↳ prologue

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IN THE MIDDLE OF THE UTAH DESERT ABOUT HALF A MILE UNDERGROUND LAYS A SECRET BUNKER, a rich, arrogant man walked the halls of the bunker towards the cage, followed by his personal assistant, a scientist who worked for him, and three armed guards

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IN THE MIDDLE OF THE UTAH DESERT ABOUT HALF A MILE UNDERGROUND LAYS A SECRET BUNKER, a rich, arrogant man walked the halls of the bunker towards the cage, followed by his personal assistant, a scientist who worked for him, and three armed guards.

"How are the prizes of my collection?" The man smirked,

"The Metaltron is still inactive, we've tried everything to make it speak but all efforts have failed, Mister Van Statten." The scientist, known as Adam told him.

Van Statten glared at the boy, "And what of the girl?" Adam shook his head,

"No sir, she hasn't done anything since last month. She barely eats since you took her and her vital signs are growing weak day by day."

"Well then, make sure she eats. Force it down her throat if you have to! Do anything to ensure that she survives because I don't want the prize of my collection to die now do it." He snapped,

"No sir, I will get on it right away." With that, Adam rushed off.

Van Statten glared ahead of him before the left side of his lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk as they reached the 'Cage'. It was divided into two separate sections, one that held a fearsome creature and one that held a special girl.

A girl whose hair was red with light blonde streaks. Piercing blue eyes that flickered gold ever so often, wearing a light pink ballet-inspired dress, with matching pink ballet shoes. She was standing on a pedestal as it was turning with her head down, her arms limp as if the violin and bow were weighing her down. It appeared to look like she was asleep, which she was due to a drug that they injected into her when she resisted one time too many.

Van Statten stared at the girl through the glass dome that surrounded her. "Such a beauty isn't she." He admired, turning towards one of the men that were standing beside the exposed gears and clockworks.

"Turn it on." He ordered, causing the men to rush to activate the clockwork gears. He smiled once he because to see the clockwork moving and the music begins to play.

The girl suddenly began to move as she lifted the violin towards her resting it against the bottom of her chin and shoulder in an almost robotic motion.

I pirouette in the dark, I see the stars through me. Tired mechanical heart, beats 'til the song disappears.

The girl playing the same song again with her violin. She plays it softly and perfectly. The song is slow and sweet. Her bow slides through the strings as she stared in front of her, her irises daring not to move. She was screaming inside her own head as her body moves uncontrollably playing the song over and over.

Somebody shine a light, I'm frozen by the fear in me. Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me!

Van Statten watched as she played the music, as she moved with every best almost as if he was entranced. One of the guard's notice movement from the other prize of Van Statten's collection.

"Sir, the Metatron is moving again." The guard held up his gun, aiming it at the metal creature. Van Statten tore his gazing from the girl.

The 'Metaltron' was reacting to the girl playing the violin, this had only happened whenever she plays yet all other attempts to make the metal creature to talk, failed.

So cut me from the line. Dizzy, spinning endlessly. Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me!

Van Statten walks up to the Metaltron. "You respond to her. Every time, always her. Why?" He questioned. No response came from the Metaltron, then nodded towards another guard, who stood beside a lever. Within seconds he pulled down the lever causing the Metaltron to squeal in pain.

He glared at his prized procession, "Answer me," he sneered getting no answer.

"Do it to the girl." He commanded, his assistant who stood beside him, stared at him like he was mad. In her cause he was.

"But sir?! The girl is weak as is. She wouldn't recover." She informed him, making him scowl.

"Fine. But wake her up! She looks like a robot." He ordered, leaving the cage. His assistant sighed, running her hand over her face.

"Wake her up." She told the guards, who hurried off.

Shatter me! Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me!

The girl let out a shaky breath as she regained control of her body, the drug wearing off. She stepped off the pedestal, placing her violin and bow against it. Day after day she would do the same thing. Play the same song for him. It was either obey or torture. Whenever she refused he would shock her, as he did with the Metaltron. The creature that shared the Cage with her. The creature that would haunt her nightmares.

She walked towards the dresser that sat closest to the glass dome when something caught her eye, lying on the dresser was an old fob watch the same one that had been with her as long as she could remember. She had thought she lost it when she was kidnapped but there it was.

Ever since she was a child she would hear noises, voices coming from the watch. Familiar voices that had made her feel safe and warm. She had never opened it up, thinking it was broken. She was often plagued with dreams of a man. A lonely man. A man who travels in a blue box through time and space.

In every dream, she could feel every emotion that he had felt. Adventure after adventure. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Everything.

The girl picked it up, feeling the familiar warmth, the cooling metal heating up in her hand as she grasped it. She ran her fingers along with the symbols that were etched into the front of the watch.

If only the clockworks could speak, I wouldn't be so alone. We burn every magnet and spring, and spiral into the unknown.

She hated this place. That man. All she wants is to be free and back in her own time. Yes. Time. The girl was taken away years from the future and brought back to the past unknowingly while a billionaire kidnapped her to keep her to himself when he first heard her crystallize song. How she got from her timeline is unknown to most, but not to some.

Somebody shine a light, I'm frozen by the fear in me. Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me!

She wants someone to save her from her prison. Someone to take her away from the madman who has imprisoned her. Someone to shatter the glass for her to break free from the torment.

The girl's name is Lindsey Stirling and this is the story of when she meets him... The Doctor.

 The Doctor

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