walk outside and take a deep breath. Summer has started again and it smells delicious. It is only April, but the smell of wood and insects coming back to life is already stimulating my senses. I turn right towards school. I walk past the familiar places along the familiar streets. It is already very busy on the street although it is only 8 o'clock in the morning. A woman closes the door behind herself and locks it. Shit! I run back to my house, I completely forgot to lock the door. It is not common for this city to have a break in, but I don't want to risk it. Because I now lost 10 minutes, I have to hurry to get to school. I see a few rich children riding their hoverbikes. I'm already preparing myself for laughter, but I'm not getting it this time. Blessing in disguise. I always leave early so that I don't come across the annoying latecomers. That plan can also be wiped off the table. I finally arrive at school completely out of breath. I walk through the recognition scanner and immediately run to my locker to grab my tablet. Just before I reach my locker, I stumble over my shoelaces and end up on the floor hitting my locker first. It was apparently a funny scene because children are standing around me laughing and making video's and not willing to help me. I have to get up, ashamed. I quickly pack my thingsand rush  to class. I walk through the recognition scanner again and sit down next to my best friend. Tessa looks at me worried. She probably heard that I fell again. I tie my shoelaces while Tessa starts a whole story about popularity. "I don't understand how you survive ..." Bla bla bla "Everyone looked at you ..." I don't even listen to these speeches anymore, it has become background music for me. Unfortunately not for our teacher, who is sitting in a grumpy mood waiting to be able to start class. Mrs. Crawlsworthy is never in a happy mood and not at all this time. I quickly tell Tessa to keep her mouth shut, but she doesn't seem to understand. "Girls, you can finish your conversation during detention." Tessa finally seems to be keeping her mouth shut and we look at each other. I mainly look angry, but she almost seems to burst out laughing. I don't know why, but I love her. She has always been there for me and she will always be there for me. I am 100 percent sure of that.

hello! so this is my first chapter of future love. As you may have noticed, I am not english or american. im dutch actually. It is kind of a challenge for me to write my first english book, but i thought, what could go wrong. right now there isnt really much action or ramonace, but that is going to improve. please keep reading so i will be motivated to keep writing! that has kind of been aproblem of mine in past books. also, im always open to commenting and correcting my grammer or vocab. if you feel like it, you can even ask if you can translate it to your language of make a new cover. do know that any translation you make has to be send to me so i can publish it. i dont want anybody stealing my book. of course i have no idea if this book is going to be a big hit, but i guess we will find out.

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