Chapter 3: The Final Item!

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Reaching his house at long last, he went in and laid the two items on a table. Checking his list to see if there was anything else he had to get, he examined the wrinkled piece of paper and noticed that there was one more item on the list.

“Something important to me?” He slowly worded the last item, this was supposed to be the easiest to get, but to Italy, lots of things were important to him.
Pasta, siestas, his friends, his big brother; Romano, many things. He surveyed the room, seeing if anything could satisfy England.

Then he saw it. His white flag! It was perfect. His white flag was with him all the way and was always handy when surrendering or to show his Italian spirit.

Italy stood up and crossed over to the cherished emblem and placed it in the basket.
But then again, it was a bit too precious to give up to England, so he made another one just like it and put that in the basket instead.

He checked the clock on the wall. There was just 25 minutes until noon. He was exhausted from all the searching and scavenging, and the couch looks so soft and comfy.
“It wouldn't hurt to take a little siesta. Just for a while anyway.” He reassured himself with a dreary smile.

Italy walked over and dropped almost immediately onto his green couch, passing out from tiredness. His legs and forearms were sprawled over the edges of the seat, not bothered to pull them in. Snuggling a cushion, he fell asleep.

When Italy woke up, he slowly opened one eye to glance at his clock.
It read 12:10 PM.
“Oh no! I’m late!” He panicked, getting up to his feet in an instant, dropping the cushion that had a damp patch of drool on it.
Italy grabbed the basket and zoomed down the hallway towards the front door. He took hold of the doorknob and clumsily turned it. Yanking the door open, he hit something with a subtle thud, followed by a loud Ow!

Italy yelped a little by the sudden collision. He could hear low groaning coming from behind the door.
He slowly opened it again, revealing a rather dazed England.

“Agh, Italy, you blithering idiot. What were you trying to do? Sabotage me from retrieving what I came for? Did Germany set you up for this? Well, a British gentleman like me cannot be simply knocked out with a mere swing of a front door. Ha!” England triumphed with a snort, rubbing his head.

Italy freaked at this and went on one of his famous surrendering rants.
“Oh! N-No no no! I wasn’t trying to do anything! I’m so sorry! It was an accident! You see, I finished gathering the items you wanted me to get, but there were only a couple of minutes left, so I decided to take a little siesta, but then I slept for too long! And I thought I was late, so I ran as fast as I could to get going, and I didn’t know you were right outside my door! And, and, and-!”

“Enough with your babbling! I understand! I only came all the way here because I knew a stalling git like you would be late. Now, can you please just hand over the items and I’ll be on my way!” The British nation barked back, slightly annoyed and a bit disappointed that he missed his chance of foiling one of the Axis’ non-existent schemes.

“O-OK.” Italy stumbled over his words as he turned over the basket of various objects. England snatched it hastily from him, opening it and examining each item carefully.
“A bottle of cold beer?” He raised a thick eyebrow in a questioning tone.
“Si, that’s from Germany.” The Italian smiled nervously, hoping it satisfied the Brit.

“Ah, I see you chose a flower from Japan’s most prized cherry blossom tree.” England said with a chuckle.
“Uh, yes. How did you know?” Italy asked, wondering if he as being spied on all that time.
“Oh, I visited his house several times already. He’s very proud of that tree and would tell me much about it. It is quite the display, if I do say so myself.” England replied with a tender smile, as if he was a veteran reliving his childhood.

“Oh, I see.” was all Italy could utter, somewhat glad that England was smiling and more relaxed around him. He seems very fond of Japan, he thought. Maybe he isn’t as scary as I thought he was.
“He has quite the talent for gardening, just like myself. I wonder how he managed to maintain that ancient cherry blossom tree with so little work. That Japan is such a mystery.” He went on.

Italy was enjoying this rare chance of a conversation, especially coming from someone as unpleasant as England from the rivalling  side, but here he is, making small talk with him about gardening and other related topics, and all he could do was listen and smile, happy to spend this time with England. But, the chat was short-lived.

“Anyways, I’ll better be off now.” The browed nation sterned his expression once more, making Italy feel a bit let down. Things like these come and go, I guess, he shrugged as England left the landing of his porch.

“Oh, and one more thing.” He said, turning on his heel.
Italy cocked his head forwards, wondering what he wanted now.
“Thank you for getting these items for me, Italy.” He smirked, a hidden darkness emerging that Italy haven’t seen before.

“You’re welcome?” The brunette answered back, with an unsure smile.
“But I must warn you, these items aren't ordinary. These will be the key to my next plan to rid of you and your Axis Powers! So, prepare yourselves for a massive storm you’ve never witnessed ever before!” England ended with a absolute villainous laugh as he disappeared from sight.

Italy knew then that he had made a horrible mistake. He should’ve called Germany and Japan for assistance as soon as England requested this offer, but he didn't in fear of himself or his friends getting hurt.

How careless could he be? He has sealed the deathly fate of them all.
What was England going to do with those items that he collected? Will his actions get any of his friends hurt or even result in their fall? Italy didn’t what to think. He couldn’t think any more. He was just scared out of his mind.

All he could do now, was to invite both his friends to a get together and tell them everything that has happened and try to find a reasonable solution as soon as possible.

Man, that was tense! 
Hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you thought of it. ^^
Write in the comments what you think England's going to do with the objects. I'll update as soon as possible! X3

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