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The harmonies possess a sensation similar to your caress. If you asking, then I'm telling you it's yes.
~ Lauryn Hill


Naomi silently stumbled alongside of her partner as they walked up to their brownstone. She looked at him and just stared in admiration. "You know I love you right?" She mumbled. Jalen smiled and kissed her forehead before leading her in the door. "

As soon as she got to their room, Jalen went in the bathroom to start his shower. Naomi felt the need to be stimulated and the shower was the perfect place. She took her clothes off slowly and put them in their dirty clothes hamper. The cold air brushed her skin, causing her to walk to the bathroom door. As she opened it, the steam seeped out through the crack. After walking in, Naomi closed the door behind her and walked to the shower.

She stepped in with him and he immediately knew where she was going with things. She placed her hand on his chest and softly moved it down his body. He smirked before grabbing her chin and kissing her slowly. Naomi wrapped her arms around Jalen's neck as his hands moved to her pearl. His fingers twirled around it, causing her core to start throbbing.

Jalen instantly picked her up, and she rubbed her hands through his hair. She took in a bit of air, and he exhaled as he entered into her. He lovingly moved her up and down his shaft as he moved his hips into her. Naomi tilted her head back, leaving her neck open for his lips

Eventually growing tired of the position, Jalen put Yomi down and she turned off the water. "I love you so much." She moaned out before reaching her orgasm.


On the car ride to Kofi's home, Ailani had a chance to sober up a bit. "Thank you for helping me have a good time." She bit her lip as she looked at Kofi. "No problem Ailani." He smiled back. Even though Ailani was sobered up a little, Kofi wasn't completely comfortable with leaving her alone.

Ailani watched as Kofi swipes his gate key to get into his condo's parking garage. The forward motion of the car combined with the slope in the garage proved to Lani that she wasn't as sober as she thought. It felt as if her body was floating toward the back of the car.

To take her mind off of how she felt, she listened to the radio in her Mercedes to realize her favorite album was playing at the moment.

"Now the skies could fall. Not even if my boss should call. The world it seems so very small, cause nothing even matters at all. See nothing even matters, see nothing even matters at all. Nothing even matters, nothing even matters at all"

Lani swayed while she sang it. "What you know about The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill?" Kofi asked and she side-eyed him. "This is my favorite album. It's top two, and it ain't number two." She hiccuped, causing them both to laugh. "What makes it your favorite?" Kofi poked further. "I mean." She placed her index finger on her chin as she thought. "Well she perfectly explained how every stage of a relationship feels.. Th- The Love, breakup, pregnancy, even the moving on. She even explained that there are different kinds of love and that people don't have to love you back. It's a learning experience, but everybody takes- they take something different from it." She looked at him as the car parked.

"Okay. I fuck with it. So give me your top two songs." He said taking off his seatbelt. "To Zion is the best on there. Period." She laughed. "The second song is Can't Take My Eyes Off of You. It's repetitive but to listen to it on max volume is a happy vibe." She smiled letting it play in her head.

Kofi got out of the drivers seat and walked around to help Ailani out. Something about her made him trust her. Even though he met her this morning, he couldn't help but want to be there for her. "Alright. Come on." He said as he helped her out if the seat. She stumbled a bit and leaned against the car as he closed the door.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get this drunk." She said leaning into him. "It's alright." He said holding her hip tight.

Kofi arrived at his door and unlocked it quickly. He walked Ailani into his home and walked her into his guest room. He let her know where everything was for her to get herself prepared for the night.


Kofi woke up out of his sleep to the sound of knocking on his door. Thinking something was wrong Ailani he got up and opened the door. "Hey, I'm still a little paranoid and I can't sleep." She groggily mumbled. "Are you comfortable with sleeping in here?" Kofi yawned. "I can put a shirt on or whatever if you're not." He said letting her walk in.

Ailani watched him as he closed the door behind her. "No it's fine. I just want to get some rest." She yawned, walking toward the bed. "Okay well it's fine with me." He shrugged getting back in his spot.

In the morning, Kofi woke up with Ailani wrapped around him. She was sleeping comfortably now his chest and he contemplated going back to sleep, in order to keep her at peace.

Ailani opened her eyes slowly, due to all the light flowing through the large windows. She let out a groan and covered her eyes a bit causing Kofi to laugh. "Good morning sunshine." He joked, causing her to look at him. "Don't be an ass." She rolled her eyes.

"She looks so beautiful in the morning." Kofi thought as he watched her sit up next to him. "What you looking at?" She groaned again. She was suffering from a hangover and wasn't feeling it this morning. "Just admiring." He said honestly earning a smile from her. Since the office was closed on weekends, he wanted to try and get to know Lani more.

"Would you like to go out for brunch? After you go home to get ready and everything?" He asked as they both sat up in the bed together. "Yes. I would love to." She grinned. I'm gonna grab my clothes and go on home to get ready. I'll see you in about two hours?" She asked standing up. "That's good with me. See you soon." He said as she left out.

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