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THE DOCTOR AND LINDSEY RAN DOWN THE STREET, he held her hand tightly in his grip basically dragging her behind him in their effort to reach Rose in time

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THE DOCTOR AND LINDSEY RAN DOWN THE STREET, he held her hand tightly in his grip basically dragging her behind him in their effort to reach Rose in time. The Doctor had hoped that they wouldn't come but the empty TARDIS told him otherwise.

"Rose." the Doctor shouted as they drew closer to the building, they saw the blonde in the distance, she turns towards them with a smug smile as she sees the Doctor run towards her before she noticed him pulling Lindsey behind him. "Get in the church!"

Her smile fades hearing the sudden urgency in his voice. Lindsey gasps as her gaze shifts to Rose's left seeing some sort of disruption in the sky, The Doctor follows her gaze which in turn caused Rose to turn her head in the direction the two were looking at. Her eyes widen seeing a Reaper appear out of the disruption, eyeing her hungrily.

Rose screams as it hisses and starts to swoop down towards her. Thankfully the Time Lord managed to tackle her out of the way just in time to avoid the creature's talons, sending them both to the ground. The Doctor grabbed her arm and hauled her up off the ground, ushering her towards the church, he takes Lindsey's hand before running towards the gates of the church.

"Get in the church!" the Doctor, ushering everyone inside the church. He slams the doors shut locking the creatures out and them in.

"They can't get in. Old windows and doors. Okay. The older something is, the stronger it is" the Doctor explains as the shadows of the reapers pass over the church's windows.

"What else?" Lindsey asked him, as she stood by him.

His eyes widen, "Go and check the other door! Move!" he ordered, taking Lindsey's hand rushing over towards a doorway with Rose's past mother following

"What's happening? What are they?" she asks them grabbing the Doctor's arm, "What are they?"

The Doctor halts in his tracks, turning towards Jackie Tyler, "There's been an accident in time. A wound in time. They're like bacteria, taking advantage.

"What do you mean, time? What're you jabbering on about, time?" Lindsey notices the Doctor began to get annoyed with the blonde, like mother, like daughter. Lindsey thought

"Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining."

"How do you know my name?" She rambled, annoying him more and more.

"I haven't got time for this," he said aggravated

"I've never met you in my life!"

"No, and you never will unless I sort this out. Now, if you don't mind, I've waited a long time to say this." He took a breathe standing above her, "Jackie Tyler, do as I say. Go and check the doors."

Jackie blinked, "Yes, sir." she answered before scurrying off.

Lindsey raised an eyebrow at the Doctor, "You enjoyed that didn't you?"

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