13 - Halls of the Circles

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The Halls of the Circles could never be built of stone and wood as they appeared to be. For one thing, the construct had no outside, only an inside. The laws of physics also argued against expanses of unsupported ceiling and colossal top-heavy columns that stood freely in open space. There was soft light but no obvious light source. Dramatically carved inserts crisscrossed the walls and ceilings; each was stained and finished to perfection. Tapestries and banners hung in free space high above the chambers. The floors were polished granite blocks in random shapes, with pencil-lead seams filled with sparkling white grout.

The dynamic spaces were always just large enough to accommodate all who were in attendance, meaning the Central Hall sometimes simply held just the hexagonal Table of the Clans, with its six pie-shaped sections, each represented by inlaid tiles and jewels in a Clan color. At other times, the Central Hall held up to a five additional tiers of suitably-themed Clan desks rising in rings like a stadium around the main event table.

Back-lit wall panels offered elaborate visual representation of past Draumr history and lore, with images that changed in response to the meeting purpose and mood. Bright and celebratory events were pictured during times of great joy; however, the theme was currently dark and somber, reflecting the concerns of the Elders. No-one ever dictated one appearance over another. The Halls simply responded to the collective sentiment and expectations of the Draumrs present in the dreamscape.

While the Central Hall was the focus of the construct, its many connecting passages and side chambers were often the more interesting places to be. Draumrs of all ages and stripes allowed their unrestricted desires and dream fantasies to play out, without pretext or embarrassment. Old friends might become lovers again, if both held good past memories. Eligible Novices and Leutnants could meet and couple without restrictions or rules, as long as they came in good spirit and shared a desire for each other.

The interior of an anteroom was often the private creation of a couple for their own use. A room might include on a single large bed or it might be a forest clearing with a bed of soft grass. Long-connected couples knew each other's preferences and could initiate a coupling by simply leading their partner into a room set up perfectly for their ongoing fantasy.

Anterooms could also be party spots where groups of friends could meet for lighter titillation and near-naked encounters, with only slightly more social constraint. This setting was frequently employed by young Draumrs, still feeling their way with interests in many potential partners. The party setting allowed for flirtation and propositioning; there was no loss of face if a connection didn't happen. As it was all a dream, monogamy wasn't expected, nor was philandering criticized, as long as feelings weren't hurt.

Those Elders and Leutnants who were all business kept to the Foyer or used adjacent anterooms they set up specifically for small meetings. Major decisions by the Elders were built on consensus; at least a four-of-six majority agreement by the Elders, or their delegates, was needed on most issues. In actual practice, issues were decided outside the Central Hall with some Elders meeting privately, then pulling in others until they had agreement by all. The discussion in the Central Hall of the Circles was mainly for the record and to communicate decisions to the full assembly. It was rare for a contentious decision to reach the floor of the Central Hall with major disagreements still in the way of going forward.

When there was a split of opinion between the Clans preventing an issue from coming to resolution, it was incumbent on the designated senior Elder to review the consequences of indecision or disagreement for all present. As Draumr inaction, or misplaced actions, closely paralleled the most disastrous conflicts in world history, this was sometimes a somber preview.

A lack of consensus on the current crisis had heightened the tension leading to the current assembly. No-one was pushing for a vote too quickly. Often things had a way of being worked out in the anterooms, through discussion or fucking; either was considered acceptable negotiating practice.

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