The New House

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Tom tapes a box and carries it out a door. He arrives at a moving van and sets the box in the back. It's been 3 years since Tord attacked the gang, 3 years full of alcohol. Edd and Matt come out of the apartment with a few more boxes and shove them in the back of the van as well. Tom goes for his flask until he feels a hand stop him.

-Toms's P.O.V-
"Edd what the he-", I look up to see Edds sad expression. "Tom, please...", I put my flask away as he gives me a sorrowful look. Edd was letting a smile slip through, I went along with it and smiled as well. "I need to go get one more thing, I'll be right back-", I say starting to walk away. I was stopped by Matt, he held out his hand waiting for me to give him my flask. I sigh "Lame.", I hand over the flask and start to head to my old apartment. I walk in to an almost empty living room, the memories we had made here, leaving it all behind again. I chuckle remembering the night Edd and Matt played on my Wii not going to sleep till late. I enter my room to see an object that brings me joy-but so much sorrow. "Harpoons, harpoons, their better than spoons.", I hum to myself taking it off the wall.

I then remember the "incident", I had to do so much therapy cuz' of that commie. They never did find his body, what if he is sti-Edd enters the room disrupting my thoughts. "You ready?", Edd asks looking excited. My grip tightens on the harpoon behind my back "Yeah, lets get out of here.", we both shuffle out of the room. We walk toward the van, I then proceed to trip over a crack and drop the rusted harpoon.

Edd looks at me then the object that fell, "Tom you need to let go...". His voice trailed off as he helped me to my feet, I quickly pick up he object and toss it in the back of the vehicle. I feel a light pat on my shoulder and turn to see Edds smile. "But-who am I to talk, I still have one of his old hoodies...", he wipes a tear from his face and gets into the front seat. "Also you're driving.", I chuckle and hop into the drivers seat Matt was between me and Edd bragging about his looks. Matt was really annoying. I start the car and leave our old homes.

{3 hours later}

-3rd Person P.O.V-

The three arrive at a two story house with about 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms, expensive but worth it. Three more people come out to greet them, including Matilda,Tam, and Ell. The three embrace their friend and get the boxes out of the van. Tam hugs her brother one more time before showing him the room they will share. Edd and Ell share a room due to them also being siblings, while Matt and Matilda get separate rooms. They all unpack slowly, Tom was exhausted so he only unpacked his bed and special little bear. The others had almost unpacked everything by the time they had went to sleep. Soon the household was quiet, nothing could be heard except the snores coming from Tamara's mouth.

{In the Morning}

-Toms P.O.V-

I open my eyes to see a blurry figure stand over me, "Wake up-breakfast is ready!". It was Tamara, I could barely sleep through her snores last night. I sigh heavily and slowly emerge from my bed, "I'm coming.". I walk downstairs to have the smell of bacon,toast,eggs,and-COFFEE! I enter the kitchen with more hast to see a cup is already waiting for me. I take a sip of the bitter drink, not to much sugar and little milk. I loved my coffee this way, bitter with a hint of sweet. I look up to see Edd and Ell destroy the bacon. "How's the coffee?", I see Matilda look up at me with a smirk.

"You made this?" I ask, she barley does anything for anyone else. " The entire breakfast actually~", she smirked looking content with herself. I was puzzled, MATILDA COOK?! "You're lying.", I look at her with full seriousness. She looks offended, "YES I DID! With Ells help of course. Verbal instructions really can help a person.", she huffed and went for the toast. I smile grabbing a single bagel, I see everyone look in my direction. "Uh...hi?",I grab a piece of toast and place an egg with some bacon on it. The group sighs, what was going on? "Ok what the heck? Why were you just staring at me then sighing as if we avoided a natural disaster?",I say with annoyance in my voice. I felt Tamara hug me from behind, "Look at the date Tommy...". Her voice trailed off as I looked at the calendar, it was the day I shot Tord out of the sky, the day everyone declared he was dead, the day I thought would be the best day of my life. The day I dreaded for the past 3 years.

"Tom are you ok?", I hear Ells voice calmingly tell me. "Yeah, I'm fine...", I then proceeded the entire breakfast acting as if nothing was wrong. Inside my head ran through thoughts, they never found the body. As I was my dish I feel various taps on my shoulder, "Hey Tom, how about I do the dishes?" I turn to see Edd showing me a smile I nod letting him take my dish. I walk up to my room letting my real face show. I put other thoughts aside and sat down at my computer desk and turned it on.

I have work to do.

In The Future(TORDTOM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz