THE FINAL CHAPTER: The Power of Forgiveness

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"...and that's how we became like this." He ended.
Everyone had different reactions; America was laughing like a dying seal, France was dumbfounded, England was shaking with shame, Hungary was fascinated, and everyone else in the room was confused as ever.

"So... how do we get back to normal?" Japan finally spoke up. Everyone stared at each other.
"First of all, which curse did you do in the first place, Iggy?" America asked the Brit.
"I might as well show you..." He clicked his fingers and a tattered, old spell book appeared out of thin air.
"Oohh, quite the show off, Angleterre~" France remarked.
"Shut up, frog. Here's the page." England flipped to a page titled 'Maledictum et mortem' which translated to Curse of Death, he explained. He handed the book to Japan, who he knew he could entrust the book to without any repercussions. Everyone gathered around him and peered at the page in the spell book.

"Oh, I think you mixed up the steps for the Death Curse, England-san." Japan stated. America burst into mad laughter. "Oh my god, that's gold! Ahahahaha!!"
"In Soviet Russia, you don't curse people, people curse you." Russia said.
"Enough with that old joke, man! That's so 2012!" America chided the Russian, who was emitting a dark aura in response to his joke being shot down.

England collapsed to his knees, completely defeated. He couldn't believe he could make such a textbook mistake. America patted him on the back, grinning like usual.
"Cheer up, Iggy! Look on the bright side of things-"
"Don't touch me, America." He scowled.
"O-ka~y then." He said, backing off.

"And I think this is a list of materials for some sort of body-swap spell," France added, peeling off an old sticky note from the page which was so well camouflaged, that it was unoticable if it hadn't been for France's keen eye.
"An object of great value belonging to each of the persons you wish to inflict the spell on and ragdolls resembling said persons." He read out. England felt even worse at this point. Embarrassment seemed to devour his very being.

"How long does the spell last, England?" Japan asked the gloomy Brit.
"It... doesn't say." Hungary replied for him, she felt a bit sorry for England.
"What if we just beat them out of their bodies?" Russia suggested, smiling darkly, gripping his metal pipe with both hands. America shoved Russia out of the way.
"Nah, dude! You gotta search for the grand wizard who has the counter-spell! That's what I learned from this sick game I played last year called Wizard Wars! Either that, or you could try sleeping it off, I guess." He said, matter-of-factly.
"Aiyah, what sort of garbage are you telling everyone, America? Some acupuncture and Chinese medicine will do the trick." China informed, holding a packet of incense and red-beaded pins. Everyone's body shivered at the sight.
"Actually, I read this doujin where these two boys switched bodies and they did some naughty things to switch back." Hungary said, obviously hungry for some BL action.

"Oui! Let's try! I will get the flavoured condoms and lube~" France plz.

"Nein! I will not go through with something so lewd!" Germany protested, angrily, his face beet red.

"Ve?" was Italy's only response as he was clearly oblivious to what she was implying.
"My body is not ready for this..." Japan felt like fainting and had to be held by Germany, which was extremely difficult, as Italy's feeble body could not withhold a large frame.
"Come on! We don't know until we try!" Hungary urged, slipping new batteries into her camcorder.

"You seem to be having ulterior motives, Ms. Hungary." Germany said, calling her out.
"But, the views! Do it for the views!!" She pleaded.
"Nein! I will not 'do it for the views'!" Germany roared back.
"Yes you will!"
"Nein, I will not!"
"Let's just sleep it off. I like America's idea~" Italy said, daydreaming about siestas.
"nO! I MUST GET MY SWEET BL FOOTAGE FOR MY BLOG!!" Hungary replied in a demonic voice.
Everyone froze in fear. Holy shit, when did Satan become a fujoshi?

"I think a demon was possessing one of the pages of the spell book." France said, a box of flavored condoms in hand. He carries those things??
"Sweet! England get up and do your voodoo magic shit! I wanna kick some demon ass!" America shouted, shaking England like the excited man-child he is.
"I've noticed," He replied, getting off the floor. "It appears the demon is a low-level one. Ms. Hungary had committed the sin of lust, making her susceptible to the demon who feeds on humanity's sins." Whoa, what happened to the original plot?? Shit, idk, improvisation?

And so, England and America single-handedly beat the crap out of the demon and exorcised it, sending it back to the Netherworld with the help of everyone else. Hungary was back to normal and everything was hunky dorey. Except for the fact that the Axis Powers were still trapped in eachother's bodies.

Germany sighed. "I guess we have to post-pone the conference till we switch back." He said, finally. Everyone agreed.

"Yeah, will do, man. Hope you can get back to normal," America replied with a smile. "Sorry we couldn't help ya."
"Nein, it's alright. We are the one's that should apoligise for inconveniencing you all today." He said in a solemn tone.
"But, wasn't it England who cursed you in the first place?" America asked, turning to the British nation. "Oh. You're right." Germany said, glaring daggers at a terrified England.
"I think you should apoligise, England-san." Japan suggested, which sounded more like a command coming from Germany's mouth.

England stared at the floor, holding onto what little pride he had left.
"Let go of your pride for once, Angleterre. You know you did something wrong, so take responsibility." France told him sternly, clearly displeased with his poor display of gentlemanship.
He sighed and walked over to the Axis Powers.
"I'm... rry..." England mouthed.
"Can you repeat that? We didn't quite hear you."

"Apologize like you mean it, England."
"I sincerely apoligise for all that I have put you through and, as a gentleman, I should take responsibility for my own actions. There. Are you happy?!"
"Ja." Germany answered.
"And we will forgive you." Japan said, with a small smile.
"M-Me too. Since, I was partially to blame." Italy added, looking down.
"Nein, Italy. That is just how you are. You are impulsive and too nice." Germany said, patting Japan's head as if it were Italy's, coz, you know, he's in his body and all.

And with that, there was a bright burst of light. Sparkles and colour engulfed the Axis Powers, carrying them into the air for everyone to marvel at.
"What the hell is happening?!" England yelled at the top of his voice over the loud magic noises.
"Just shut up and watch, Iggy! They're transforming into their final form! I saw this once in a movie!" America yelled back, eyes sparkling as he watched the whole event unfold.

After a few moments, they all fell down with a loud thud. Rubbing their backsides, the trio stood up and looked at each other. They looked at everyone else and back at themselves. They cannot believe it. THEY SWITCHED BACK TO THEIR NORMAL BODIES!!

They burst into tears, laughing and hugging each other, so glad to be back to who they are.
"Wh-H-How did you switch back?!" England asked, bewildered.
"We aren't sure. Maybe it's because you apologized to us and we forgave you," Italy answered, tears in his eyes. "Graci, England!" He said, embracing the Englishman, who blushed a little.

"You're welcome?" He said back, patting the Italian on the back, smiling slightly. Wow, the power of forgiveness truly is magical. He thought to himself.

And so, they rescheduled the conference for the next day. The Axis Powers have never been so relieved and happy to be back to their old selves again. And as for Hungary, she never really got her BL footage, which upsets her till this day.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this crazy ride! Re-visiting this fanfic was fun and I enjoyed reading your responses. Tell me your thoughts in the comments below and don't forget to vote if you really liked it. Until next time~!  

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