Shock 'Therapy'

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-Tords P.O.V-

I knock on Toms door, after waking up, I held 2 plates of food. I hear a groan come from the room, my grip tightens on the Smirnoff. He opens the door groaning at the sight of me, "What do you want Red?". I appreciate him calling me Red instead of Tord-though I did miss it somehow. "I have Smirnoff..?", he lets a slight smirk slip through before looking at me And huffing. "Fine.", he opens the door letting me through and snatches the bottle away from me. "You have food to.", I say placing the breakfast next to him. He graves the plate and eats slowly. I grab my plate and begin to do the same, yes we had a cafeteria but I didn't like the looks I got when I had to take off my helmet. Truthfully it was annoying.

I nibble on my last piece of bacon glancing at Tom. "What?", I look at him in his voids, "You have another test's a new one!". He cringed at the word test-it wasn't right but truthfully I could really use it. "What kind of test?", he looks up at me with slight hate in his face. "How do you feel about shock therapy?", he jumps back at the response which I could only smirk at. Yes, I did get along with him better but personally fear is hilarious. "Wha-what the HELL T-Red!", he kicks me pushing me away slightly, "What is SHOCK Therapy ganna help with anyway?". I explain to him that we're trying to see what else activated it besides anger.

I see his grip tighten on his jeans, I pat him only to get my hand slapped. "HEY! Don't slap my robot took a while to make this!", he sticks his tongue out at me. Man, did he look cute when he stuck his tongue out. "Since we have some time why don't we do something else while we wait~?", his face turns a light pink as I move closer. "Uh-Red I don't feel c-comfortable when you get tha-that close...", I smirk and move in closer, "Is this better~", Tom froze looking a nice shade of crimson now. "Tord, no!", he shoves me back a little but I come closer again. "Why not~?", I smirk as he stutters trying to speak.

-Toms P.O.V-

"Tord seriously g-get off!", I try to push him off but he was still stubborn. "Oh come on Thomas! I was just messing with you!", he boots my nose getting off of me. I had a feeling that what he did wasn't fake, somehow that made me the slightest of happy. My old feelings started to resurface as Tord was genuinely being apologetic. "Don't EVER do that again!", my face was still slightly warm-I stuck my tongue out at him once more. We were quite after the situation so I thought about some old memories.

"Ugh stupid Tord! Going to a dance with some stupid girl he barley knows!", I kick a can walking in the rain. "Jehovah he could be so ignorant sometimes...", I hear footsteps behind me and water splashing. I turn to see Tord in a drenched suit, "H-hey Tom-didn't expect to see hear...". He pants smiling at me, "Uh-huh, so uh-you ran after me?", I laugh a little as I say it. "Ma-maybe.", he stands strait walking towards me more, "What about Violet?". He shrugged laughing slightly, "Don't tell me you left her alone...", I pinch the bridge of my nose, he then again shrugs and we begin to walk again.

•FLASHBACK END(this will be continued just wait mk?•

"TOM!", I was snapped out of my thoughts seeing Tord standing up at my doorway. "Oh right..", I get up nervously walking towards him. "Hey don't worry, I'll stop them before anything bad happens.", he pats my back giving me a sense of comfort. "Ok.". The rest of the walk was silent, occasionally i'd hear Tord mumble and shake his head. We finally arrived to a room far from others to see a nice electric chair. "That's not Theropy.", I fidget as I sit down in the chair. "Look, as I said your gonna be fine.", he whispers as he ties me into the chair. I start to breath heavily as Tord leaves the room. Shit, I was terrified by what they were gonna do. "Starting small shock now.", I hear as my body feels a light shock. They continue on and on with nothing happening, that's when it started to hurt. The pain grew more intense with each shock. I see my vision start to blur and everything turn a light shade of pink.

I was breathing heavily after the last shock-this time I let a loud scream come out of my mouth. I tried to break loose from the chains for it only to give up. I let my head limp and rest only to see commie open the door. He jerks up my face to see the pink and pain. "Jesus-are you ok Tom?", I slowly shake my head no as he unties me. "It's ok I got you, just pretend you knocked out ok?", I nod as I close my eyes. I hear Tord yell in his norski language at the scientists and rush me out of the lab. Once we're far enough Tord snickers entering what I believe to be his room. "Whoah commie, what's wrong with my room?", he just smirks setting me down on his bed. "How do you feel Tom?", I felt fine but not fine at the same time. "Eh.", I shrug trying to stay awake. "You could go to sleep you know-I won't do anything.", I nod letting my 'eyes' close and dream away.

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