Chapter 5

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The rays of the sun gently shined it's way inside of the Tubbytronic Superdome, giving off a warm but rather comforting feeling. Well, maybe not for ones who were trying to sleep. Walten moved to his side to stop the sun from going into his eyes, groaning slightly. His gentle, yet at the same time rapid movement triggered Tinky to open his eyes and look ahead. All in his way was a pretty face of a white teletubbie infront of him. All he could do is stare, not wanting to even flinch as to not make Walten move himself. Tinky couldn't control his body at this point and purred gently, it just felt nice to him. The purr woke Walten up and he blinked his eyes open, staring back into the pure darkness of Tinky's eyes, before making a split second move to the back, resulting in falling off the bed and making a more rough impact with the hard and cold floor. Tinky sat up on the bed quickly as his protective instinct triggered, exactly unsure why. Walten rubbed his elbows gently, making sure to not press too hard. He groaned out slightly. Walten sat there rubbing his elbows, while all Tinky did was well, stare. Walten kept silent. So did Tinky. It was quiet. Until Walten lifted his head up and looked at Tinky, meeting his pathetic gaze "What?" Walten hissed, with an annoyed expression. Tinky, though you cannot see anything except for blackness in his eyes, did indeed roll them at the complaint. His ears behind his head. "Don't just sit there like a stupid dog and look, do something useful for once perhaps?" Walten complained, still due to the pain in his elbows. 'This floor is so fucking hard... Jesus, who planned this piece of crap?' Walten thought to himself. Tinky was thinking what to exactly do, Walten didn't give him a proper request. Tinky tried to focus on what might please Walten enough to calm down. Tinky's face lit up and he hurried to get something to eat, leaving Walten sat on the floor, bamboozled. 'If you want anything done, do it yourself.' these words echoed through Walten's head, he did not even think twice about the thoughts he's getting since his awakening. He gently stood up and rolled his sleeves up over his elbows, seems like he didn't get any blood to run, but some skin of his was damaged. 'God he's such an idiot, he's useless. Might as well shoot him in his sleep he's so fucking pathetic.' the thoughts again. This time Walten thought twice about what has came into his mind, kill Tinky? He would never... 'Just do it, you don't seem to care anyway.' Walten tensed up and some of fur stood up, he felt a chill go down his spine. "I should have taken these god damn meds.." Walten murmured to himself between his teeth, as quiet as possible. "I'm going fuckin' crazy.". Walten stood in place for a while, until he was interrupted with noticing a red drop of blood on the floor. He first assumed it was the blood of one of the siblings he carried in earlier on but.. it looked, well, fresh. Another drop appeared next to it. "The hell..?" Walten inspected the drop, with visibly being confused. Tinky came back, but his expression changed from happy to worried. He laid some ice creams on the bed and walked near to Walten. "Back off." Walten hissed, but Tinky seemed to want to say something to him. Tinky rubbed his paw across his own nose. Walten repeated the action, feeling his paw get wet. He froze in place for a second. Walten slowly looked at his paw, noticing a rather big amount of blood running down it. Tinky gently pulled Walten close, surprised to get no resistance. He gently lowered his face to Walten's nose level and licked the blood off, no resistance from the opposite still. Walten wrapped his arms around Tinky, pulling him close and hiding his face in Tinky's chest, which indeed, surprised Tinky. But no resists were present. They just stood there awkwardly, snuggling into one another. Walten stood there blankly staring at the floor, could be questioned if he's even breathing at this point. With Tinky worrying, he gently lifted Walten off the floor, which was luckily for him easy with the white tubbie's size, and carried him to the bed. He gently sat Walten down, licked his nose few more times and gave him a box of ice creams. It doesn't appear Walten wants to eat. Tinky gave it a minute. Maybe two. Three. Four. Finally it got to 10, and with frustration of the white tubbie not reacting he took a spoon, spooned some ice creams out and gently slid it into Walten's mouth. Walten flinched and looked down at his mouth with a freezing cold spoon inside, and what appears to be vanilla ice creams. Walten placed his paws over Tinky's, getting a hold of the spoon and gently pulled it out of his mouth, with no more ice creams on top of it. Tinky was happy and was rubbing his head against Walten's shoulder, with his tail moving wildly. This is his way of asking for strokes. Walten hesitated, well. Until Tinky started licking his face, practically trying to get his strokes. "Alright, alright! I'll do it, i'll do it." Walten sounded like he was displeasured with the licking, but he couldn't hide the smile from being amused from Tinky's behavior. Walten's paw gently want through Tinky's smooth fur, occasionally allowed some scratches, but no harmful ones. Walten continued doing so, until his eyes caught the attention of the floor. It looked stained. Yes, Dipsy's body was decapitated here, but the stain was not there yesterday. Walten moved his paw back, laid the ice creams on the side and went to investigate. He crouched down next to the trail of blood. He gently ran his paw across it, it felt dry and rough. But yes fresh at the same time, he couldn't describe it. The trail went all the way to the entrance to the superdome from the.. beds? Dipsy's bed was severely red stained, some blood is splattered around the bed. As if something still with blood was dropped. Walten's eyes widened when he noticed Dipsy's body being gone. 'How is that even possible... they're all deep in shit.. He had his head cut off, how the fuck would he... the custards. They all ate the custards. It took a long time to affect his two-part body.' Walten analyzed, as he noticed the two other siblings still in place. He got up, picking up all the stuff he will need. Tinky stared at him. "I'm leaving." Walten said, coldly. Tinky whined sadly, he got up and walked to the white tubbie, ears lowered. "Stop it." The purple tubbie whined more and rubbed himself to Walten's fur, to which Walten didn't even puss about. "I need to do something. You are gonna stay here, with your sisters. If they come back... reawaken, do not let them leave, understood?" Walten shoot his gaze right through Tinky, but it seems like Tinky understood. He nodded his head in agreement, fingers crossed behind his back. "Good." Walten stroked Tinky one last time and then left through the main doors. Tinky turned around and looked one last time at his sisters. 'Stay.' , he thought to himself, as a way to speak to his sisters. Tinky also left through the main entrance, closing the doors shut on his way out.  He will protect the white tubbie.

A bit far away, a blue teletubbie sat in his normal seat. Nervously tapping his pen uncontrollably. He felt a bad omen the moment he woke up. He knows when shit will go down. The teletubbie pushed his legs, and his chair rolled itself away from his desk. He was pretty hungry, but he'd have to wait two more hours for lunch break at least. He sighed in frustration, feeling his stomach rumble. He made a mistake of oversleeping, so he had to breakfast today. So far he hasn't seen his best friend around either. He sat there still for 5 more minutes. He attempts to distract himself by using his computer, perhaps he'll be able to contact his friend this way.

                                            Please enter your login details for access.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                           Login: Ron                                                                                                                          
                                                        Password: Tobbyisadick96                                                                                    

"He honestly is with leaving me on the ice." Ron said to himself quietly. He turned his computer on and logged in. An error message appeared. 

-Main Land
    -Secret Lair
       -Connection Lost
          -All systems Offline-

Ron tiled his head. "The hell?", the tried to get the systems back on. No success. All the connections were cut off. He attempts to use the voice channel, Ron activates a direct voice channel between himself with the Secret Lair and speaks "This is Engineer Ron from The Satellite Station. Guardian, do you copy? Report your status." Ron said, and gave it 10 seconds. No response. "Guardian, do you copy?". Nothing. Ron went into manual to fix the systems up, a connection with cables running deeply underground connecting directly between his computer and the computer in the Secret Lair. He had quite a struggle, but it finally worked. He managed to connect to the camera installed in the front of Walten's computer. It gave Ron a visual. It was a small teletubbie, it looked, weird. "Guardian?" Ron asked. The creature stood there before letting out an ear piercing scream and tackling the camera. Ron covered his ears from the pain and ripped his cables out the computer to switch it off. He gave it a while before uncovering his ears. "Oh no..." Ron panicked and headed to leave, he opened the doors. But meet blood staining the wall. "W-what.." Ron turned pale. He stood there, staring at the blood. He heard steps, and sighed relieved thinking it's his friend Tobby. "Tobby you have no idea how glad i am to see you-" Ron cut off when instead of seeing his friend, he stood face to face... rather front to front to a green teletubbie, that was a lot taller than him. Ron burred his face in his sweater from fear. The green teletubbie was wearing a leather brown jacket with a washed out green shirt under it. It was headless. Simply a neck with it's spine sticking out. All the insides of the neck were exposed. part of the throat dangling gently. Ron felt sickness growing rapidly. Before he could run or shout for help, the green teletubbie grabbed him and shoved his paw into the blue one's mouth to shut him up. Ron struggled some more, before the green teletubbie forced the paw deeper, together with claws coming out. Ron felt the inside of his mouth being sliced, and blood filling it. He gave up the struggle, and the green teletubbie pulled the paw out of Ron's mouth. Ron spat out a bigger portion of blood onto the floor, he did not try to scream for help this time. He knew, resistance will just get him killed. It's time for a plan.


I apologize for the hiatus, i've just been busy lately, especially in May since i am progressing on the Ship May Challenge. The results of it will be posted on the 31st May. 
Good night, good luck.

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