Chapter 4

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The Tubbytronic Superdome is quiet, except for one sound constantly echoing throughout it's whole, it's Tinky Winky's purring caused by Walten. The stroking seemed to have a weird effect on Tinky's body, like he just wanted to be touched by the one who started, the white Teletubbie he just meet. He did not want it to stop, he wanted the stroking to continue. As soon a Walten stopped Tinky Winky let out an annoyed whine and held Walten's paw to his head.

"Stop it." Walten complained at Tinky "You already had enough, and I need to continue to work now." Walten only replied to the whine and being clinged closer to. "Tinky, get off now. Before I will have to get you off myself." Walten threatened, but Tinky did not even seem to be impacted or interested in being threatened, he just wanted to be held close to the white Tubbie. Walten attempts on speaking to the purple Teletubbies countless amount of times, but everytime he is meet with a disagreement. Finally, Walten began to get irritated. "Get off you annoying cunt." Walten cussed out at Tinky, still receiving the exact same response. Tinky finally breaks Walten's patience and gets Walten to kick him in the stomach, to which Tinky slightly moved but not enough for Walten to squeeze out. Walten with lost temper, loses the consciousness of his actions and takes out a pocket knife to which he slashes it across Tinky's arm, getting black blood to spill. Walten then proceed to point the weapon to Tinky. Tinky realizing that Walten will hurt him, finally gave up and moved off, making Walten instantly get up off the bed and clean the blade onto his trousers. Walten noticed the blood being extremely sticky, like a sort of a slime, but more watery. Walten hides his knife again and glares at Tinky, getting Tinky to whine and look away. Walten rolled his eyes and walked outside the Superdome, he walked up to a medium sized rock infront of the doors. Tinky Winky curiously looked at Walten leaving and followed slowly just to watch where he goes and if he is not threatened. Walten without a difficulty climbed onto the rock and sat on it, looking at the sky. Walten rarely gets to see it, as he is always in the underground where as to the cameras can never show the starry sky in it's nicest. Walten proceed to scan the sky with his eyes, he did not see much of it, as it was a rather cloudy night, but that was enough for him. 

Walten sat there looking at the sky for a good few minutes, he shook his head realizing he has spaced out. Unaware of the time which has passed, Walten decides to relax a bit instead and takes a cigarette out of his pocket. He lights the cigarette up and proceeds to smoke it, at this point he gave no shit of his health, he used it as an anti-depressant by this time. Walten exhaled the smoke every so 15 seconds or so, just to inhale some more and do it over again. Such a repeatable but fascinating thing. The fact you basically poison yourself, and you enjoy it, it's interesting. Tinky caught the scent on, clearly smelling the smoke coming from the cigarette, did not seem nice to him. Tinky watched Walten smoke, witn a confusement on his face as to why the white teletubbie finds it so pleasurable. Walten smokes his cigarette for half an hour, after which he drops it on the ground and steps on it, rubbing it into the floor to ensure it is fully put out. He then rolls his sleeve up and watched his wound, studying the bite mark given to him, looking at the shape and size of it, he did not even feel the pain, he should honestly. "Hopefully the virus doesn't spread this way." Walten commented and pulled his sleeve down, walking back to the Superdome. Tinky was watching from the back, until he realized that Walten was heading back into the house, he quickly ran into the house having 1 second to think of a reasonable position. Tinky did the most random thing he could and laid down on the floor, faking sleeping, in some kind....? Walten enters the superdome and looks at the floor, the confusement in his eyes is quite large. Tinky plays like he is sleeping, Walten decided to shrug it off, accidentally letting a yawn escape his lips. Walten quickly covered his mouth hoping to not get Tinky to react, unfortunately the purple teletubbie was already sat up staring at him with his eyes of pure darkness. Walten yelped from the shock, but calmed down quickly. 

Tinky begins to approach the white teletubbie, to which Walten reaches into his pocket to draw his gun, or at least have his paw on the knife. Tinky points out to the beds of the quadruplet, triggering Walten to turn around and look. Tinky uses the chance and snatches Walten's weapons away, throwing them out of Walten's reach. Walten realizes he's been disarmed and enters a bit of a panic state. Tinky took a firm grip on Walten's arm, it was yet not enough to harm the white teletubbie. Tinky dragged the white teletubbie to his bed, Tinky let's go off his arm and rolls on his bed, clearly offering Walten to lay down on the bed. "I'd rather die before sleeping in the same bed as you." Walten said coldly. Tinky let a little annoyed growl out and pulled Walten on force, snuggling him close into his fur. Walten stiffens upon the embrace, not really sure what to feel of it, but keeps silent. Tinky starts purring again, the sound that gets Walten. He finally relaxed into the snuggle due to his tiredness overpowering him, and he closes his eyes falling asleep, enjoying the warmness. Tinky stares at Walten for a good minute, watching his face closely, then placing a gentle lick on his ear, which caused Walten to shiver and smack Tinky in his sleep. 

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