24 - One Step Forward

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Armand Grey saw that all were present who could be present and nodded to Water to begin. This was all the formality that this meeting would see. The Central Hall of the Circles was dark and still as dreamless night, with light concentrated only on the table Elders and the single outer circle of Leutnants, now, Fighters, in their seats. Ceiling panels and columns bore dark images of turbulent times long ago. No-one looked at them, for all knew what they forebode. Each participant was here by specific invitation and purpose. Extra steps had been taken to ensure that all other minds were excluded.

Water spoke slowly and quietly, in the native peoples way, "We must first pause to acknowledge the bravery of our brother and hero, Joe Green. He stepped into danger for the protection of dreamers, with no hesitation, even though his was not the way of conflict. He was a peaceful keeper of the river and of those who passed on it. He contributed much to great joy among his people and to those he guided. His death is a great loss to our Clan and to the Draumr community. He will be sadly missed."

There were small expressions of shared loss among the participants. Most had not known Joe, but all now felt the enormous weight of his death on their task ahead. The small group included Elders Armand Grau, Emma White, Water Green and Jake Brun. In the Leutnant Circle were Sacha, Lulu, Tom Brown and Will. Philip Grey sat behind Armand, but was not recording. There would be no record of the meeting.

Will had been unceremoniously elevated to Leutnant as sort of a battlefield promotion. He sat uncomfortably in the chair that Jack would normally fill. Jack had moved over to the counsel chair behind Armand. He had been drafted to 'headquarters' while the Elders tried to figure out both the complexities and politics of Cherry's scheme.

The conclusion drawn from all the evidence was that everything up until now was some form of stage-setting and perhaps a test of the First Circle's response. The Red Clan now knew that the Circle was quite prepared to respond on the dreamscape and to engage Draumr combatants. However, only one side had killed intentionally. They were still being tested for their commitment and their limits.

Two Draumrs had died. Both deserved equal consideration, but Joe's death in innocence seemed completely disconnected from Bobby Chervoniy's death during his savage attack on innocent dreamers and those sent to rescue them. Who had killed Bobby was still unclear. For now, discussion of his death was set aside until more was known.

The evidence collected on the northern river made it clear that a dreamer had killed Joe, under command of a Draumr interloper. There was little doubt about who had been in control. With the death count at three, everyone wondered how many would die, either in battle or as innocent bystanders as this conflict wore on.

"Thank-you, Water." Armand now spoke to the task before them. "We have now encountered both the masters and the puppets in this pantomime challenge to our principles. I'm very sure that we have only seen the first acts of this play. And I know for certain that we have not yet uncovered the entire book and score."

Jack winced silently at the extended metaphor. He preferred to deal with simple facts. Motivation was the hardest part of any prosecution. Who actually knew or could prove why someone did something?

Armand may have sensed Jack's slight frown. He continued, but now without the poetry, "We must go forward with what we know and prepare for what is unseen at this time." Here, he paused to carefully consider his next words.

"As you know, our approach to Mikilo Chervoniy did nothing to clarify his aims and motives, much less illuminate his overall plan. We were given a grand reception and then presented with what must be seen as a grand deception. We made clear that the First Circle would not tolerate the brutal actions of Red Clan family members. He is aware that all of the other Clans are aligned against him. He acknowledged that this would be a no-win situation for any single Clan and would lead to its destruction. Our threats were not veiled."

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