Chapter 2

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10 Hours Later...

Po was very sleepless this night. She couldn't find a position to sleep in, she would constantly roll left and right, no matter how many times she tried, she just couldn't sleep. There was an unbearable pain in her stomach, she thought what might have caused it, first accusation landed on the teletubbie custard, but it would not make sense to her, as her siblings were perfectly fine. She closed her eyes once more again, but was very shortly interrupted by a loud


Tinky Winky had gotten up from the bed. He hasn't let out a noise, even for Po calling out his name quietly, he walked over to the custard machine. Tinky lifted his paws over his head, and then slammed them down hardly, the intense impact caused the metal to make a lot of noise, as all of the machines' insides were being crushed. The sound caused everyone in the household to awake from their dreams. "What the.... Tinky what the hell are you.." Dipsy started to say in direction of Tinky, but cut when Tinky simply walked away and left the Tubbytronic Superdome into the darkness of the following night. "Tinky Winky! Wait!" Laa-Laa called out after Tinky and ran after him "Laa-Laa, wait!" Po called out after her sister, but Laa-Laa did not stop. "Dipsy move your ass we need to go after them!" "I will wait here in case any of them comes back.." Dipsy said and laid himself back down, before Po could attempt on pulling him out on force, Dipsy was already snoring symbolizing he had fallen asleep. Po made a complaining sigh, got and flashlight and attempted to follow her two other siblings.

"Tinky Winky!" Laa-Laa called out after Tinky once more, still not success of getting his attention. She could still catch a glimpse of him, she would recognize him in any form of darkness. Tinky had slowed his pace down as he was walking on the sand near the sea, Laa-Laa did the opposite, she speed up hoping to catch up with her brother now. Tinky had managed to get under the tree Laa-Laa would love so much, the tree on the beach, where Laa-Laa would often hide to watch the sea and write a descriptive piece of writing on a paper. Laa-Laa had caught up with Tinky, and took a gently grip on his jacket. "Finally i caught up with you.. Tinky what has happened, why did you destroy the machine? If you need to talk to anyone, i-i am here as always, you know that.." Laa-Laa said not letting off the grip, Tinky did not respond or do anything. "Tinky..?" still no response was received "Are you listening to me, brother?" no response still. Laa-Laa let the grip go, and walked in front of Tinky "Brother-" Laa-Laa gasped seeing her brother's face. Tinky Winky's skin had became paller than a paper itself, his fur was slowly darkening, his eyes were an abyss of pure blackness, some black liquid had dripped down his cheeks. That is when Laa-Laa looked down, her eyes widened at seeing a blade quickly shine due to the moonlight, before Laa-Laa could let out a scream to alarm her siblings, she was muffled by Tinky holding his paw to her mouth, with the blade pointing to the yellow teletubbie. Laa-Laa's tears did not take long to come out and began rolling down her cheeks. She tried to get free of Tinky's grip, but she could not, she was not as strong as her brother. Tinky gently held the knife near Laa-Laa's neck "Go to sleep sister." He made a gentle slice across Laa-Laa's neck, her current adrenaline would not make her feel the wound anyway. Laa-Laa very slowly bleed out to death, Tinky sighted and began stabbing Laa-Laa's eyes out, he needs to make the scene look violent, but he did not wish for his sister to suffer.

"Tinky Winky! Laa-Laa!" Po was walking around the Main Land calling and calling out for her missing siblings, no answer so far. Po decides to head the opposite way of the sea, she makes it deeper into a small forest. There is a small bowl of custard laying on the ground. "A custard? What is this doing here?" Po picked the custard up in her paws and inspected it, everything seemed in place so she left the custard where she found it, next to the tree.

Dipsy was sleeping in the house, not really carrying what is happening. He awoke from his sleep hearing the Tubbytronic Superdome doors slide open, he sat up and noticed Tinky standing at the entrance. "Tinky, there you are! Po went looking for you and Laa-Laa and-" Dipsy suddenly cut off and noticed blood staining Tinky's jacket, there was a huge amount of blood. "Where is Laa-Laa..?" But Tinky did answer. Dipsy lowered his ears rather pissed and stood up, standing right In front of Tinky. "Where the fuck is Laa-Laa?! Where the fuck are our sisters?!" Dipsy shouted at the older one, but Tinky did not seem to care at all. The purple tubbie instead took a firm grip on Dipsy's neck and lifted him up, as Dipsy was struggling with all his strength and will, but with no further success. Dipsy could feel the need for Oxygen, as he was slowly blanking out, Tinky did not loosen the grip even slightly, he instead gripped tighter. It did not take long, and there was no sound, until Dipsy closed his eyes and stopped struggling, suggesting he had blacked out completely. Tinky Winky approached the slide and placed Dipsy against it, leaning Dipsy's head on the slide, he then got a chainsaw he had been hiding. Tinky turned the machine on, and cut Dipsy's head off smoothly. The headless body slid down on the floor while the head remained on the slide. Tinky left the chainsaw in it's place, and then head for the sea.

"Hello..?" Po called out quietly as she was starting to feel the sand under her feet, she knew she was walking on the beach by now. The little teletubbie was looking in every direction, inspecting every inch of the place for any clues of her siblings' whereabouts.  Po could see and recognize the tree's silhouette in the darkness. She changed her direction toward the trees, Po had a weird feeling, she did not see any bunnies on her way either, which was very odd as the bunnies would always come out if someone was wandering around at night. Po made it closer to the tree, catching a yellow colour on the ground. "Laa-Laa? Is that you?" Po called out, but no response came by. "Laa-Laa don't tell me you fell asleep!" Po approached closer, ready to shout her sister off for being lazy "La--" Po's gasp cut, as her eyes teared up and widened. Laa-Laa's body was laying there, liveless. There was blood all around her, stab wounds around her whole body, including her eyeballs being completely out her eye sockets. Po felt sickness at the sudden sight, but she also couldn't believe her own eyes, the person who always was there, Laa-Laa, she's... gone. Forever. And ever. Po let a sob escape her lips, tears rolled down her face. 'Laa-Laa...' Po thought to herself, as all the memories with her sister flashed before her eyes, all those years. Now Laa-Laa is dead, and Po will never manage to tell Laa-Laa-- Steps interrupted. Po looked over, not even tilting her head, she could see Tinky Winky in the distance, she knows, he's here for her now. An idea of running for her life doesn't even pass Po's mind, instead she walked up to Laa-Laa's body, and sat next to it. Po very gently sat Laa-Laa's body up, an stroked her cold cheek, not even minding the blood at this point, not caring that this is a dead body, she just wanted to spend time with Laa-Laa this one last time. Po gently hugged Laa-Laa's body close, tears rolled down Po's cheeks even more, the steps got closer, Po let out a sob, cuddling close to Laa-Laa's fur. Po did not even tense up when the felt a weird texture around her neck, she just hugged closer to Laa-Laa. Po knew it was a rope, she felt it very gently tighten around her neck, she didn't even feel scared, nor did she feel like she was choking, she just felt calm. Po cuddled closer to Laa-Laa's fur, suddenly feeling a need to sleep. "See you on the other side..." Po said quietly, before she closed her eyes with a smile. Shortly after, she stopped holding Laa-Laa, as her arms and herself fell down on the sand lifelessly. 

Po, dead. Laa-Laa, dead. Dipsy, dead. Tinky Winky.. unsure what he is.

In the Secret Lair, Walten was laying on the bed, not sleeping, or feeling a need to sleep, he was just looking at the empty ceiling. He has been ignoring his computer beeping for the last hour, ignoring his camera system alarming him about movement tracker being triggered. He couldn't care less to check it, he didn't care what it was, he just left it be. Walten finally decided to get up due to being unable to fall asleep, he walked over to the Camera Room slowly, he sat down and looked at the cameras, first careless, until one of the cameras that had the motion system trigger loudly. He looked at the camera, he could see Tinky Winky dragging Po on the ground, holding one end of the rope in his paw, Walten quickly sat up. "What the fuck." Walten was very quick to check other cameras, he tensed up finding the other two siblings are dead. Walten was now focused on where Tinky Winky currently was, watching him hang Po on the tree. Walten didn't know what to do, he quickly snapped back to reality and attempted to contact the Military immediately, the signal has been unavailable. Walten could feel a chill going up his spine, knowing he was alone in the current situation. He could just remain hidden, but the electricity had gone out too, to which it was enough for him to access the Storage Room for his night vision camera. When he was walking there, he heard softer steps in the poodles, at first he assumed it was the echo of his own steps, but he was sooner to find out the truth than he wished to be. Walten suddenly collided with something walking into him, something a lot smaller than him. He couldn't see what it was, but felt it instead. He felt sharp teeth dig deeply into his skin, chewing on it and ripping it apart, Walten let out a gasp and groan at the same time. He quickly tried removing whatever it was, but the creature just wouldn't let go and sank it's teeth so deep it chewed on Walten's bone by now. Walten suddenly ripped the creature out of his arm, feeling a bigger chunk of his flesh being gone, he felt an intense pain, but could not see any of it. Walten rushed to the storage room where the only emergency lights were present, he could not see his flesh missing. Walten pulled his sleeve over the wound, he quickly grabbed his camera and a gun. He then left the Secret Lair shoving couple of the creatures out of his way. He made his way out on the surface. Walten light up a flare and dropped it on the ground near him to light his surroundings. He is fully aware that Tinky Winky is still present around, continuing with his murderous path. Walten looked around, flashing the flashlight around. The reason why the bunnies were not present was finally explained, they're couldn't possibly try to approach Po or anyone else, if they're dead now. A New Day is about to come by, hopefully.

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